Masuiya - Osaka

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

とんかつ ますいや -


Contact Masuiya

住所 :

3 Chome-3-23 Imafukuhigashi, Joto Ward, Osaka, 536-0002, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 536-0002
Webサイト :

3 Chome-3-23 Imafukuhigashi, Joto Ward, Osaka, 536-0002, Japan
ナニワのジダンよしはる on Google

地元で有名なとんかつ屋さん。 いつも行列必至な店だけにアンチでしたが機会があってミックスフライを食しました。 二千円と少々、お高めですが素材にこだわりを感じる程、めちゃくちゃ柔らかいお肉と丁寧な仕事ぶりに値段以上に満足感が満たされました。 流石に頻繁には行けないですが、特別な場面に利用したいおすすめのお店です♪
A locally famous pork cutlet shop. It was always anti to the store where the line was inevitable, but I had the opportunity to eat mixed fries. It's a little expensive at 2,000 yen, but the more you feel the attention to the ingredients, the more satisfied you are with the insanely tender meat and the careful work. I can't go there often, but it's a recommended shop that I would like to use for special occasions ♪
秋せつら on Google

以前に子供の誕生日パーティーでパーティー用のサンドイッチを頼んだ事があり一度お店で食べたくてで訪問。 ちなみにセットは揚げ物とサラダでご飯は別料金です。 最初に出てきたサラダはボリューム満点。 ドレッシングも凄い美味しかったです。 肝心のトンカツですが思ったよりあれ?って感じ。 勿論美味しくない訳じゃないんですけど老舗で並ぶ程でわ? ランチで訪れましたが晩ごはん食べれんくらいでした。 隣の若いパパさんは特大サラダにカツダブルにライス大w。 50過ぎたおっさんには無理w。
I had ordered a sandwich for a party at a child's birthday party before, so I visited the shop once because I wanted to eat it. By the way, the set is fried food and salad, and rice is not included. The first salad that came out was full of volume. The dressing was also very delicious. It ’s the pork cutlet, but it ’s better than I expected. I feel like. Of course, it's not that it's not delicious, but it's enough to line up at a long-established store, right? I visited for lunch, but I couldn't eat dinner. The young dad next door has an oversized salad, a cutlet double, and a large rice w. It is impossible for an old man who has passed 50.
G. TJT. on Google

トンカツってそこそこ食べてきたものやけど、令和に入って衝撃。なんでもっと早くこのますいやの味を知ってなかったのか。メインは何もつけずまず食べてもらいたい。※表現はあえて書きません。行ってみて下さい。 副菜、キャベツ、お味噌汁、ご飯、全て良し。ドレッシングかかり過ぎ?もっとかけて下さい。食べるたびに感動します。
Tonkatsu is something I've eaten so much, but I was shocked when I entered Reiwa. Why didn't you know the taste of this unpleasant earlier? I want you to eat the main without adding anything. * I do not dare to write expressions. Please go. Side dishes, cabbage, miso soup, rice, all good. Is it too dressing? Please spend more. I am impressed every time I eat.
秋田純一 on Google

I visited for the first time. When it was my first time, I decided to take the plunge, so I ordered "Special Roast Cutlet". I like pork cutlet and often go to KYK, but there is a cabbage salad that is as delicious as it is. The dressing on it is delicious! The volume is also perfect. Dawn and loin cutlet where I ate about half. It comes with special mustard and salt, so you can enjoy different flavors one by one. It's a pity that the lemon wasn't attached. The rice was delicious and I was full. Thank you for the meal!
00 000 on Google

平日11:45頃訪問。 すんなり入れましたが、すぐに混み出し、 出る頃には並んでましたので、 オープン時間に訪問をお勧めします。 ヒレカツ(シングル)とライス(中)を注文。 間違いなくヒレカツ史上ナンバーワンでした。 細かいパン粉はガリッガリに揚げてあるものの、 中のお肉は柔らかい… 脂身に頼るわけでもなく、揚げ方がうまい感じ。 とんかつソースがフルーティな感じで美味しかった。 サラダのドレッシングも旨し。 ポテサラも味付けがすごくおいしかった…! ライス(中)は、女子には多すぎました。 シングル頼む方はライス(小)の方が比率的にもいいと思います。 また行く!!! 追記。 前回行ったのは2週間前ですが、美味しさが忘れられず再訪。 平日17:15頃到着。 昼時は相席しても外に並ぶほど混んでましたが、 夜は結構すいてた!狙い目です。 前回ヒレカツが美味しかったので、 今回はロースカツにチャレンジ。 ロースカツも美味しい〜!!! でも結構あぶらっぽくて。 ヒレカツの方が感動はできたかな。 そしてライス(中)だと多いと分かっていたのに、またライス(中)を頼んで、苦戦しました(笑) 女子はライス(小)でいいと思います(笑) 相変わらず、サラダのドレッシングも、トンカツソースも、ポテサラも、お米も全て美味しい。 どれを食べても満足できる。 カツの衣は細かくてザクザク香ばしい。 主人は、硬すぎて好みでないと言ってました。 衣に関しては人によって評価が分かれそうですが、 「今まで食べたトンカツの中で一番美味しい!」と 喜んでくれました♬ 連れてきてよかった♬ 次は茶味豚のロースカツを食べにまた再訪しますね。 p.s.余談ですが、お店を通り過ぎたところに、 めちゃ安いコインパーキングがありました。 周辺にいくつかコインパーキングがあるので、車でも安心して訪問できます。
Visited around 11:45 on weekdays. I put it in smoothly, but it soon became crowded, I was lined up by the time I left, so We recommend visiting during open hours. I ordered pork cutlet (single) and rice (medium). It was definitely the number one pork cutlet in history. Although the fine bread crumbs are deep-fried, The meat inside is tender ... I don't rely on fat, and the way of frying is good. The pork cutlet sauce was fruity and delicious. Salad dressing is also good. The potato salad was also very delicious ...! Rice (middle) was too much for girls. If you ask for a single, I think rice (small) is better in proportion. Go again! !! !! postscript. The last time I went there was two weeks ago, but I couldn't forget the deliciousness and revisited. Arrived around 17:15 on weekdays. At noon, it was so crowded that it was lined up outside even if we shared a table, It was pretty busy at night! This is the aim. The pork cutlet was delicious last time, so This time I will challenge the loin cutlet. The roasted sardines are also delicious! !! !! But it's pretty oily. I wonder if the pork cutlet was more impressive. And I knew that there were many rice (middle), but I asked for rice (middle) again and had a hard time (laugh) I think rice (small) is fine for girls (laughs) As usual, the salad dressing, pork cutlet sauce, potato salad, and rice are all delicious. You can be satisfied no matter which one you eat. The cutlet batter is fine and crunchy. My husband said it was too hard and I didn't like it. Regarding clothing, it seems that people have different evaluations, but "The most delicious pork cutlet I have ever eaten!" Thank you ♬ I'm glad I brought you ♬ Next time, I'll come back to eat the tea-flavored pork loin cutlet. p.s. As an aside, just past the store, There was a very cheap coin parking. There are several coin parking lots in the area, so you can visit with confidence by car.
ちほ on Google

東京近郊のとんかつ百名店に行く事が多いので 関西エリアの百名店は思わずワクワクしてしまいます。 平日18:30頃伺いましたが 並ばずに入る事が出来ました◎ 昔ながらの雰囲気が漂うとても素敵なお店。 喫茶店ぽい雰囲気です。 ひとつだけ角にある座敷席に案内して頂きましたが 床暖房で足元ぽかぽかであたたかく くつろげるお座敷でした。 まずはサラダから。 ドレッシングはかけられて到着。 後半ドレッシング足りなくなってしまいましたが サラダもシャキシャキで美味しい! この美味しさはドレッシングなのかなぁ。 新鮮なキャベツも◎ ポテトサラダがついているのも嬉しい!! 注文したのは ★特製へれかつ定食 シングル 130g 1350円 +ご飯(小) 味噌汁 150円 リーズナブルな価格帯でこの美味しさは 素晴らしいです。 奥からトントントン音が聞こえたので お肉を叩いて柔らかくしているんですね。 ヒレカツはとにかく柔らかいので 食べやすくサクッサクッ。 軽やかな感じでした。 私が行った日は白ご飯が 結構硬めパサパサ気味でしたが そんなご飯も帳消しにするくらいに とんかつが美味しかったので 関西に行った際にはまた食べに行きたいです。 いお支払いは現金のみでした。
I often go to Tonkatsu 100 famous stores near Tokyo The 100 famous stores in the Kansai area are involuntarily exciting. I visited around 18:30 on weekdays I was able to enter without lining up ◎ A very nice shop with an old-fashioned atmosphere. It has a coffee shop-like atmosphere. I was guided to one of the tatami mat seats on the corner. The floor heating keeps your feet warm and warm It was a relaxing tatami room. First of all, from the salad. Dressing was put on and arrived. I ran out of dressing in the second half The salad is crispy and delicious! I wonder if this deliciousness is dressing. Fresh cabbage is also ◎ I'm glad that it comes with potato salad! !! I ordered ★ Special hell and set meal single 130g 1350 yen + Rice (small) Miso soup 150 yen This deliciousness is at a reasonable price range Wonderful. I heard a ton ton from the back You hit the meat to make it tender. Because the pork cutlet is soft anyway Easy to eat and crispy. It was a light feeling. White rice on the day I went It was pretty hard and dry, To the extent that such rice is also canceled Because the pork cutlet was delicious I want to go to eat again when I go to Kansai. I only paid cash.
Glen Peacock on Google

Hands down the best tonkatsu restaurant in Osaka. Get in early to beat the rush.
Adam on Google

Really nice local restaurant near our airbnb accommodation while visiting Osaka. Had the pork and beef tonkastu and they are just melt in your mouth goodness! Staffs were helpful and friendly. If you're in the area, be sure to check it out! Won't dissapoint!

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