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Contact サービカルカイロプラクティックセンター

住所 :

Maruyama, Naka Ward, 〒703-8271 Okayama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Webサイト : http://cervical-chiro.com/
街 : Okayama

Maruyama, Naka Ward, 〒703-8271 Okayama,Japan
sei fuji on Google

You can know your physical condition properly. Treatment and treatment are painless. You can see the difference because the photo shows the front and back. The parking lot is large and easy to enter. Since there are multiple teachers and there is no charge, the same teacher may follow, but basically it changes every time I go. Many people are doing strength training or playing sports, and they give detailed advice on the whole body.
塩田清子 on Google

腰痛、肩コリ、膝の痛みなどはもちろんのこと、頭痛や目眩、便秘などなど・・身体の不調にオールマイティに対応して下さるので、いつもすごいなあと思ってしまいます。 とてもソフトな施術なのに、受けた後で嘘のように痛みが和らいだり、身体が楽になっています。 先生方も、皆さん優しくて明るくて、親身に対応して下さるので、身体だけでなくて気持ちも前向きな元気な気持ちを頂いています。 なくてはならない、大切なお勧めの治療院です!!!
Not only back pain, stiff shoulders, knee pain, etc., but also headache, dizziness, constipation, etc.... I deal with almighty for physical disorders, so I always think that it is amazing. It's a very soft treatment, but after receiving it, the pain is relieved like a lie and the body is comfortable. The teachers are all kind, cheerful and kind to the relatives, so I feel positive not only in the body but also in the feeling. It is an indispensable and highly recommended clinic! ! !
藤原清春 on Google

少し前に腰と首の痛みが酷く友人にこちらの治療院を紹介させていただきましたが、どこの治療院に通っても効果が出るまでに時間がかかり過ぎて嘆いていましたがこちらの治療院に足を運ぶと一度の施術で効果が現れ、数回の治療で首と腰の痛みが完治しました! スタッフの方々の対応も良く仕事が終わって店に足を運ぶだけでホッとするような安心感のある治療院の雰囲気も最高です。 身体的な痛みだけではなく精神的な疲労も緩和してくれるような治療院に行ったのは初めてだったので確実に治したいと思っている人や、痛みが長引いて困っている方は本当にお勧めです。 技術、雰囲気、スタッフの対応など全てにおいて岡山にある整体の中では群を抜いた治療院です。
A little while ago, I had a pain in my lower back and neck, so I introduced this treatment to a friend, but I was lamented because it took too long for any treatment to take effect. When I went to the clinic, I was able to see the effect with just one treatment, and the pain in my neck and lower back was completely cured after several treatments! The staff's response is good, and the atmosphere of the treatment center is so great that you can feel relieved just by going to the store after work. This is the first time I've been to a treatment room that can relieve not only physical pain but also mental fatigue, so if you really want to get rid of it or if you are in trouble because of prolonged pain, It is recommended. It is a treatment center that is by far the best among all the manipulative treatments in Okayama in terms of technology, atmosphere, and staff correspondence.
Hiro Uchi on Google

いい人にはいいんでしょうが、私には合わなかった 施術後も全く良くならなかった。 好きで帝王切開した訳ではないのに、医院長先生に施術中ずっとそれを落とす様な言い方をされとても不快だった。 下から産めと言われるのは私や子どもにとって〇ねといわれているのと同義だし、そういう人がいることも日本一の患者数と自慢するなら知っていて欲しい。 (そういう言い方をされた方は来なくなるから知らないのでしょうけど) 患者さんはとても多かったので、腕はいいんだと思いますが、私はもう行くことはありません。
Good for good people, but not for me It didn't improve at all after the treatment. I didn't like to have a Caesarean section, but I was very uncomfortable when the doctor told me to drop it during the procedure. It is synonymous with being told to give birth from below for me and my children, and I would like you to know that there are such people if you are proud of having the largest number of patients in Japan. (I don't know if you say that because people won't come) There were so many patients that I think I'm good at it, but I'm not going anymore.
おかん on Google

膝の痛みに悩まされていた父の付き添いで数ヶ月前に行きましたが、人生で初めてこんな人に出会いました。 まずは1時間の自慢話から始まり、挙げ句の果てに病院の診断を「誤診だ」と断定し、こちらの意見は一つも聞き入れてくれない。 その後、診察は数分。虫が止まったかのように触れられる施術はたったの数分。こんなので治るのか。 時間と労力の無駄でした。 ネット上では、こちらの意見を尊重してくれると書いていますが、意見する隙もなく、自慢話にうなづくのにも疲れました。 日本で1番自分が偉い、勉強している、知識があるなどの自慢は本当に聞くに耐えません。 医者でもないのに、全てを断言できる院長は何か勘違いされていませんか? 絶対におすすめできません。
I went there a few months ago with my father who was suffering from knee pain, and I met such a person for the first time in my life. It starts with a one-hour boastful story, and after all, it concludes that the hospital's diagnosis is a "misdiagnosis" and does not listen to any of these opinions. After that, the examination is a few minutes. It only takes a few minutes to touch the insects as if they had stopped. Will it be cured because of this? It was a waste of time and effort. I wrote on the internet that he would respect this opinion, but I didn't have a chance to give an opinion and I was tired of nodding to the bragging story. I can't stand to hear the pride of being the greatest, studying, and knowledgeable in Japan. Isn't there any misunderstanding about the director who can affirm everything even though he is not a doctor? I definitely can't recommend it.
ゴルゴルゴル太郎 on Google

About a year after I started playing golf, I felt a sense of discomfort in my lower back, and after that, my back started to stretch and I thought it would be painful to use. One day when I was practicing, I heard a clicking sound from around my back and I couldn't lift my arms with severe pain! I was introduced to a servic by an acquaintance. I had the director do something for about 5 minutes and my arm that I couldn't lift up quickly! It was shocking !! After that, when I had physical pain and maintenance was a service choice! It's a power spot for me. !!
KMかあちゃん on Google

I am indebted to you when I am in poor physical condition for many years. The director is strong, but his skill is good. Others are also individually compatible with the patient, but I am satisfied because I raise my arms every time I go. There is also medical ultrasound, and it took away the pain, so I personally love it. Recommended for those with plantar fasciitis.
ゆーみん on Google

あれー?何でこんなに、背中が、真っ直ぐになったんだ? 治療開始10分での感想でした。施術前、左に傾いた自分の後ろ姿が、わずか10分で、しかも触れるだけでピーンと。 当時膝が痛くて正座も出来ない状態で、整骨院に通っていましたが良くならず、我慢していました。 サービカルを紹介してもらい数回診てもらうと、不思議と膝の痛みも消えていました。 それからの私は、少しくらい痛くても、サービカルに行けば治してくれると、安心しています。 手術を、考えている方等、絶対に行ってみるべきです。 切らずに済むかもしれませんよ~
What? Why did your back get so straight? It was an impression 10 minutes after the start of treatment. Before the treatment, my back leaning to the left can be seen in just 10 minutes, and just by touching it. At that time, I had a pain in my knee and couldn't sit upright, so I went to the osteopathic clinic, but it didn't improve and I put up with it. When I was introduced to the service and had a few visits, my knee pain disappeared. After that, I am relieved that even if it hurts a little, it will be cured if I go to the service. Those who are thinking about surgery should definitely try it. You may not have to cut it ~

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