Maruko du pain - Shizuoka

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Maruko du pain

住所 :

200 Hijiriisshiki, Suruga Ward, Shizuoka, 422-8007, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 422-8007
Webサイト :

200 Hijiriisshiki, Suruga Ward, Shizuoka, 422-8007, Japan
summer 02 on Google

とても混雑して人気のお店のようですが、あまり美味しいと感じませんでした。価格は安めですが品質もそれなりと言う感じ。 柔らかく甘そうなパンばかりでハード系パンは極僅か。
It seems to be a very crowded and popular restaurant, but I didn't find it very delicious. The price is low, but the quality is reasonable. Only soft and sweet bread, and very few hard breads.
yukko -t on Google

焼き立てパンは皆、美味しそうです。メロンパンおすすめ? 利用しなかったけどテラス席イートインでcoffee1杯無料サービスが再開していたようです。
All the freshly baked bread looks delicious. Melon bread recommended ? I didn't use it, but it seems that the free service for a cup of coffee was restarted at the terrace seat eat-in.
エムエム子 on Google

I went there around 13:00, but it was always different ❗, but I was disappointed that the number of items was small. I think a lot of customers came in the morning. I'm my favorite bakery so I'll come early ?
c sora on Google

前回買ったコッペパンがふわふわで美味しかったのですが、せっかく来たのに今回は売り切れていて残念でした(14時半頃) パンの味は美味しいのに、 前回同様、レジの人の対応がとても悪い! 自分も接客業なので 辛口かもしれませんが 同じ接客業としてはゼロ点だと感じました。 前回コッペパンを作成してくれた中の人はそんなことはないのですがとにかくレジの人の対応悪さはレベルが低すぎる。 美味しいパン屋なのに 会計の後 気分的に悪くなります。とても残念。
The koppe-pan I bought last time was fluffy and delicious, but I was disappointed that it was sold out this time even though I came here (around 14:30). The taste of bread is delicious Like last time, the cashier's response is very bad! I'm also a hospitality business, so it may be dry, I felt that it was a zero point for the same hospitality business. The person who made Koppe-pan last time is not like that, but anyway, the level of poor response of the cashier is too low. It's a delicious bakery, but I feel sick after the checkout. Very disappointing.
ぴぴぱぱ on Google

店員の態度が悪い。 笑顔ひとつなく態度が気になります。 コーヒーの無料提供だけで来客してる人が多いのでは? コロナ対策はしていなく、ビニール袋や蓋がされてる訳でもない。 今時ショッピングモールでもスーパーでも個包装されてたり透明のカバーやビニールなど被せています。 常にパンはたくさん並べてありますが、スーパーのパンと変わらないのでわざわざ行く理由がない。
The clerk's attitude is bad. I am worried about my attitude without a smile. Isn't there a lot of people coming just for free coffee? There are no corona measures, and there are no plastic bags or lids. Nowadays, it is individually wrapped in shopping malls and supermarkets, and covered with transparent covers and vinyl. A lot of bread is always lined up, but there is no reason to go because it is the same as supermarket bread.
ぴぴねこ on Google

I visited after a long time. I think melon bread is especially delicious. It's an indescribable fragrance.
ぽんすけ on Google

お昼頃、こちらのマルコさんに来店させて頂きました。石窯で謳っていることもあり、少し期待もあり。。。ドキドキ( ̄▽ ̄) お客さんが多いです!回転が早いので焼きたてパンをご賞味出来るかと? お値段も手頃です。 揚げたてコロッケが美味しかった? フランスパンもカリカリでいいのですが、少し全体的に味がぼやけた感じ。。 パン生地は好きです! ですが味付け?がイマイチな感じです(*´・ω・`*) 最近のパン屋さんにしてはお値段安めなので、その点はお手頃に買いやすいですね? ご馳走様でした!
I visited Marco-san around noon. Since it is sung in a stone oven, there are some expectations. .. .. Pounding ( ̄ ▽  ̄) There are many customers! I wonder if I can enjoy freshly baked bread because it rotates quickly ? The price is also reasonable. The freshly fried croquette was delicious ? French bread is also crispy, but the taste is a little blurry overall. .. I like bread dough! But seasoned? Is not good (* ´ ・ ω ・ `*) It's cheap for a bakery these days, so it's affordable and easy to buy ? It was a treat!
Guillaume7372 on Google

Typical Japanese bakery. Overall quality is good. Tables available outside to enjoy your bakeries, big parking.

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