
3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 丸岡医院

住所 :

Matsubaraminami, Sakata, 〒998-0841 Yamagata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://maruoka.or.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:30AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–12:30PM
Thursday 8:30AM–12:30PM
Friday 8:30AM–12:30PM
街 : Yamagata

Matsubaraminami, Sakata, 〒998-0841 Yamagata,Japan
ki ki on Google

梅津春香 on Google

箱蘇之物 on Google

T911 on Google

I went to a gynecologic outpatient clinic and I am glad that I was able to explain it exactly! I will go again!
Yasushi Seino on Google

We asked them to explain the results of the examination in an easy-to-understand manner.
smile LOVE on Google

何回も行ってるのに 初診の扱い。 通い初めて一年たつというのに、 「今日はどうしましたか?」 「それは いつからなの?」 一ヶ月に一度来てくださいと言われてるから、いってるのに 毎回同じ質問。 通い初めて数ヵ月たつから、 「数ヵ月前からです。」 と答えると 「どうして もっと早くこないの!」 って。。。 カルテを見て前回来た内容や診察内容を確認していないのがよくわかる。 薬も間違えて出された。 処方される前に 薬局の人が気づいてくれたから良かったけど… 紹介状を出してもらえるように頼んだら 机をバン!って叩いて はい。で終わり。 こんな医者ってあり⁉️
Even though I've been there many times, it's my first visit. It's been a year since I first visited, but "What did you do today?" "When did it start?" I was asked to come once a month, so I asked the same question every time. It's been a few months since I first went there, "From a few months ago." When you answer "Why don't you come earlier!" What? .. .. It is easy to see that I did not confirm the contents that came last time and the contents of the medical examination by looking at the chart. The medicine was mistakenly given. I'm glad people at the pharmacy noticed me before I was prescribed ... If you ask me to give you a letter of introduction Hit the desk with a bang! Ends with. There is such a doctor ⁉️
M Kei on Google

Maruoka likes blood tests and wants to do it once every two months. However, there is no such thing as examining the results and changing the type or amount of the drug. It may be recommended for those who feel safe just being inspected.
アントワーヌYz on Google

心療内科受診です。 先生はかなりぶっきらぼう。 初診のときは血液検査などして色々教えてもらえましたが、今回はあっさりと終了。 診察時間は2分あったかな。 医者ってこんなに患者をテキトーに扱ってもいいんだ……と落ち込みました。 ここは予約制でないので混んでたら何十分も待たなければなりません。 それでこんな診察だとがっかりです。 正直、お金と時間をムダにしたと感じました。 お会計は¥1650でした。 ここはいきなり抗うつ剤を勧めずに漢方を出してくれるので印象は良かったのですが……。 私はもう二度と行かないと思いますが、 ・先生の性格、態度は重視しない。 ・漢方を試したい。 という方は行ってみるのもいいかもしれません。 あと、ここは前のクリニックの紹介状が無くても受診可能(要確認)なので精神系のセカンドオピニオンはしやすいです。 駐車場が狭いので行くなら軽がおすすめ。
It is a psychosomatic medicine consultation. The teacher is pretty blunt. At the first visit, I was taught various things such as blood tests, but this time it ended easily. I wonder if the consultation time was 2 minutes. I was depressed that the doctor could treat the patient so much. This is not a reservation system, so if it gets crowded, you will have to wait for tens of minutes. That's why I'm disappointed with this kind of examination. To be honest, I felt that I wasted money and time. The bill was ¥ 1650. I was impressed by the fact that they suddenly offered Chinese medicine without recommending antidepressants. I don't think I'll ever go again, ・ Do not emphasize the teacher's personality and attitude. ・ I want to try Chinese medicine. Those who say it may be good to go. Also, it is easy to get a second opinion on the psychiatric system because you can get a medical examination here without a letter of introduction from the previous clinic (confirmation required). The parking lot is small, so if you go, light is recommended.

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