Marubayashi Central Park - Shimotsuga District

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Marubayashi Central Park

住所 :

Nogi, Shimotsuga District, Tochigi 329-0111, Japan

Postal code : 329-0111

Nogi, Shimotsuga District, Tochigi 329-0111, Japan
Yuki K,J on Google

A park where you can play with children ? The Utsunomiya Line runs through, so it is a nice park for children who like trains.
sathuki on Google

It's fun to see a lot of trains.
UKA Y on Google

とにかく広く、遊具も多く、 午前中でも日陰になるので、夏場に1歳の子どもを遊ばせるのによく通いました。 すべり台は2m程の高さなので、3歳以上でないと怖いです。(私は娘がやりたがるので、いつも付いて登っていますが、軽い高所恐怖症なので怖いです) 広い砂場や、線路と踏切が見える展望デッキがあるので、電車好きなお子さんにもオススメです。 小学生や中学生も、よく利用しているようですし、グランドでは少年野球をよくしています。
Anyway, it's wide and has a lot of playground equipment. It gets shaded even in the morning, so I used to go to play with a one-year-old child in the summer. The slide is about 2m high, so I'm scared unless I'm over 3 years old. (I always follow him because my daughter wants to do it, but I'm scared because I'm afraid of heights.) There is a large sandbox and an observation deck where you can see the railroad tracks and railroad crossings, so it is recommended for children who like trains. It seems that elementary and junior high school students often use it, and they often play baseball for boys on the ground.
三瓶実 on Google

少年野球をしていましたが、指導しているお父さん方がグランド内でタバコ?を吸っていたのにはガッカリ?⤵️しましたね❗ ルールを守ってなんぼの世界だと思いますよ?
I used to play baseball for boys, but I was disappointed that my dad was smoking ? in the ground ?⤵️ ❗ I think it's a world where you follow the rules ?
Yukie on Google

遊具が充実してます。 大型のジャングルジムと滑り台が繋がったもので、全体的に年中さん〜の遊具です。 滑り台も高いので年少さん、怖がりさんはドキドキかもです^_^; 砂場がとても広いです。 電車が通るので電車好きさんにはオススメ。 優しい運転士さんが合図してくれたり手を振ってくれたり(^^♪ 広い駐車場が隣にあります。 飲み物の自販機もあり、ベンチもあります。
There are plenty of playset. A large jungle gym and a slide are connected, and it is a playset for all year round. The slide is also high, so young people and scared people may be thrilled ^ _ ^; The sandbox is very large. Recommended for train lovers as trains pass through. A gentle driver gave me a signal and waved my hand (^^ ♪ There is a large parking lot next door. There is also a drink vending machine and a bench.
新井秀明(ヒデキチ) on Google

孫二人と来ました。広い駐車場がありますが、公園には道路を横断するので注意して下さい。 広くて遊具もあり、遊びがいがあります。 走り回れるし、年寄りには少しばかり疲れますがね。?
I came with my two grandchildren. There is a large parking lot, but please note that the park crosses the road. It's wide and has playset, so it's fun to play. I can run around and I'm a little tired of the elderly. ?
Akihiro WATANABE on Google

It's large, abundant in athletics, and you can see trains near the railroad tracks, so I think it's a park where children will never get tired of it.
Hi K. (gyozaman) on Google

野木町で一番大きな公園です。広大といえる程ではないですが、のんびり散歩できるくらいの広さがあり、小さな丘と時計台、広場、遊具、小さめの野球グラウンドがあります。 規模の割には遊具が充実していて、小学生低学年くらいまでなら結構遊べるのではないでしょうか。砂場もあるので幼児も遊べますよ。駐車場の台数が多いので、停められないことはまず無いでしょう。
It is the largest park in Nogi Town. It's not big, but it's big enough for a leisurely stroll, with a small hill and clock tower, a plaza, playsets, and a small baseball field. There are plenty of playsets for the scale, and I think you can play quite a bit up to the lower grades of elementary school. There is also a sandbox so infants can play. Due to the large number of parking lots, it is unlikely that you will not be able to park.

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