Marine Bridge - Iwaki

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Marine Bridge

住所 :

Misaki-11-58 Onahamashimokajiro, Iwaki, Fukushima 970-0316, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 970-0316
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–9:30PM
Sunday 11AM–9:30PM
Monday 11AM–9:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–9:30PM
Wednesday 11AM–9:30PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 11AM–9:30PM

Misaki-11-58 Onahamashimokajiro, Iwaki, Fukushima 970-0316, Japan
やまさん on Google

小名浜の夜景を一望出来て料理が美味しくパフェは安くて大きいです。 約30年くらい前から有りますが店は綺麗です。若い頃はデートとかで良く利用しました。やっぱり良いですね✨
You can overlook the night view of Onahama, the food is delicious, and the parfait is cheap and big. It has been around for about 30 years, but the store is beautiful. When I was young, I often used it for dates. After all it is good ✨
Kana on Google

I've been going there for a long time. It's been a long time ago, but I can't forget that I was surprised to eat the melon parfait with my children! This time we ate hamburger curry and grilled sandwiches. I was hungry, but both were large and difficult to snack on ? It was delicious so I tried my best to eat it, but I would like to see a smaller menu for women.
TAKASHI on Google

平日昼間にいきました。 半分くらい席埋ってましたがそれほど混んでませんでした。 ランチセットが安くてサラダ、デザート、ドリンクバーが付いていて、だいたい千円以下。 バーコード決済使えるのもgood マリンタワーを見ながらのランチ大満足でした。
I went during the daytime on weekdays. It was about half full, but it wasn't too crowded. The lunch set is cheap and comes with a salad, dessert and drink bar, and it costs less than 1,000 yen. It is also good to use bar code payment I was very satisfied with the lunch while looking at the Marine Tower.
渡辺タカヒロ on Google

日曜日のお昼に初めて行きました。 11時半頃入店したら、2〜3テーブルだけ空いていおり、賑わっていました。 焼きカレーとガーリックチキンライス、 食後に抹茶パフェを注文しました。 食事はどちらも美味しく、それだけで満足できる量がありました。パフェは値段の割にボリュームがあり、2人で一つあれば十分な量でした。 食事メニューは普通の値段でした パフェの写真は撮り忘れ。
I went there for the first time on Sunday afternoon. When I entered the store around 11:30, only a few tables were vacant and it was crowded. Grilled curry and garlic chicken rice, I ordered a matcha parfait after a meal. Both meals were delicious and there was a satisfying amount on their own. The parfait had a lot of volume for the price, and one for two people was enough. The meal menu was normal price I forgot to take a picture of the parfait.
りー on Google

? マリンビレッジ みさき公園の中にあるお店です。 居心地のいいお店で、どれもリーズナブルなのに全部美味しいです。 パンケーキは子供が注文。 量も子供にはちょうどいいようで毎回 注文してます。 わたしは クリームブリュレのクレープを 注文しましたがこちらも美味しかったです。 お食事はこの日はしませんでしたが トマトソースとチーズのハンバーグが 美味しいのでおすすめです ??? ‎
? Marine Village It is a shop in Misaki Park. It's a cozy shop, and although they are all reasonably priced, they are all delicious. Children order pancakes. The amount seems to be just right for children every time I'm ordering. I have a crepe of creme brulee I ordered it, but it was also delicious. I didn't eat this day Tomato sauce and cheese hamburger Recommended because it is delicious ???
I kuko Y on Google

海を眺めながらのランチはいいですね。 学生の時に来て以来だったので、懐かしかったです。 パフェ、大好きです。
Lunch with a view of the sea is good. It's been since I came when I was a student, so I missed it. I love parfait.
panda “panda” m. on Google

平日の昼間でしたが満席状態でしたが 料理が出て来る時間も余り待たなくても来ました。 野菜のチーズ焼きカレーは少しピリ辛でしたがとても美味しかったです。 クリームパスタも濃厚で美味しいと言ってました。
It was daytime on weekdays, but it was full, but I didn't have to wait too long for the food to come out. The vegetable cheese-grilled curry was a little spicy but very delicious. He said that the cream pasta was also rich and delicious.
東雲蒼 on Google

小名浜の海が一望できるとあって、ランチに行きました。 人気No.1のガーリックチキンライスを注文。 ガーリックがきいててとても美味しかった??? 次は夜か天気がいい日に訪れたいと思います。
I went to lunch because I could see the sea of ​​Onahama. I ordered the most popular garlic chicken rice. The garlic was good and it was very delicious ??? Next time I would like to visit at night or on a sunny day.

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