フレスコキクチ 名取増田店

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact フレスコキクチ 名取増田店

住所 :

Masuda, Natori, 〒981-1224 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8787
Webサイト : http://fresco-k.com/store_natorimasuda.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–9:40PM
Sunday 9:30AM–9:40PM
Monday 9:30AM–9:40PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–9:40PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–9:40PM
Thursday 9:30AM–9:40PM
Friday 9:30AM–9:40PM
街 : Miyagi

Masuda, Natori, 〒981-1224 Miyagi,Japan
千葉郷美 on Google

As it is a new store, the product lineup is not bad. I just don't have a welcome voice ? At any store, some clerk feels good and some don't.
takegon 0718 on Google

名取市増田のスーパーです。 価格競争力のあるスーパーに囲まれた激戦区のお店です。基本的に他のフレスコと同じです。旧4号の交差点近くなので出入りはちょっと不便です。
It is a supermarket in Masuda, Natori City. It is a shop in a fierce battlefield surrounded by price-competitive supermarkets. It's basically the same as any other fresco. It is a little inconvenient to get in and out because it is near the intersection of the old No. 4.
hiro takahashi on Google

It's beautiful in the new store!
まき(yasu) on Google

三田園のフレスコより品揃えも多いし、金額も違って安い! 葉物がとにかく安い! なのでいつも増田店を選んじゃう。
There is more product lineup than Mitaen fresco, and the price is different and cheaper! The leaves are cheap anyway! So always choose the Masuda store.
さめ on Google

この店舗が出来たせいで近隣住民は本当に迷惑してます。 道路はいつも渋滞、警備員は店舗に入れるのを優先のため通り過ぎたいだけなのにどれだけ待たされることか... 他の入口などは考えなかったのでしょうか?
Neighbors are really annoyed by the opening of this store. The roads are always congested, and the guards just want to pass because they give priority to entering the store, but how long do they have to wait ... Didn't you think about other entrances?
伊藤さゆり on Google

先月12日オープンでまだ新しい? おニューなスーパーですよ❤️ ?️?も広々してて、右側から入ると。直ぐお弁当コーナー サラダ色々核家族には? 小さな商品が沢山有りますよ? 新しい店なんで陳列も綺麗❗ 蔵王とか角田とかの無農薬の 野菜も有りますよ?
Opened on the 12th of last month and still new ? It's a new supermarket ❤️ ?️? is also spacious, when you enter from the right side. Lunch box corner immediately Salad Various nuclear families ? There are many small products ? The display is beautiful because it is a new store ❗ No pesticides such as Zao or Kakuda There are also vegetables ?
サムの兄貴 on Google

店内は広くて綺麗でした。 卵が1パック100円(大きさはまばら)で安い! 残念な点があるとしたらセルフレジでおばちゃん店員達が2〜3人集まって井戸端会議を開いてる事と駐車場入口で何も仕事をしてない突っ立ってるだけの誘導員がいるくらいですかね
The inside of the store was large and beautiful. Eggs are cheap at 100 yen per pack (sparse size)! If there is a disappointing point, there are a couple of auntie clerk gathering at the self-checkout to hold a well-end meeting and there is a guide who is just standing up without doing anything at the parking lot entrance.
境信隆 on Google

There are 4 tables, which are eat-in spaces, and it is convenient to eat the lunch you bought there. There is a multipurpose restroom, so people with disabilities and people with children can use it with confidence.

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