株式会社 香取

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社 香取

住所 :

Makuharihongo, Hanamigawa Ward, 〒262-0033 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Webサイト : http://www.katori-1975.jp/company.html
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Makuharihongo, Hanamigawa Ward, 〒262-0033 Chiba,Japan
阿部木材店ネット販売推進事業部まで on Google

あきまさ on Google

Stop running away!
真澄 on Google

I was about to be pulled forward. It may be a narrow road, but I'm skipping it.
sugi youji on Google

Thanks to the employees who removed heavy snow in the neighborhood on a heavy snowfall.
越川正人 on Google

It is a ready-made con shop, and also handles residual soil disposal and RC40-0.
getaya (ゲタヤ) on Google

周辺が密集してしまったので 待機に気を使います
Because the surrounding area has become crowded Be careful about waiting
h a on Google

We beat down in a residential area, overtake in a residential area, and fleeing ignoring signals. It is a company with at least human resources who can do such things with the name of the company.
辰巳唐沢 on Google

生コンを扱う業者のようですが、先にあったとはいえ、風が吹いて砂利があちこちに舞おうが、大雨で砂利が排水溝を埋めようが、あくまでも自分の店の前しか徹底的に掃除をしない。 それも水をただ撒いて、店の前から流し出すだけ。 隣の京葉銀行の前まで砂利が流れていても、意に介せずふてぶてしさ。 また、運転手を含む従業員も競合相手の少なさからくる傲慢さからか、生コン車の運転もオラオラ運転。ヤンキー上がりばかりの風体ばかりです。 ここに頼むのなら、他の業者に頼みたいと思うほどです。 …そもそも家をまた建てたりするほど利用するとは思えないですが。
Although it seems to be a supplier that handles raw concrete, although it was earlier, the wind blows and the gravel flutters around, but heavy rain makes the gravel fill the drainage ditch, but only thoroughly cleans in front of your own store do not do. Just sprinkle water and drain it from the front of the store. Even if gravel flows to the front of the neighboring Keiyo Bank, it's futabetsushi. In addition, the employees including the driver are driven by the arrogance that comes from the small number of competitors. It ’s just like a Yankee. If you ask here, you will want to ask someone else. ... I don't think I will use it enough to build a house again.

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