
4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 嵐の湯松伏

住所 :

Matsuba, Matsubushi, Kitakatsushika District, 〒343-0112 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8898
Webサイト : http://www.arashinoyu-matsubushi.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 11AM–9PM
Tuesday 11AM–9PM
Wednesday 11AM–9PM
Thursday 11AM–9PM
Friday 11AM–9PM
街 : Saitama

Matsuba, Matsubushi, Kitakatsushika District, 〒343-0112 Saitama,Japan
Sayaka Matsushita on Google

こちらに長いこと通ってます。 ここで大量に汗を流した日はよく眠れて、疲れもすっきりしています。 体重が少し増えてもここに行くとリセットされるんじゃないかと思うくらい体が軽くなって調子がいいです。 気さくなお店の方とのおしゃべりも楽しみの一つ!たぶん松伏に住む限り、通い続けます。
I've been here for a long time. On days when I sweat a lot here, I can sleep well and feel refreshed. Even if I gain a little weight, I feel light and in good condition so that I think it will be reset if I go here. One of the pleasures is to chat with the friendly shop staff! Maybe as long as I live in Matsubushi, I will continue to go.
るみるみ(るみちゃん) on Google

足のむくみがスッキリします。なぜか?髪の毛がツルツル、サラサラになります。 入浴後はちょっと疲れるから、週に1度くらいの利用をさせていただいています。 スタッフさんたちがとてもフレンドリーで親切です。 施設は、シャワールームも、休憩室も、パウダールームも、どこもかしこも、髪の毛1本落ちていないという清潔さで、本当に気持ち良く過ごせます。
The swelling of the feet is refreshing. why? The hair becomes smooth and smooth. I get tired after bathing, so I use it once a week. The staff are very friendly and helpful. The facility is really clean, with no showers, break rooms, powder rooms, nowhere else, and no hair has fallen.
ごっち on Google

久しぶりに行きました。 嵐の湯最高です。 スタッフの方も親切。 施設内もとにかくきれい。 清潔感はんぱない。 また行きます。
I went there for the first time in a long time. Storm hot water is the best. The staff are also kind. The inside of the facility is very clean. There is no sense of cleanliness. I will go again.
Y T on Google

関東甲信越、東北エリアの 他店に行ったことがあります あえて他店との比較で書きます できたばかりではなく オープン3年程度らしいですが 施設内の清掃をしっかり やってると思います 一番キレイな店舗です 価格も2000円は良心的 他店は値上げしたところあるので 2000円を超えないのは良い 入浴については温度が若干低めです どの店も統一だと思ってましたが 天井が高く、窓も何個かあり 温度を上げにくい環境の違いが ここにはあるっぽいです 普段の◯分◯セットという 自分パターンがこの店だと 変わってきます 3時間制限ありますが、 時間いっぱい使わないと 普段通りの汗の出にならない 自分はそんな印象を持ちました 時間使ってゆっくり汗を出したい、 熱いのが苦手という方には 向いてる店だと思います
Kanto Koshinetsu, Tohoku area I have been to other stores I dare to write in comparison with other stores Not just made It seems to be about 3 years open Firmly clean the facility I think I'm doing it The most beautiful store The price is also conscientious at 2000 yen Other stores have raised prices, so It is good not to exceed 2000 yen The temperature is slightly lower for bathing I thought all the stores were unified The ceiling is high and there are some windows The difference in the environment where it is difficult to raise the temperature It seems to be here It's called the usual ◯ minute ◯ set If my pattern is this store Will change There is a 3 hour limit, I have to spend all my time Doesn't sweat as usual I had such an impression I want to spend time and sweat slowly, For those who are not good at hot I think it's a good store
タカタカ on Google

Inhale mineral vapor warmed with 15 kinds of medicinal stones from your body through your nose and sweat a lot to detox! ️Minerals are absorbed in the body and make you feel better! ️The cool place and the changing room are always beautiful ❗
鈴木京子 on Google

It's a bedrock bath, but it's a way to dive into the pebbles on the floor. For the first time, my body sweats with an incredibly strange smell. Please bring your own towel and take a look. The facility is very clean.
Yu on Google

The inside of the facility is clean. The correspondence of the staff is also very good. All-you-can-drink water is also a good place. The price is higher than that of a hot spring facility, but I sweat more than twice, so I feel that I have become healthy from the inside of my body.

I went there for the first time. The inside of the store was clean and the clerk explained it carefully. After taking a shower, head to the stone bath. A set that goes in for 10 minutes and goes out to rest. It's my first time, so the clerk asked me if it was 3 sets, but I was greedy and 4 sets. Staying for about an hour will make you sweat enough. I wasn't satisfied without more bedrock baths, but this was effective in a short time. Moreover, the first time, the skin feels smooth and the hair feels smooth. I want to go there regularly from now on.

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