(株)関電工 千葉支店京葉統轄営業所

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (株)関電工 千葉支店京葉統轄営業所

住所 :

Matsuhidai, Matsudo, 〒270-2214 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Matsuhidai, Matsudo, 〒270-2214 Chiba,Japan
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工事日に連絡来ず、そして来なかっ た。 こちらから連絡をすると理由も言わず、予定が決まったら連絡しますと。 なぜ来なかったのか?との問い合わせに急な研修が入ったのでとの回答を頂きました。 工事日程は9時~5時です。その時間帯にみっちり研修してたんでしょうか。 2ヶ月前に予約をしててもこの状態なので、あまり信用できません。 次の工事での対応が良ければ追記します ※追記:前回のあと工事の日程を組み、開始となりましたが…工事途中で連絡もなく。当然翌日の工事も連絡なしのドタキャンです ★あげたくないです ※更に追記です GW前にバックレた工事の部品の調達や再工事日程について連絡をくれる予定でした…が、7月に入っても連絡来ず。 こちらから電話をしましたが電話受付の人は内容を把握しておらず、調べて折り返しますとの返答…がやっぱり2時間放置。 再度電話するも聞いてないと。 ここのホウレンソウってどうなってるんですかね
I didn't contact you on the construction day, and I didn't come It was. If you contact me from here, I will contact you when the schedule is decided without saying the reason. Why didn't you come? I received a reply that the sudden training was included in the inquiry. The construction schedule is from 9:00 to 5:00. Did you train properly during that time? Even if I make a reservation two months ago, it's still in this state, so I can't really trust it. I will add it if the correspondence in the next construction is good * Addition: The construction schedule was set after the last time, and it started ... but there was no contact during the construction. Of course, the next day's construction is also a slapstick without contact ★ I don't want to give it * Additional notes I was planning to contact you about the procurement of parts for the construction work that was backed up before the Golden Week and the re-construction schedule ... but I did not contact you even in July. I called from here, but the person at the reception desk didn't understand the contents, so I replied that I would look it up and call back ... but I left it for 2 hours. I have to call again but haven't heard. What's going on with spinach here?

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