Marumatsu Takanosu - Kitaakita

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Marumatsu Takanosu

住所 :

Maetsuna-76 Sakae, Kitaakita, Akita 018-3302, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88999
Postal code : 018-3302
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–8PM
Sunday 11AM–8PM
Monday 11AM–8PM
Tuesday 11AM–8PM
Wednesday 11AM–8PM
Thursday 11AM–8PM
Friday 11AM–8PM

Maetsuna-76 Sakae, Kitaakita, Akita 018-3302, Japan
関清志 on Google

I think the menu is abundant and the price is reasonable.
牧茶 on Google

たまにいるおじさんの接客がピカイチ 一瞬一流レストランかと思った ただドリンクバーにカルピスを置いて欲しい
Occasionally the uncle's customer service is Pikaichi I thought it was a first-class restaurant for a moment I just want Calpis to be in the drink bar
新林光幸 on Google

It was delicious, cheap and I was able to relax ?
ばーばーぱぱ on Google

The menu is abundant and the price is reasonable, but the cooperation of the staff is wonderful.
ちかみん on Google

和食チェーン店のまるまつさん。 メニュー数がとても多く痒いところに手が届く。 まさにファミリーレストラン。 メニューによってはチープ感あるもの等もありますが安いし居心地が良いのでご愛敬かな? 喫煙は分煙になっていて、入口から半分に分けられ距離があるので気になる方も安心だと思います。
Marumatsu from a Japanese chain store. There are so many menus that you can reach the ugly place. A family restaurant. Some menus have cheap feelings, but are they cheap and comfortable? Smoking is divided into two parts, and it is divided in half from the entrance.
ころすけ on Google

ラーメン屋や百円寿司ばかりの外食屋では、ある意味貴重な和風ファミレス。 買い物のついでの昼食。何を食べるか一向に決まらない時でも、この店に入れば年寄りから子供までとりあえず間に合わせで食う物がある。 特に美味しい訳ではないけれど、不味くて食えないと言うほどでもない。それでOK。
At a ramen shop or a restaurant that only sells 100 yen sushi, it is a valuable Japanese-style family restaurant. Lunch after shopping. Even when you can't decide what to eat, if you enter this restaurant, there are foods for the elderly and children to eat in time. It's not particularly delicious, but it's not too bad to eat. That's OK.
畠山英利 on Google

久しぶりのまるまつです。 うどん食べたい。 蕎麦食べたい。 などなど、色んなリクエストありまして、まるまつチョイス。 アルコール半額だった。 しかも、運転手はフリードリンクサービス! 知らなかった。(飲酒運転防止) チキンカツが衣軽くてサクサクで柔らかジューシー。 コスパも良いし大満足でした!
It's been a long time since I was a Marumatsu. I want to eat udon. I want to eat soba. There are various requests such as, Marumatsu Choice. It was half the price of alcohol. Moreover, the driver has a free drink service! I did not know. (Drunk driving prevention) The chicken cutlet is light, crispy and soft and juicy. The cost performance was good and I was very satisfied!
Cory Cassel on Google

Decent food. Good Service. Lots of variety on the menu. Great prices. Helpful staff. A bit warm on a really hot day. Will be back!

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