
1.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 大阪府池田子ども家庭センター

住所 :

Masumicho, Ikeda, 〒563-0041 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87788
Webサイト : https://www.pref.osaka.lg.jp/ikedakodomo/
街 : Osaka

Masumicho, Ikeda, 〒563-0041 Osaka,Japan
田中陽子 on Google

k okuda on Google

It's a response that doesn't look like a child.
way tu on Google

The only thing I could do was make up the story and ignore the intentions of the other party. Please be careful.
玉元昌彦 on Google

I've been enjoying my child away from my parents for 4 years I'm doing it as if I didn't have a high-high even if I requested it. Report what you are doing with kidnapping and confinement

ホームページには配偶者暴力に対応するとかいてあるが、職員は子どものためのダイヤルなので、女性の暴力被害については一切話を聞けないとのことだった。ホームページを改訂した方がいいと思う。 母親という生き物を嫌っている。 母親が配偶者とその母親からの経済的暴力を受け、身体の麻痺や肺炎でも子どもも自分も通院できない状況であるとか、 母親が子どもから暴力を受け、事件発覚を恐れた夫に通院を阻まれ、縫わなければ治らない後頭部の殺傷の治療を受けることができないとか、 教育費を貯めようとパートでお金を貯めようとしているものを、お前の名義で貯金するなどお前のわがままだと訳の分からない理由で夫にお金を巻き上げられて、教育費奪還のため取り返すと、泥棒と自信たっぷりに母親を脅すDV夫の話を真に受け、 そういう母親の受ける暴力には対応していないらしい。 子どもの生活を守りたい母親の敵だが、 母親をやっつけたい子どもの味方になってくれる。 ただし、里親制度が宗教団体の収入源になっているので、親をやっつけたあとは、宗教団体の施設に送られることになる。 里親は、スポーツができたり身体能力が優れた子や、一芸持っているいわゆるできのいい子を仕入れたがっている。 親に健康的に育てられた子の反抗期などは狙い目だ。 その一方で、母親がDVを受けていて、肺炎なのに入院させることができない弱い子どもなどあまり興味がないのも、そういう理由かもしれない。 誰かが誰かを助けることには必ず裏があると分からせてくれる場所だった。 この記事は、数が少なくとも同じ目に遭った人に生き延びてほしいとの祈りから書いている。
The website says that it will deal with spouse violence, but since the staff is a dial for children, it is said that they can not hear anything about the violence of women. I think you should revise the homepage. I hate the creature of my mother. The situation is such that the mother is suffering from financial violence from her spouse and her mother, and neither the child nor herself can go to the hospital due to physical paralysis or pneumonia. The mother was violent by her child, and her husband, who was afraid of discovering the incident, prevented her from going to the hospital, and she could not be treated for occipital murder that could not be cured without sewing. If you try to save money in a part-time job to save education expenses, your husband will roll up the money for reasons that you do not understand, such as saving in your name, and you will recover it to recover education expenses , Truely told the story of a domestic violence husband who threatens his mother with a thief and confidence It seems that it does not respond to the violence that such mothers receive. A mother's enemy who wants to protect her child's life, It will be on the side of the child who wants to beat his mother. However, since the foster parent system is a source of income for religious groups, they will be sent to religious groups' facilities after defeating their parents. Foster parents want to buy children who can play sports and have excellent physical abilities, and so-called well-made children who have a trick. The aim is the rebellious period of a child raised by a parent in good health. On the other hand, that may be the reason why mothers are not very interested in weak children who have domestic violence and cannot be hospitalized even though they have pneumonia. It was a place that made me realize that there was always a back side to helping someone. This article is written from a prayer for those who have at least the same number to survive.
around 40バンザイ on Google

里親担当のTもと、という年配の女性は、夏期、クールビズのつもりかなんだか知らないが、面談をノースリーブで肩にヒラヒラのついた服で対応していました。公務員には服務規定があり、服装もまた市民や利用者からの信用を得られるようわきまえるべきだが、不快感しかなかったです。二の腕を露出して公務?おかしいくないですか?? 遊びか!と言いたくなる服装、そしてそれを注意しない内部の人間たち。福祉に従事してますといった顔して偉そうなことをいうわりに、そういった初歩的なことがなっていないし、説得力もないですね。私たちの税金で、あの女性たちに給料が支払われていると思うと、腹が立ちます。『税金なんとか』ってやつですか。池田子ども家庭センターは以前から評判が悪いが、本当に職員の意識やレベルが低いです!!
An elderly woman named T, who is in charge of foster care, did not know if she intended to be Cool Biz in the summer, but she was interviewed in sleeveless clothes with fluttering shoulders. Civil servants have service regulations, and clothes should also be known to earn the trust of citizens and users, but it was only unpleasant. Exposing your upper arm for public affairs? Isn't it strange? ?? Is it play! The clothes that make you want to say, and the people inside who don't pay attention to it. Despite the fact that he is engaged in welfare and looks great, that kind of rudimentary thing is not done and it is not convincing. It makes me angry to think that our taxes are paying those women. Is it "tax somehow"? The Ikeda Children's Family Center has a bad reputation for a long time, but the awareness and level of the staff is really low! !!
子どもと日本の未来を創るたかさん on Google

関西テレビの報道にあった通り、こちらの児童福祉司と裁判官とのやりとりが明らかになった。裁判所が出した判断に従わなかった児童福祉司が裁判官に問い詰められ言葉に詰まる様子が目に浮かぶ状況である。裁判所でさえ、保護者が虐待する様な人物でない事、状況から虐待では無く、事故であった事が証拠から推測され、刑事事件にも該当しない事から、家庭へ帰す準備、児相側の鑑定書の検証をする目的での一時保護延長を承認した。それに対して、児相側は家庭に帰すのではなく、保護者の意向に反して施設入所を強行するための承認申請を裁判所に出した(児童福祉法28条に基づく審判)。裁判所は帰せると判断したにも関わらず、真逆の判断を児相が行った。裁判官のメンツを潰す様な対応をしたという事だ。もちろん、裁判官は児童福祉法に基づく正しい判断をした訳である。所が、児相側はそれぞれの対応の根拠が法令、ガイドラインに適合しているとは言い難く、「支援」という言葉を使いつつ中身を曖昧にしている。虐待の有無に関係なく、「支援」は必要として裁判官に逆らってでも施設入所を強行しようとしたのだ。これでは支援イコール施設入所強行と言う事になってしまう。裁判官に問い詰められ帰せない理由はケガが100%事故かどうか白黒付けられない以上虐待の可能性があるからという無茶苦茶な言い訳であった。帰した後に何かあれば責められるからという保身から来ているとしか考えられない大人の都合での強権行使であった。 詳しくはたかさんのYouTubeチャンネルにて解説しております。
As reported on Kansai TV, the interaction between the child welfare officer and the judge was revealed. The situation is that a child welfare officer who did not follow the judgment issued by the court was questioned by the judge and was stuffed with words. Even in the court, it is presumed from the evidence that the guardian is not a person who abuses, it was not an abuse but an accident, and it does not correspond to a criminal case, so preparations for returning to home, the child minister's side Approved a temporary extension of protection for the purpose of verifying the certificate. On the other hand, the child minister submitted an application for approval to the court to force him to enter the facility against the wishes of his parents, instead of returning him to his home (a referee based on Article 28 of the Child Welfare Act). The child minister made the exact opposite decision, even though the court ruled that it could be attributed. It means that he responded to crush the judges. Of course, the judge made the right decision based on the Child Welfare Act. However, it is difficult for the child minister to say that the grounds for each response comply with laws and guidelines, and the content is ambiguous while using the word "support." With or without abuse, he tried to force him into the facility, even against the judge, as he needed "support." In this case, it will be forced to enter the support equal facility. The reason why the judge was questioned and couldn't return was an unreasonable excuse that there was a possibility of abuse as long as the injury could not be black and white whether it was a 100% accident. It was an exercise of power for the convenience of an adult who can only be thought of as coming from self-protection because he would be blamed if something happened after he returned. Details are explained on Taka-san's YouTube channel.
Youxin Song on Google

It is an institution in Osaka prefecture that receives consultations as needed due to developmental disabilities. Consultations and surveys related to the healthy development of children and children's disabilities are stipulated as duties, but each therapist can support a wide range of genres. If you need investigation and examination for developmental disabilities, and if you need medical treatment, you will be kindly taught the procedure after that, and if not, what kind of measures you can take. Unlike overseas, it is a little troublesome to consult horizontally (for each process) rather than vertically, and it is a little troublesome to consult at the city hall level or the prefecture level, but it is not bad because you can support me so that you can bridge well.

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