白石城 三階櫓

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 白石城 三階櫓

住所 :

Masuokacho, Shiroishi, 〒989-0251 Miyagi,Japan

Webサイト : https://www.shiroishi-navi.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday 9AM–5PM
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM
街 : Miyagi

Masuokacho, Shiroishi, 〒989-0251 Miyagi,Japan
Cheng on Google

The service staff is super friendly and the samurai uniform experience is fun! The peaches and black tea cream sold in small shops outside the city are delicious!
Jun Matsumoto on Google

It's a small castle tower, but it has a taste. I didn't see the roof lord even on the slope, so it was fresh.
Akkey IIDA on Google

105白石城、続100名城スタンプ設置場所。 ・白石城天守閣 にあります。 仙台藩の支城だったため、幕府へはばかって天守ではなく大櫓としたのだそうです。
105 Shiroishi Castle, the next 100 places Castle Stamp Place. ・ Shiroishi Castle castle tower It is in. Because it was a branch castle of the Sendai clan, it seemed that it was a fool of the shogunate, not a castle tower.
ken “kenken” ken on Google

It is a small but beautiful castle made of wood. The castle tower is windy and cool.
hiroyuki sakai on Google

3階からは白石市街を一望できる。 眺めは良いけど入り口、二階、三階へ続く階段は結構急で登りづらいので年配の人にはきついけど忠実に再現したのだろうから仕方ないかと思う。 写真は3階で階段は本当に急だから登る人は気をつけて。
From the 3rd floor, you can overlook Shiraishi city. The view is good, but the stairs leading to the entrance, the second floor, and the third floor are quite steep and difficult to climb, so it is difficult for seniors to reproduce, but I think that it was faithfully reproduced, so I think it can be helped. The photo is on the 3rd floor, and the stairs are really steep, so be careful when climbing.
Atsushi UDONO on Google

Although it is a restoration, it is made of wood based on historical research, the stairs are steep, and I am excited to remember the appearance of the past.
tokyo f on Google

白石を一望できる天守閣、風も吹いて気持ち良い。 木造建築、宮大工の仕事で、釘は使っていない。 ここまで立派に再築するのも凄いことだと思う。 これは大切にしていってほしい。
The castle tower overlooks Shiraishi, and the wind blows well. He does not use nails in the work of wooden architecture and carpenters. I think it would be great to rebuild so well. I want you to take care of this.
masa mura on Google

This is the place where the 105 Shiroishi Castle stamps are placed in 100 castles in Japan Admission fee is required, but the view from above was good.

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