いせや呉服店 江戸川区本店

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact いせや呉服店 江戸川区本店

住所 :

Matsue, Edogawa City, 〒132-0025 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.g-iseya.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Matsue, Edogawa City, 〒132-0025 Tokyo,Japan
山村護 on Google

I take pictures of my resume often, so I'm happy! ️
きりこ on Google

Thank you very much ?
いづみ on Google

A long-established kimono shop. Reasonable price, polite and kind.
木村宣行 on Google

Since the beginning of October, I went to rent a kimono for coming-of-age ceremony. The customer service is very good and I am satisfied. The photo should be taken in November before the coming-of-age ceremony, and should be borrowed twice on the day of the ceremony. It was like a long-established local store. The price is also reasonable. I want the locals to know more.
JUJU Nico on Google

I asked for the shichi - go - festival of seven years old here. Of course it is first class. Unlike other chain store photo galleries, we prepare carefully while considering children without being chased by time. Since I wanted to wear a dress rather than kimono, I took it from kimono first, and my favorite dress took a lot of time taking a picture. The album was also very nice finish. I'd like to ask for an adult ceremony too.
ナナにゃんこ(ナナにゃんこ) on Google

とても素敵な老舗呉服屋さんです。 振袖選びの際には親身になって対応して下さいます。地元の皆さんにはとくにおすすめです。事情があり成人式でお世話になることはかないませんでしたが、振袖の種類も多く(吊り下げで選びやすい)老舗ならではの的確なアドバイスもたいへんありがたかったです。
It is a very nice long-established kimono shop. When choosing furisode, please be kind to us. Especially recommended for locals. Due to circumstances, I couldn't take care of him at the coming-of-age ceremony, but I was very grateful for the accurate advice unique to a long-established store with many types of furisode (easy to choose by hanging).
きょうりゅうらぶ on Google

When choosing a kimono and the person who dressed it, he was always smiling and very polite. Even though I made various requests, I was glad that he praised me for being suitable. However, regarding the make-up that I had at the time of the previous shoot, I had a very bad attitude, did not show a smile, and did it with a work-like feeling. It's a shame because I could easily say intimidating attitudes and words that hurt people. I was looking forward to taking a pre-shoot because I met a very nice kimono, but I couldn't laugh because of the make-up, and I almost cried. Hair and makeup may be free, but I don't think there can be such an attitude toward serving customers. Also, it's a little disappointing to see that people around me can't say anything even though they're looking at it. The shop itself is nice, but it's ruined by Make-san. Not suitable. I want you to improve so that no one like me will be sad.
SAとち on Google

大学の卒業式で袴を探していました。 娘の体格が良く有名なレンタル屋で2件断られ諦めモードでいせやさんにお伺いしました。初めから担当してくれた方がとても親切丁寧で何度も色々なお着物を着付けしていただき満足のいく袴選びが出来ました。前撮りも同じ方でシャッターを押すたびに綺麗ですね!などと声をかけてもらい嬉しそうな娘の姿を見て本当にいせやさんにお願いして良かったと思いました。 当日もしっかりと着付けをしていただいたので雨でしたが着崩れすることなく無事に卒業式を終えることが出来ました。いせやさんには感謝しかありません。また他のスタッフの方々も笑顔で対応していただきありがとうございました。 改めて丸茂さんありがとうございました!
I was looking for a hakama at the graduation ceremony of the university. I asked Mr. Iseya in the mode of giving up because two cases were refused at a famous rental shop with a good physique of my daughter. The person in charge from the beginning was very kind and polite, and I was able to choose a hakama that I was satisfied with by wearing various kimonos many times. The pre-shoot is also beautiful every time you press the shutter with the same person! I was glad to ask Mr. Iseya to see her happy daughter. It was raining because I was dressed firmly on the day, but I was able to finish the graduation ceremony safely without losing my clothes. I'm just grateful to Mr. Iseya. Also, thank you to all the other staff members for their support with a smile. Thank you again, Mr. Marushige!

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