Marunaka Kojima - Kurashiki

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Marunaka Kojima

住所 :

1 Chome-2798-1 Kojimaakasaki, Kurashiki, Okayama 711-0931, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Postal code : 711-0931
Webサイト :

1 Chome-2798-1 Kojimaakasaki, Kurashiki, Okayama 711-0931, Japan
Oイチマサ on Google

開店当初は食品や日用品の他、衣料品やソフトクリームショップ、店外のテナントにカメラ屋等があったが、現在は店内がかなり大幅にリニューアルされて当初の面影が無くなった。 そんな旧山陽マルナカも2021年3月にマックスバリュ西日本に吸収合併されたため、ゆくゆくは「マックスバリュ児島店(2代目)」または「ザ·ビッグ児島店」に看板の架け替えされるのか⁉️
At the beginning of the store, in addition to food and daily necessities, there were clothing and soft serve ice cream shops, and camera shops in tenants outside the store, but now the inside of the store has been significantly renewed and the original appearance has disappeared. Since such former Sanyo Marunaka was also absorbed and merged with Maxvalu West Japan in March 2021, will the signboard be replaced with "Maxvalu Kojima store (2nd generation)" or "The Big Kojima store" ⁉️
西川明宏 on Google

?️ is wide and easy to shop. Please shop slowly.

There was a wide variety of fish. After all there is an advantage that it is close to the sea ?
平井大樹 on Google

Occasionally, I go to buy sweets, sweet buns, side dish breads, and Japanese sweets. Sometimes I buy it in cash, but I also shop at WAON. I always buy I Lohas and Thighs, but Marunaka is a little expensive, so it would be nice if the price was a little cheaper.
rux shirx on Google

鮮魚の方に置いてあるお寿司が身が厚くて美味しいし刺身も同じように身が厚く切ってあるし美味しい!! イートインスペースがあって電子レンジとか給水器とかあるし便利だと思う☺️ セルフレジもあるから自分でぱぱっとやりたい人とか店員さんにそんなに触って欲しくない人にはいいと思う! レジ店員さんは丁寧でスムーズにレジしてくれるし感じもいいです!
The sushi placed on the fresh fish side is thick and delicious, and the sashimi is also thickly cut and delicious! !! I think it's convenient because there is an eat-in space and there is a microwave oven and a water dispenser ☺️ There is also a self-checkout, so I think it's good for people who want to do it themselves or who don't want the clerk to touch it so much! The cashier is polite and smooth, and it feels good!
katsumi furuya on Google

I'm going to buy groceries. The assortment suits my taste, so it's the farthest, but I go there.
藤原トラコ on Google

The customer service was good, and I'm glad that Ara was placed in the fresh fish corner. As the types of sawedged perch increase, the types of rough cooking will increase, so please increase. It was good that there were many kinds of prepared foods.
SHUJI M. on Google

イオングループになり改装されて、イートインスペース(現在はコロナ禍で閉鎖中)や店内トイレも増設されて使いやすくなったと思います。 駐車場も広く利用しやすいですが、 特定のセールの日はやはり混雑します。 あとCanDoが併設されて便利になりました。 イオングループなので店内にイオン銀行のATMが有ります。 品揃えはまずまずですが、やはりトップバリュの商品が目立つ感じになりました。 ただ鮮魚は地物のモノも有り鮮度はいいと思います。 支払いは現金よりもイオンカードやWAONで支払いした方がおトクです。
I think it has become easier to use as it has been refurbished as an AEON Group, and the eat-in space (currently closed due to the corona wreck) and the in-store toilet have been added. The parking lot is wide and easy to use, It's still crowded on certain sale days. Also, Can Do has been added, making it more convenient. Since it is an AEON Group, there is an AEON Bank ATM in the store. The assortment is fair, but TOPVALU's products have become more prominent. However, I think that the freshness of fresh fish is good because there are also local products. It is better to pay with AEON Card or WAON than with cash.

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