maruetsu - Kawaguchi

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact maruetsu

住所 :

1-1 Kitazonocho, Kawaguchi, Saitama 333-0862, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 333-0862
Webサイト :

1-1 Kitazonocho, Kawaguchi, Saitama 333-0862, Japan
吉利 on Google

マルエツに限らず、 毎月毎週毎日のイベントが有ります。 私は狙いを付けて買い物します。
Not limited to Maruetsu There are daily events every month. I aim and shop.
永野康之 on Google

It's open 24 hours a day and it's close to my house, so I often use it after work late. There are also plenty of side dishes.
川口広明 on Google

24時間営業で使い勝手が良い。 手作りパンもとても美味しい。
It is open 24 hours a day and is easy to use. Homemade bread is also very delicious.
らぁめん on Google

品揃えは普通で店員の態度は悪い 24時間営業ってことくらいしか良いところない
The assortment is normal and the clerk's attitude is bad It ’s only good that it ’s open 24 hours a day.
まあまあちゃんねる on Google

It is open 24 hours. We discount lunch boxes around 8 o'clock. T point card ? Can be used.
なおちフフン(さん) on Google

It was useful for buying a small amount of side dishes, bread and lunch boxes. I thought it would be nice to have a different feeling from the convenience store lunch box. There is also a pharmacy nearby, which is convenient for buying.
みっちーちゃん on Google

I dropped the bus regularly, but it was open 24 hours a day, so I picked it up the next morning and was able to get on the usual bus, which was helpful.
尾形紀子 on Google

24時間営業で、助かります。 急に何かあった時に思い出して買いに行きます。 店内とても寒いので夏はいいけど冬は暖かい服装がいいですね
It is open 24 hours a day and is helpful. When something suddenly happens, I remember and go buy it. It's very cold inside the store, so it's good in summer, but warm clothes are good in winter.

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