コルモピア 松戸新田店

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact コルモピア 松戸新田店

住所 :

Matsudo Shinden, Matsudo, 〒270-2241 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : https://colmopia.com/shopd/matsudo
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–9PM
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
Wednesday 10AM–9PM
Thursday 10AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–9PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

びゅうプラザ優佳駅 on Google

There are many contradictory remarks, and there are many Babaa clerks who do not have a customer service attitude. I won't go again
渡邊友美 on Google

色々、売ってます。 安いのでコスパがいいです。
I sell various things. Cospa is good because it is cheap.
sayaka on Google

季節終わりのセールがとても安いです。 家からょっと遠いのでなかなかタイミングが合わないのですが、セールに出会ったら子供服を買ってます。
The end-of-season sale is very cheap. It's a little far from my house so it's hard to get the timing right, but when I meet the sale, I buy children's clothes.
濱田智世 on Google

There were various shops and I enjoyed it www (* ^^ *)
増田智子 on Google

The items are organized and easy to see. In addition, the clerk's response is also good ?
マロンのお母ちゃん on Google

I like the Colmopia, which is fairly narrow, because the store with a wide sales floor is tired because it is hard to decide. The prices are cheap and I do shopping without looking up.
たけだたろう on Google

The customer service is the lowest. There are no basic terms. I bought only one item, but I didn't say the amount and didn't ask if I had a point card for the summit. There is no confirmation of the bag. It is the worst customer service. It's a comfortable workplace.
ぽぴぽぴ on Google

品数少なめ。若者よりも年配者向けの商品がメインではあるが、しまむら並に安い。 駐車場は広いが他の店舗も併設されるので停めるのもやっとなときがある。土日は駐車場内が渋滞起きるので時間には余裕を持って。

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