Mami Mart - Tokorozawa

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mami Mart

住所 :

23-1 Kotesashidai, Tokorozawa, Saitama 359-1148, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8988
Postal code : 359-1148
Webサイト :

23-1 Kotesashidai, Tokorozawa, Saitama 359-1148, Japan
aj “あくび” on Google

フレッシュオレンジの販売機にきました。 シンガポールで飲んだオレンジジュースがまさか所沢で飲めるとは思いませんでした。一杯500円です。 味は、フレッシュなだけあって美味しかったです。 ただ、1,000円札を入れたら自動的に動きだしたのでおつりが出てくるのかと心配しました。 また近くによったら買いたいと思います。 次々とお客さんが買いにきてました。
I came to a vending machine for fresh oranges. I never thought that the orange juice I drank in Singapore could be drunk in Tokorozawa. It's 500 yen per cup. The taste was delicious as it was fresh. However, when I inserted the 1,000 yen bill, it started to move automatically, so I was worried that change would come out. I would like to buy it again if it is nearby. Customers came to buy one after another.
まーちゃん on Google

I said, "I want to drink fresh orange range juice!" For a few months, and he brought me a surprise on the way home from the drive. I said, "I saw the news on my smartphone that there is such a vending machine," but I was happy. There was a bitter taste on the skin, but it was very delicious. I tasted it little by little and drank it. It's amazing. ??
ノブ on Google

マミーマートだけじゃなく、スギ薬局が併設されていたり、2階には広いダイソーとツタヤがあるので、便利なお店です。 またお酒の品揃えはスーパーよりも豊富です。コエドビールとかギネス、スタウトなどがあり、お酒好きにはポイント高いです。ピザや惣菜コーナーもお手軽なお値段で美味しそうなものが目に付きました。 ただレジ待ちが長いです。セミセルフ式のレジ以外に、完全セルフのレジが欲しいところですね。私みたいにコンビニ感覚で寄る人間には、スーパーのレジ待ち時間は無駄に感じちゃいます。
Not only Mammy Mart, but also Sugi Pharmacy is attached, and there is a large Daiso and Tsutaya on the 2nd floor, so it is a convenient shop. Also, the assortment of alcoholic beverages is richer than in supermarkets. There are coed beer, Guinness, stout, etc., which is a high point for liquor lovers. I also noticed that the pizza and side dish corners seemed to be delicious at a reasonable price. However, waiting for the cash register is long. In addition to the semi-self-style cash register, I want a completely self-service cash register. For people like me who come by like a convenience store, waiting time at the supermarket is useless.
萬名游鯏 on Google

It is a general supermarket where you can find all kinds of things. TSUTAYA etc. are also on the second floor of the building. Lawson across the street. The parking lot is a little narrow at both the entrance and exit, and the difficulty is that you can only enter by turning left.
Graham Stone on Google

Good bento deals in the evening

Great for shopping and little area for kids to play games
chabedi maqalika on Google

Great experience. A general store with a wide variety of products and services.
SDF-1 MACROSS on Google

This is the Rural regional supermarket complex, always crowded with the local people.

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