Manso Nakasu - Hiroshima

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Manso Nakasu

住所 :

1 Chome-9-7 Nakasu, Asaminami Ward, Hiroshima, 731-0121, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Postal code : 731-0121

1 Chome-9-7 Nakasu, Asaminami Ward, Hiroshima, 731-0121, Japan
やちるchan on Google

It's nice to have it in a bag, but ... I've been waiting for the checkout for a long time. Double the frustration if you pack a lot of shopping in a bag! After all, isn't it more efficient to have customers do the bagging? I'm doing the opposite.
k t on Google

Wide and beautiful. It is a rare structure called accounting on the 1st floor, entering from the 2nd floor. I went there on Sunday morning, but there is a wide selection of items. If you choose carefully, some fresh foods are good. Bread is cheap.
aqua sell on Google

alzoになって種類も増え冷凍食品の棚もできかなりよくなりました! ただ昔から野菜だけはだめ。他の店でおつとめ品レベルのものが並ぶ。レタスも切り口真っ赤になってるしたまにきれいなものがあると思ったら真っ赤になった切り口をさらに切っているもの。
As alzo, the number of types has increased, and shelves for frozen foods have been created, which has improved considerably! However, vegetables are not the only thing that has been around for a long time. At other stores, you can find items at the level of sushi. Lettuce also has a bright red cut. If you think that there is something beautiful sometimes, the cut that turned bright red is cut further.
クロネコチョコラ on Google

It is troubled to catch up because it is rich in the assortment. Thank you were able buy with confidence because it was in good store of cleaning
tiaka kouseki on Google

新しくなり、沢山買い物がしやすくなりました。冷凍食品は、いろいろあって悩みます。他には無いレジ袋に詰めて貰えるサービスは、一度受けると自分で詰めるのが面倒になるくらい良いサービスです。甘い焼き芋も最高 。
It's new and it's easier to shop a lot. I'm worried about frozen foods. The service that you can get packed in a plastic shopping bag like no other is so good that once you receive it, it will be troublesome to pack it yourself. Sweet roasted sweet potato is also the best ..
まる&HAPPY on Google

There was a wide variety of instant drinks that you would want to drink in winter with hot water! For individuals, BGM got excited by Dressing-chan's singing voice ♪
もみじ on Google

改装後、綺麗な店内になっていて 通路も広く感じます。 2階に上がって買い物スタートで、 レジは1階にあるので、急ぐ人には、不便かもしれませんが、色々なものがあります。 ただお酒は種類が減った気がします。 袋をお願いしたら、3円で何枚でも袋詰めしてくれるので、たくさん買う時、スムーズにお店から、でられて助かります。
After the renovation, it has become a beautiful store I feel the aisle is wide. Go up to the 2nd floor and start shopping The cashier is on the ground floor, so it may be inconvenient for people in a hurry, but there are many things. However, I feel that the types of alcohol have decreased. If you ask for a bag, it will be packed in as many bags as you like for 3 yen, so when you buy a lot, you will be able to get out of the store smoothly.
じめがねま on Google

仕事帰りによく利用しています。 商品・値段ともに業務スーパーのようなお店です。値段が比較的安く、飲料(お酒以外)と冷凍食品は種類も豊富です。 会計はセルフシステムですが、有料レジ袋での袋詰めサービスという昨今のSDGs社会の流れに逆行した取り組みを行っており、それを目当てで来店する客が多いのですぐにレジが混みます。バイト店員が多く、レジに入るのを渋る傾向があり、6つあるレジの半分も稼働していないのが状況を悪化させています。特に休日15時〜17時頃はお年寄りラッシュなので要注意。 1階にクリーニング店、お年寄り向け?の美容室、トイレがあります。 トイレは寂れた公園並に汚いです。 どうせなら空いているレジをマイバッグ持参の方向けのセルフレジにしてはどうでしょうか?そのほうが効率も改善すると思いますが…
I often use it on my way home from work. It is a store like a business supermarket in terms of both products and prices. The prices are relatively low, and there are a wide variety of beverages (other than alcohol) and frozen foods. Accounting is a self-service system, but we are taking an initiative that goes against the recent trend of the SDGs society, such as a bagging service with paid plastic shopping bags, and many customers come to the store for that purpose, so the shopping bags will be crowded soon. Many part-time clerk tend to be reluctant to enter the cash register, and half of the six cash register are not in operation, which makes the situation worse. Be especially careful as the elderly rush from 15:00 to 17:00 on holidays. Cleaning shop on the 1st floor, for the elderly? There are beauty salons and toilets. The toilet is as dirty as a lonely park. How about turning an empty cash register into a self-service bag for those who bring their own bags? I think that would improve efficiency, but ...

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