Maruhan Anjo - Anjo

2.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Maruhan Anjo

住所 :

5 10 Sakuramachi, Anjo, Aichi 446-0041, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8799
Postal code : 446-0041
Webサイト :

5 10 Sakuramachi, Anjo, Aichi 446-0041, Japan
hikaru ichijo on Google

真牙狼がなくなったので、打ちに来なくなったけど、今日はダ○マが休みだったので、エヴァ(真紅ver、1ぱちね)でも打ってみるかと単発後に300回転回ってる台に座ると、700回転頃迄ほぼな~んも無し。エヴァ系リーチが2回だけ。残り170回転で遊タイムってとこで、白枠のステップアップ4で何故か群がでてシンクロリーチで単発当たり?悪意しか感じられんかったわ。やっぱりこの店とは相性が悪い。 となりの「ごはんどき」だけ、ラーメン食べる時利用させてもらいます。 ここのラーメンは美味しいと思う。?
Since the true garo is gone, I can't come to hit it, but today I was on holiday, so I thought I'd try hitting it with Eva (Crimson ver, 1 Pachine). , Almost nothing until around 700 rpm. Eva-based reach only twice. With 170 rotations remaining, the play time was around, and for some reason a group appeared in step-up 4 of the white frame, and I could only feel malicious in one shot with synchro reach. After all it doesn't go well with this shop. I will use only the "rice" next to me when I eat ramen. I think the ramen here is delicious. ?
せいなしななし on Google

コイン払い出し詐欺しとるよ 枚数しっかり確認した方がいいよ!沖ドキでホッパー外にこぼれ落ちて毎ゲーム一枚少ない状況が丸一日 ホルコンちゃんの無抽選状態長い パチンコはデータ機赤粒単発出たら打たない方が 朝一から回収スタートの一定額抜いてから還元パターン。ハイエナだけやっとけ
It's a coin payout scam. You should check the number of coins carefully! It's a whole day when you spill out of the hopper at Oki Doki and one less coin per game Holcon-chan's unlottery state is long Pachinko should not be hit if the data machine red grain single shot Return pattern after removing a certain amount of collection start from the first morning. Only hyenas
渡邉満朗 on Google

The regulars were piled up in boxes and stopped, so I was hyenaed, but I was addicted to it and finally filled up the lower plate with Max. After that, the ups and downs are repeated. I wonder if I'm changing the settings remotely.
おっさん on Google

一年に一回行くか行かないかの店やけど前の日に一万円位プラスで帰ると確実に次の日に倍以上負ける店 朝一から連チャンなく地道に千枚出して千枚一気に飲まれる明らかにジャグラーに関してはおかしすぎる挙動千枚ストレートで飲まれて追い金一万円してBIG単発クソみたいな台に年寄り座ったら一撃1500枚もうあからさま過ぎて笑えたわ
A store that goes once a year or not, but if you return for about 10,000 yen the day before, you will definitely lose more than double the next day From the first morning, you can put out a thousand pieces in a steady manner and drink a thousand pieces at a stretch. Obviously, the behavior is too strange for a juggler. I was so overt and laughed
ギンヤンマG1桜花賞から始めよう on Google

定員の接客清掃はいいね!等価にしたりしなかったり☓ 店長のブログ○ 新台入れるうんぬんより、設定を入れる。 釘を激甘にしなければ、客は戻りません! コロナ禍が敗因ではなく、等価じゃないのに出てるかんがないので、客に協力してもらいましょう! 今のうちに超ボッタクリ住吉店から客をとらなければ、あっちも分母なくなってきてるので、共倒れします
Cleaning the customer service is good! It may or may not be equivalent ☓ Store manager's blog ○ Enter the settings from the new stand. If you don't sweeten the nails, your customers won't return! Corona isn't the cause of the defeat, and it's not equivalent, so I can't help it, so let's get the customers to cooperate! If you don't get customers from the super rip-off Sumiyoshi store by now, the denominator will be gone, so you will collapse together.
Daikichi Inoue on Google

Wide and shallow only at chain stores nationwide. I don't have a very sharp business. I don't understand why I reduced the number of hall staff but abolished the personal and put it in a box.
社長大工さん on Google

以前よく通ってましたが、今は全然全く出ませんでした。 当たれば確変凸率70%の台であっても単発続出で遊びで打つにも打てないレベルでした。
I used to go there a lot, but now I haven't seen it at all. If it hits, even if it is in the range of 70% probability variation convexity, it was a level that can not be hit even if it is hit by play with one shot in a row.
shouta snow on Google

遠隔じゃないのかと思うグラフの動き方が明らかに多いです。全台1なら納得はできますがバケは6ぶっちぎりでこのグラフが多いです。マイジャグで2680枚からマイナス400枚まで行ってます。人を見て出してるのかと勘違いするレベルで爺婆しか出ません。三ヶ月でジャグラーだけ打っても40万負けてます。7の付く日ですら平気で1沢山あります。確実に店側がここ半年以上常にプラスでしょうね。二ヶ月ぶりに7のつく日に来店させていただきました。僕が座った途端二千回転でバケ7回のビック1回です。スロットもパチンコも綺麗に辞めれそうです。ビックハマり唐突に1500は笑いました。ありがとうございました。 新台のエヴァは自分が1650回転ハマりで当たり無し他の台も3台ほど1500回転ハマりがありました。後ろの北斗無双は四万発出てました。出ているのは基本お爺ちゃんお婆ちゃんです。エヴァ打つのは2回目ですが初当たり平均は1200です。319とは??シンプルフルカスタムも外れます。何かしています?
There are obviously many ways to move the graph, which I think is remote. If all units are 1, you can be convinced, but there are only 6 buckets and this graph is common. I go from 2680 to minus 400 with My Jug. Only the grandfather appears at the level of misunderstanding that he is looking at people. Even if I hit only the juggler in three months, I lost 400,000. Even on the days with 7, there are many 1s. I'm sure the store will always be a plus for the last six months or more. I visited the store on the 7th day for the first time in two months. As soon as I sat down, it was a big one with 2,000 rotations and seven buckets. It seems that both slots and pachinko can be quit cleanly. 1500 suddenly laughed. Thank you very much. Eva of the new stand was addicted to 1650 rotations and was not hit. The other stands were also addicted to 1500 rotations. Hokuto Musou in the back had 40,000 shots. The ones that are out are the basic grandpas. This is the second time I hit Eva, but the average for the first time is 1200. What is 319? ?? Simple full custom is also off. What are you doing?

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