MARUHAN Mega City Habikino - Habikino

2.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact MARUHAN Mega City Habikino

住所 :

30番地1 No, Habikino, Osaka 583-0884, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8797
Postal code : 583-0884
Webサイト :

30番地1 No, Habikino, Osaka 583-0884, Japan
HIRO NIShI on Google

今のパチンコ、パチスロはどこ行っても台が、性能的に出ないので客も、減るお店も回収の為、渋い釘、設定。 基本的にパチスロは行かないに尽きるのですが、ココは換金率が近辺にしたら随分マシなので、遊び程度ならできる。 まぁパチンコ、パチスロ業界はもう10年位で終わりかな。 昔も一時、パチスロだけが規制厳しくなってAタイプのみで何も考えないで打つと終わってた時あったけど、その後復活しましたけど、流石にそれは期待出来ない、、今の台それとは比較にならないくらい終わりを感じます。
The current pachinko and pachislot machines do not have a stand wherever they go, so the number of customers and the number of shops that are decreasing are collected, so astringent nails are set. Basically, I can't go to pachislot, but here is a lot better if the cash rate is near, so I can play it. Well, the pachinko and pachislot industry will be over in about 10 years. In the past, there was a time when only pachislot became stricter and it ended up hitting with only A type without thinking, but after that it revived, but I can not expect it, compared to the current stand. I feel the end so much that it doesn't become.
棚宅 on Google

割と大型のパチンコ店。 稼働率もそれなりに良く、よく出してる方だと思う
A relatively large pachinko parlor. The utilization rate is also good as it is, and I think that it is a person who puts out well
篠宮優 on Google

1K10回転以下の極悪釘の台がかなり多いです 新台導入直後の台で風車がえらい方向にズレてるのでヘソに寄りません 回らない台で遊べる訳も無い、右の釘もかなり弄ってるので右打ち時でもゴリゴリ減ります
There are quite a lot of villainous nail stands of 1K 10 rotations or less The windmill is misaligned in the direction of the navel on the platform immediately after the introduction of the new platform, so it does not approach the navel. There is no reason to play on a stand that does not turn, and the nail on the right is also quite tampered with, so even when hitting right, it will be reduced.
笑い男 on Google

換金率25.5玉ほぼ等価 貯玉制限は無いけど、利点は少なめ 回転数はそこまで回るイメージはないかな ボーダーより下回る感じかな ユニコーンと北斗だけがボーダー上回るけど、1か2回転程 他の店に比べたらマシかな マシってだけで、ここまでお客さんが居てるってことは、他の店がどれだけ酷いんって思う…
Cash rate 25.5 balls almost equivalent There is no ball storage limit, but the advantage is small I wonder if there is an image that the number of revolutions turns to that extent I think it's below the border Only the unicorn and Hokuto exceed the border, but about 1 or 2 turns Is it better than other stores? I wonder how terrible other stores are that there are so many customers just because it's better ...
うーぱースロバカ経歴25年 on Google

マルハンの本気を体感してきました。 当たりだけでなく小役まで出なくなるなんて(笑) 確率でゎ説明出来ない事もあるでしょうけど、あるでしょうけどねぇ。 やっぱり西日本ゎ崩壊寸前なのかな。 イベント日以外ゎ選択の余地無し。 イベント日ゎ慎重に、少しでもおかしいと思ったら撤退をオススメします。
I have experienced Maruhan's seriousness. Not only a hit but also a small role will not appear (laugh) There are some things that I can't explain with probability, but there are some. I wonder if West Japan is on the verge of collapse. There is no choice other than the event date. Event day ゎ Carefully, if you think something is wrong, we recommend you to withdraw.
ヒロピンタロウ on Google

どの台座っても熱い演出をはずす。 そしてハマる。負ける。 来ても来ても毎回このパターン。 いい加減にしろ。毎度毎度。遠隔の噂が絶えんのはこういう実績があるからや。 客も馬鹿やないんや。 毎度毎度店側の都合いいような確率の偏りして何が『確率ですから』や。 あまりにも当たらん台多すぎやし、異常な単発の嵐が多すぎ。
Remove the hot production no matter which pedestal you sit on. And I'm addicted to it. lose. This pattern every time I come. Don't be afraid. Every time every time. The reason why remote rumors are constant is because of such a track record. The customers are also stupid. What is "probability" because the probability is biased so that it is convenient for the store every time. There are too many hits and too many unusual single storms.
misa TSURUTA on Google

5年前からイマイチ出ないお店に…。 イベントに新しい店長変わって 再生を心見ては要るけど?常連客からの 悲鳴ばかり耳に入って来る! イベントで新規を取り入れようとしているのは判るけど、もっと普段からの投資してる常連に利益 還元をして欲しい。 揉め事対応にも疑問。最悪 ヤク○と警察もぐる 何となく腑に落ちない! 近くにコンビニが無いのも不便かな。たまに出してても見せ物程度 お客が回してないので設定はキツイし 個人的な投資だけが増えるマイナス店に落ちた。 以前にも忠告したけど駐車場に入る車と自転車の出入口が被ってて危ないのに警備員は はるか後ろで無意味。
In a store that hasn't come out for 5 years ... A new store manager changed to an event Is it necessary to watch the reproduction? From regular customers All the screams come into my ears! I know I'm trying to bring in new things at the event, but it's profitable for regular investors I want you to give back. I also have doubts about how to deal with the dispute. terrible Yak ○ and the police also go around Somehow it doesn't fall into my mind! It's also inconvenient that there is no convenience store nearby. Even if you put it out occasionally, it's just a show The setting is difficult because the customer has not turned it It fell into a negative store where only personal investment increased. I advised you before, but the guards are dangerous because the doorways of cars and bicycles entering the parking lot are covered. It's meaningless far behind.
D坊 on Google

店員さんの目が笑ってないねん! 何か怖いし旧トイレジャグラーとこにたまにね! ゾクって寒気がする! 5の人気がないから先は辛いか? マスクに超厳しい飲み物飲まれへん! 飲む時にくるまぁまぁの圧かけて
The clerk's eyes aren't laughing! Something scary, sometimes with the old toilet juggler! I feel chills! Is it spicy because 5 is not popular? You can't drink a super strict drink on your mask! When you drink it, you can put pressure on it.

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