スマイルプラン歯科クリニック西宮 - Nishinomiya

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact スマイルプラン歯科クリニック西宮

住所 :

Matsubaracho, Nishinomiya, 〒662-0912 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8798
Postal code : 662-0912
Webサイト : https://www.smileplan-nishinomiya.com/
街 : Hyogo

Matsubaracho, Nishinomiya, 〒662-0912 Hyogo,Japan
山本栄吉 on Google

They will treat you on time, and the teachers and staff will treat you kindly and politely, which is very pleasant! ️?
M K on Google

親知らず抜歯しに受診しました。 他にも歯医者に行ったことありますが、抜歯でほとんど痛みを感じなかったのははじめてです。 麻酔時のチクッとする程度であとは無痛でした。 女性の先生でした。 非常に技術が高いと思います
I had a wisdom tooth extraction. I've been to a dentist, but it's the first time I've had almost no pain with tooth extraction. It was painless to the extent that it was tingling during anesthesia. I was a female teacher. I think the technology is very high
西山勇男 on Google

I hate dentists! It was painful and scary, and that was the image. It's been a long time since I was taken care of, but he is a very kind and homely dentist. The name I chose this dentist was Smile. I wanted to have my beautiful teeth treated and be able to smile naturally. It makes me lonely when I think it will end when the time comes. LOL
あきよしけい on Google

西宮に引っ越ししてきて、目についたので受診させて頂きました。 新しくできた様子です。 なぜか分かりませんが、昔から新しい歯医者はあまり良くないと聞いたことがあるのですが…わたくし的にはその通りでした。 雇われ院長でしょうか?医療法人は採算が合わないとすぐに閉院してしまうとネットでみましたが…どうでしょうか? 新しいので清潔感があるところは良いと思います。
I moved to Nishinomiya and noticed it, so I went to see him. It looks like it's new. I don't know why, but I've heard that new dentists aren't very good for a long time ... I'm right. Is it a hired director? I've seen online that medical corporations will close soon if they aren't profitable, but what about? It's new, so I think it's nice to have a clean feeling.
正浩 on Google

It is very convenient that you can park your car for free on the 1st floor of the JR Nishinomiya station intersection and near the station by car. I love how the dental clinic has a very modern and hygienic interior. I am very happy with the fact that the alignment of teeth is becoming more and more beautiful, even though the director, Dr. Hajime, the dental hygienist, and the staff are all young and have the latest technology and equipment. Thank you in the future.
s m on Google

虫歯と歯周病の治療で通院しています。 新しく綺麗で清潔で、先生の丁寧な施術と事前の説明もして下さり、安心してお任せ出来ます。 スタッフの皆さんもの対応も良く歯医者さんの怖いイメージは全くありません。本当にオススメの歯医者さんです。
I am visiting the hospital for the treatment of tooth decay and periodontal disease. It is new, clean and clean, and the teacher's careful treatment and explanation in advance will allow you to rest assured. The staff are all very responsive and there is no scary image of the dentist. It is a really recommended dentist.
ろーりんぐたま on Google

下の水平埋伏親知らず2本同時抜歯でお世話になりました! もし抜歯で悩まれている方、かかりつけ医で断られた方は本当にオススメです!! 私は矯正のための抜歯で、かかりつけ医に紹介された総合病院では二本同時なら2泊の入院になる、日帰りなら一本ずつ(大きな病院なので予約は数カ月先)といわれ、どうにか日帰りで二本抜歯してもらえるところをさがしていてこちらの病院を見つけました。 電車で50分ほどかかりますが、こちらにお願いして本当に良かったです! まず受付から治療までとてもスムーズ。 無駄話がなくサクサク進めてくれます。 そして術中ですが痛みは全くなし!麻酔をしっかりしてくれるので無感覚です。2本を30分ほどで抜いて頂き驚きました。 一番嬉しかったのは術中も、大丈夫?あと少しで終わりますなどのお声がけをしてくださったことです。顎関節症なので長い時間口を開けていることが辛かったのですが、関節をマッサージして頂き助かりました。 総合病院担当医やかかりつけ医には、術後とても痛いよ、二本同時抜歯はオススメしないと言われ、ネットでも術後の記事をみていたので痛みを覚悟していましたが、当日夜にジンジンとする程度で処方された頓服薬で問題なしでした。翌日も痛みなし。 他のお医者さんが痛いから覚悟してねなどどちらかというと脅すような不安にさせるような話し方でしたがこちらの先生は大丈夫!と安心させてくれました。 痛みは個人差があると思いますが、術後痛みも開口も問題なく快適に過ごせるのも先生の技術の賜物だとおもいます。治療時間と術後の痛みは比例するそうなので無駄のないスピーディな治療をしていただくことが大事かと思います。 西宮在住ならこちらで矯正もお世話になりたかったです。。 長々と書きましたがかかりつけ医に抜歯を断られた方、忙しくて複数同時抜歯を考えている方、本当にオススメです!! 初診当日に抜歯していただき本当に助かりました。 池畠先生本当にありがとうございました。
I was taken care of by extracting two horizontal impacted wisdom teeth at the same time! If you are suffering from tooth extraction or refused by your doctor, I really recommend it! !! I have tooth extractions for orthodontics, and at the general hospital introduced by my family doctor, it is said that if you have two at the same time, you will be hospitalized for two nights, and if you go on a day trip, you will be hospitalized one by one (reservations are several months ahead because it is a large hospital). I was looking for a place to have my teeth extracted and found this hospital. It takes about 50 minutes by train, but I'm really glad to ask you! First of all, it is very smooth from reception to treatment. There is no wasteful talk and it goes smoothly. And during the operation, there is no pain at all! It is insensitive because it provides good anesthesia. I was surprised to have two of them pulled out in about 30 minutes. What made me most happy was that it was okay during the operation? He said that it would be over in a little while. I had a hard time keeping my mouth open for a long time because of temporomandibular disorders, but it was helpful to have my joints massaged. The doctor in charge of the general hospital and my family doctor told me that it hurts very much after the operation, so I don't recommend extracting two teeth at the same time, and I was prepared for the pain because I saw the article after the operation on the internet, but Jin Jin on the night of the day. There was no problem with the prescribed medication. No pain the next day. It was a rather threatening and disturbing way of speaking, such as being prepared for other doctors because it hurts, but this teacher is okay! Reassured me. I think that the pain varies from person to person, but I think it is the result of the teacher's skill that I can spend comfortably without any problems with postoperative pain and opening. It seems that the treatment time is proportional to the postoperative pain, so I think it is important to have a lean and speedy treatment. If you live in Nishinomiya, I wanted to take care of the correction here. .. I wrote it for a long time, but I really recommend it to those who have been refused tooth extraction by their family doctor, or those who are busy and are thinking about multiple simultaneous tooth extractions! !! It was really helpful to have my teeth extracted on the day of my first visit. Thank you very much, Professor Ikehata.
mi mimi on Google

The receptionist was unfriendly, so the first impression was bad, but the hygiene staff was polite, pleasant, and pleasant, so I went to the hospital. I was relieved that the teacher was a young female teacher who explained the number of treatments and the progress of the treatment properly. I will visit you again at the regular checkup.

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