
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 冒険松原あそび場

住所 :

Matsue, Sōka, 〒340-0013 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88978
Webサイト : http://m-asobiba.ciao.jp/
街 : Saitama

Matsue, Sōka, 〒340-0013 Saitama,Japan
さわじゅん on Google

Sandbox play clothes + adult socks must be layered for infants. Let's go with clothes and shoes that can be thrown away.
シェロまさ on Google

A place where not only children but also adults can play together
CoCo on Google

竹に生地を巻いて焼く、ロールパン(有料)が、オススメです。 子ども達が自由にものづくりや、発想をして、遊べる場所です。 ただ、無法地帯のようなので、泥や水がかかるのが嫌な方には、オススメ出来ません。
We recommend bread rolls (for a fee), which are made by wrapping dough around bamboo and baking it. It is a place where children can freely make things, think and play. However, since it is like a lawless area, it is not recommended for those who do not like mud and water.
高橋雅子 on Google

There are no rules for playing, and you can do whatever you want. My clothes and shoes get dirty, so I'm going to do that.
いちご on Google

I heard this for the first time, but children are playing with freedom. It seemed that he was refraining from doing various things in Corona, but it seems that it was good for the children to buy sweet potatoes for 100 yen and grilled potatoes. It will be muddy, so next time I will wear clothes that I don't mind getting dirty.
チャンネルken on Google

広々として見晴らしのいいプレーパークです? 小さなお子さんも楽しめますょ~♪
It is a spacious play park with a good view ? Even small children can enjoy it ~ ♪
酒井錬 on Google

秋に行きました。いつでも火が使えるので持参したおにぎりやお肉を焙ったり、竹パン(こども50円で購入出来ます)を焼いたり出来ます。ペンキ(薄めてあります)塗りや鋸、釘打ちもしました。 乗り物が沢山あり、息子は大喜びでした。 死角になる箇所が少なく、全体が見られるので親は楽です。
I went to autumn. You can use the fire anytime, so you can roast the rice balls and meat you brought with you, or bake bamboo bread (which can be purchased for 50 yen for children). I also painted (thinned), sawed, and nailed. There were many vehicles and my son was overjoyed. Parents are comfortable because there are few blind spots and the whole can be seen.
はなはな on Google

ダイナミックに遊べるところ。泥んこあそびもできるし、火にふれあうこともできる、都会ではなかなかできない遊びができます。 見守りのスタッフもいて、色々せつめいしてくれます。 釘打ちとか、のこぎりも本物を使えます。 カップラーメンとか売ってる模様。 近くには、スーパーは、ドンキくらいだし、コンビニは川の向こうにあるのでありかたいかな。
A place where you can play dynamically. You can play with mud and touch the fire, which is difficult to play in the city. There is also a watching staff, who will be happy to help you. You can also use the real thing for nailing and sawing. It seems that they sell cup ramen. It's hard to find a supermarket near Donki and a convenience store across the river.

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