Matano Park Yokohama Yakudai Stadium - Yokohama

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Matano Park Yokohama Yakudai Stadium

住所 :

俣野公園内 1367-1 Matanocho, Totsuka Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 245-0066, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 245-0066
Webサイト :

俣野公園内 1367-1 Matanocho, Totsuka Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 245-0066, Japan
神戸俊哉 on Google

BCリーグ 神奈川フューチャードリームズ対福島レッドホープスの試合を観に来ました⚾️。旧・ドリームランド跡地と言う事で思い出深い場所でした?
I came to see the match between BC League Kanagawa Future Dreams and Fukushima Red Hopes ⚾️. It was a memorable place because it was the site of the former Dreamland ?
Kou K on Google

旧横浜ドリームランド跡地を活用し、整備された俣野公園内の施設の野球場。 2008年オープン。横浜市の所有で市の外郭団体「財団法人横浜市緑の協会」が指定管理者として運営管理。 2009年ネームクラインツにより隣接する横浜薬科大学から「横浜薬大スタジアム」の名称に。 両翼99m、センター122m。 内野スタンド3000席・外野芝生2000人、計5000人収容。 内野クレイ、外野天然芝、スコアボード磁気反転式。 交通手段として戸塚駅よりバス利用が主要。湘南台、大船駅も可。 車利用で駐車場もあるが制限有り。 どの駅からも距離がり、高台にあるので徒歩ではキツイ。 戸塚駅からのバス利用では、国道1号を行路とするので渋滞が予想され、時間が読めない。 バス停近くにローソンがあるので、飲食物はここで。 高校野球神奈川県大会などに活用されている。 周りに市営のドリームハイツという高層団地に囲まれる。
A baseball stadium in the facility in Matano Park, which was developed using the site of the former Yokohama Dreamland. Opened in 2008. It is owned by the city of Yokohama and is operated and managed by the affiliated organization "Yokohama City Green Association" as a designated manager. In 2009, the name was changed from the adjacent Yokohama University of Pharmacy to "Yokohama Yakudai Stadium" by Name Kleinz. Both wings 99m, center 122m. The infield stand has 3000 seats and the outfield lawn has 2000 people, for a total of 5000 people. Infield clay, outfield natural turf, scoreboard magnetic reversal type. The main means of transportation is by bus from Totsuka Station. Shonandai and Ofuna station are also available. There is a parking lot for cars, but there are restrictions. It's a long walk from any station and it's on a hill, so it's hard to walk. When using the bus from Totsuka Station, the route is National Highway No. 1, so traffic jams are expected and the time cannot be read. There is Lawson near the bus stop, so you can eat and drink here. It is used for high school baseball Kanagawa prefectural tournaments. Surrounded by a high-rise housing complex called Dream Heights, which is managed by the city.
ただスポーツが好きな某県民 on Google

2008年開場。2009年から命名権で「俣野公園横浜薬大スタジアム」となっている。バス停も「俣野公園・横浜薬大前」である。 両翼99m中堅122mと大きめの球場。 ただスタンドは少なめ。(5000人) いかにも地方球場のような造りだ。 戸塚駅から徒歩では30分近くかかりそうだ。(一応大船駅や戸塚駅からバスがある) あの横浜ドリームランドの跡地。 画像は2019年4月13日に行われた春季神奈川県大会3回戦 鎌倉学園vs横浜商業の試合。
Opened in 2008. It has been named "Matano Park Yokohama Yakudai Stadium" since 2009. The bus stop is also "Matano Park/Yokohama Yakudaimae". A large stadium with both wings 99m and midsize 122m. However, there are few stands. (5,000 people) It's built like a local stadium. It takes about 30 minutes on foot from Totsuka Station. (There are buses from Ofuna Station and Totsuka Station) The site of that Yokohama Dreamland. The image shows the third round of the Kanagawa Prefecture Spring Games held on April 13, 2019. Kamakura Gakuen vs Yokohama Commercial Match.
高橋智明 on Google

中学生の野球大会で訪れました。たくさんの緑に囲まれた地域の皆さんの公園です。園内には売店もあります。近隣にコンビニもあり、便利さも◯ 駐車場もありますがこちらは有料ですよ。
I visited at a junior high school baseball tournament. It is a park for everyone in the area surrounded by a lot of greenery. There is also a shop in the park. There is a convenience store nearby, which is convenient and there is a parking lot, but there is a charge.
7A day on Google

スタジアムには入ったことは有りませんが周辺の公園が最高。ドリームランドの跡地だけあって広くて木々に恵まれてお散歩するには持って来いです。広いグラウンドのような場所にはソーシャルディスタンスを保ってテントを張られている家族が多いのも時代を反映していますねー。 駐車場が1時間100円なのも嬉しい!
I have never been to the stadium, but the surrounding parks are the best. There is only the site of Dreamland, so it is wide and blessed with trees, so bring it for a walk. It reflects the times that many families keep their social distance and set up tents in places like large grounds. I'm glad that the parking lot is 100 yen per hour!
jun color on Google

A very beautiful stadium. Convenience store is also nearby. The parking lot is also very nice at 500 yen a day.
大竹隆 on Google

The central square is wide and you can run with your dog to your heart's content. The parking lot is large and there are many cars. There is also a point where you can see Mt. Fuji. I'm updating the playset for children now, so I think it will be even better.
横田栄一 on Google

Great for post-illness rehabilitation and walking courses! The number of radio calisthenics and baseball games has increased, and it has become more lively. Otani-kun and the Olympics are good, but the liveliness of sports is good!

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