Mark Ole Cafe - Kurashiki

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mark Ole Cafe

住所 :

1952-6 Tamashima, Kurashiki, Okayama 713-8102, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 713-8102

1952-6 Tamashima, Kurashiki, Okayama 713-8102, Japan
遥狐 on Google

It's a one-plate lunch, but it comes with desserts and drinks, so I'm full. The vegetables were plentiful and delicious.
ユーゴスター on Google

When I ordered a chef dessert with 4 kinds of omakase cakes little by little, I found that all the shortcakes had almost the same contents, which made me feel uncomfortable. Why was there another cake in the show window?
白いアマテラス on Google

とても美味い 値段の割に少なく見えた がしかし なんと!食後のデザートが豪華! 美味しいお店から 安くてとても美味い店に早変わり 大満足です。
Very delicious It looked less for the price But What! After-meal dessert is gorgeous! From a delicious shop It quickly turns into a cheap and very delicious restaurant I am very satisfied.
たけたけままま on Google

ランチに伺いました。 ちょうど混んでる時間帯だったのか、席が空いてたのにかなり待たされました。 ランチは、プレートランチにデザートプレート、ドリンク付きでお得♡ おいしくいただけました? ただ…お店の中が片付けが出来ないのか、お客さんの目につく所にホウキがあったり、ぐちゃぐちゃな所があって気になって…なので評価は4にさせていただきました? でもまた行きたいです♪
I visited for lunch. It was a busy time, but I had to wait a while because there were no seats available. For lunch, you can get a plate lunch, a dessert plate, and a drink. It was delicious ? However ... I was worried about whether the store could not be cleaned up, there were brooms where customers could notice, and there were messy places ... so I gave it a rating of 4 ? But I want to go again ♪
三宅典子(ジェム) on Google

Four people come to the store on holidays. I want to eat dessert well, so I ordered 2 lunch plates and 2 omakase dessert plates. The staff told me that I could change it to a cake for an additional 200 yen on the lunch plate, so I changed it. The food, desserts, atmosphere of the restaurant, and the attentiveness of the staff are also cozy.
Baviaga lab on Google

ランチセットはいくつか種類があって、縦長ワンプレートにメインのハンバーグや照り焼きチキン、サラダ、ポテトフライなどがところ狭しとのってます。 気に入ったのはハンバーグにつけるソースが卵黄というプレート! ありそうでなかった目新しい美味しさを発見できました。ショーケースにはかなりたくさんのケーキが陳列されて買って帰りたくなります?
There are several types of lunch sets, and the main hamburger steak, teriyaki chicken, salad, potato fries, etc. are narrowly packed on a vertically long plate. I like the egg yolk sauce on the hamburger steak! I was able to discover a novel taste that was unlikely. There are quite a lot of cakes on display in the showcase and you will want to buy them and go home ?
竹森淳子 on Google

ケーキセットを頼みました。 ショーケースから選ぶのに色んなケーキがあって迷いました。 フルーツショートのチョコレートケーキを食べました。美味しかったです? 紅茶に癒されました☕️
I ordered a cake set. I was at a loss because there were various cakes to choose from the showcase. I ate a fruit short chocolate cake. It was delicious ? I was healed by tea ☕️
【まるごと岡山食べ尽くし日記】で検索 on Google

ここでは、ケーキがまるごと1個乗った 贅沢パフェをたべれちゃう?? ショーケースの中から好きなケーキを選んだら、パフェの上にドーンと乗って登場?? これはインパクト大❣️ どのケーキにしようか選ぶところから楽しいし、友達と違うケーキを選んでシェアするのも楽しそうですね♡ これは写真映えする...?? 勿論ケーキのお味も本格的♡ 大きめのケーキだしパフェだしボリュームも抜群で甘党さんにオススメ?? 彩り鮮やかなランチもあるので ランチもパフェも楽しめる素敵なお店です?
Here, I got a whole cake Eat a luxurious parfait ?? Choose your favorite cake from the showcase and ride with Dawn on the parfait ?? This is a big impact ❣️ It's fun to choose which cake to use, and it seems fun to choose a different cake and share it with your friends ♡ This looks great ... ?? Of course, the taste of the cake is also authentic ♡ It's a large cake, it's a parfait, and the volume is outstanding, so it's recommended for sweet tooth ?? There is also a colorful lunch It's a nice restaurant where you can enjoy both lunch and parfait ?

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