Marl Animal Hospital - Ashiya

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

兵庫県芦屋市のマール動物診療室 -


Contact Marl Animal Hospital

住所 :

2-21 Tsujicho, Ashiya, Hyogo 659-0075, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8797
Postal code : 659-0075
Webサイト :

2-21 Tsujicho, Ashiya, Hyogo 659-0075, Japan
ぐ・つぇんみん on Google

うさぎの根尖膿瘍治療でお世話になりました。過去の診療事例も交えて、非常に分かりやすく治療方針を説明して下さいました。以来、うさぎの健診、爪切りで通っています。 2021年1月より予約診療になりました。電話予約必須です。
Thank you for treating the abscess of the apex of the rabbit. He explained the treatment policy in a very easy-to-understand manner, including past medical cases. Since then, I have been attending rabbit medical examinations and nail clippers. From January 2021, it became a reserved medical treatment. Telephone reservation is required.
Y K on Google

While there are few hospitals in Kansai where you can see rabbits properly, I heard that they are putting effort into it, and I felt that the staff were cheerful and friendly, and that the teachers could feel at ease.
ンゴゴーゴゴーゴゴ on Google

一つ目に行った動物病院が酷すぎたため、職場の方からお勧めされたマールさんにお伺いしました。 最初にお電話でお話しさせて頂いたのですが、何しろ最初に行った病院が酷すぎて泣きながら症状を口頭で説明させていただいたところ、いつでもお待ちしてます。と受け入れてくださり心が救われました。 診て頂いたのは外来の先生だったのですが、とても優しい方で動物が好きなことが伝わってきます。 助手の方も協力的で、怖がる猫ちゃんを安心させようとしてくださる姿勢がとても嬉しかったです。 場所的に車で行かないと辛いですが健康診断などは確実にマールさんにお世話になるつもりでいます。 病院選びでペットの寿命は変わるとのことですので、その点においてマールさんはとても信頼できると思いました。
The first veterinary hospital I visited was too harsh, so I asked Mr. Marl, who was recommended by the workplace. First of all, I would like to talk to you by phone, but after all, when the hospital I went to first was too cruel to cry and explain the symptoms verbally, I am always waiting. I was accepted and my heart was saved. It was an outpatient teacher who consulted me, but I am told that he is a very kind person and likes animals. The assistants were also supportive, and I was very pleased with the attitude of trying to reassure scared cats. It's tough to go by car because of the location, but I'm sure that Maru will take care of my health checkups. The life span of pets will change depending on the hospital selected, so I thought Marl was very reliable in that regard.
今西勝利 on Google

I bought a French Bulldog, but I got it very well at this hospital. I am very grateful! A female doctor and trimmer are also female, and it's good to have a very gentle atmosphere! If your dog feels at ease, he / she will be able to receive a medical examination obediently!
M H on Google

It is a hospital where you can rest assured that the teachers and staff are all warm and wonderful.
Hirotaka Yamashita on Google

この病院で13年になるわが子同然で可愛がっていたネザーランドドワーフを診てもらっていました。 院長はじめ女性だけで本当に優しい人ばかりです。 特にウサギに関しては専門といっても過言でないほど得意ということもあり、遠方からも来院されており、ウサギ専門の病院を探されているのであればココは絶対におススメです。
At this hospital, I was seen by the Netherlands Dwarf, who had been loved by my child for 13 years. Only women, including the director, are really kind. Especially for rabbits, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is good at it, so he has come to the hospital from afar, and if you are looking for a hospital specializing in rabbits, this is definitely recommended.
yasuko on Google

Until the end, he treated me according to the feelings of the owner. I am only grateful to the director.
Matsuyama Yukinori on Google

明るく快活な院長先生、温かくて安心感を与えてくれるアシスタント、優しくて上品な受付の女性。三者三様ですが、素敵なチームだと感じました。 いつもお世話になっている病院がお休みの時に、初めてお世話になりました。不安でいっぱいの飼い主を温かく迎えてくれて、安心させてくれる、そんな診療室ですね。 ペットは話せないので、不安なことも多いですよね。すべて病院任せではなく、飼い主と病院が力をあわせることが大切だと思います。マールさんはそういうお付き合いのできる病院だと感じました。ありがとうございました。
A cheerful and cheerful director, a warm and reassuring assistant, and a gentle and elegant receptionist woman. It's three people, but I felt it was a wonderful team. I was taken care of for the first time when the hospital I was always indebted to was closed. It's such a clinic that warmly welcomes owners who are full of anxiety and reassures them. I can't talk to pets, so I'm often worried. I think it is important for the owner and the hospital to work together, rather than leaving everything to the hospital. Marl felt that it was a hospital where he could have such a relationship. Thank you very much.

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