
3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 幕張整形外科

住所 :

Makuharicho, Hanamigawa Ward, 〒262-0032 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://www.makuhariseikei.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–1PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–12:30PM
Thursday 9AM–12:30PM
Friday 9AM–12:30PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Makuharicho, Hanamigawa Ward, 〒262-0032 Chiba,Japan
アラヤン on Google

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ナ三三 on Google

近所なのでここで良いと思い伺ったんですが雰囲気が異様な気がしました。 まず病院の顔の受付けさんがちょっと酷かったんで期待はしませんでしたが、一度も目を合わせなかった先生となぜか鬼の形相で睨んできたナースさんの顔が忘れられない・・・遠くても別の病院にしましたよ・・・
I heard that it is good here because it is a neighborhood, but I felt that the atmosphere was strange. First of all, I didn't expect it because the receptionist at the hospital was a little terrible, but I can't forget the face of the teacher who never looked at me and the nurse who was glaring at me in the form of a demon ... far away. But I made it to another hospital ...
ria cana on Google

I had a medical examination with a hip. It was good to go to work the next day with injection and corset. The staff were kind and safe.
sy ieda on Google

乱暴な態度の高齢看護師。診察室前でスリッパに履き替える為靴を脱いだら、直後にその靴を足で蹴ってきて椅子の下にばらばらに追いやられました。 医師の診察は患部に触れることも見る事もなく、とりあえずリハビリしとけという感じで1分程度で終わり。 昔の飲み屋風の受付女性。こちらが受付カウンターに行く前に大声で「○○さぁ~ん、○○円でぇ~す」とだけ言って、隣にいた長身の受付女性とおしゃべり。2人とも挨拶すら無視。 類は友を呼ぶという言葉がぴったりの病院です。 時間とお金の無駄でした。
An elderly nurse with a violent attitude. I took off my shoes in front of the doctor's office to change into slippers, and immediately after that, I kicked the shoes with my feet and were driven to pieces under the chair. The doctor's examination did not touch or see the affected area, and it took about 1 minute to rehabilitate for the time being. An old bar-style receptionist woman. Before going to the reception counter, I just said "○○, XX yen!" And chatted with the tall receptionist woman next door. Both of them ignore even greetings. Kind is a hospital where the word to call a friend is perfect. It was a waste of time and money.
ayu (ナッツ) on Google

手首の怪我で夕方頃に受診しました。 先生の診察はとても丁寧に診察、説明とありましたが、受付の方の印象が悪く、私が入ってきたとき、他の職員さんと喋ってたのはいいんですが、私が受付にいるのに喋り続けるし、受付作業もやってるとき、どこかだるそうにやっているのが一番、印象悪かったなと思っています。 手首の痛みがひかないため、時間帯を変えて昼間に受診したところ、受付の方の印象はとても良かったので、人によるのか、時間帯によるものなのかなと私は思っています。
She was consulted around the evening due to a wrist injury. The doctor's consultation was very carefully, with a consultation and explanation, but the impression of the receptionist was bad, and when I came in, it would be nice to talk with other staff, but I am at the reception When I keep talking and doing reception work, I think that it was the worst impression that I was doing something loosely. I didn't have any pain in my wrist, so when I went to the office during the day after changing the time zone, the impression of the receptionist was very good, so I wonder if it depends on people or time of day.
そといち on Google

私の妻ですが、外反母趾で痛みがあり、足が変な形になり不安だったので受診しました。 院長先生の診察で足のアーチが悪くなっているため症状が出ているという説明があり、後日理学療法士さんのリハビリを受けることになりました。 理学療法士さんは丁寧に歩き方などみてくれて、それに合わせたインソールを作製してくれました。 インソール代は実費でしたが、それほど高くなく、足の痛みは減り大変に助かっています。 本人も喜んでいます。 ありがとうございました。
My wife was painful due to hallux valgus, and had a strange shape and anxiety. At the consultation of the director of the hospital, the doctor explained that his foot arch had become worse, and he had symptoms, and he was rehabilitated by a physiotherapist at a later date. The physiotherapist carefully looked at how to walk and made the insole for that. The cost of the insole was an actual cost, but it was not so expensive, and my foot pain was reduced and it was very helpful. The person is also pleased. Thank you very much.
ゆにゆに on Google

Visited for tendonitis during pregnancy. The teacher was a very calm person and listened to this story properly. Since I am pregnant, I was asked to prescribe a compress that does not affect the foetation. I went to see him again after giving birth, and this time he was given a strong compress and steroid injections. I was relieved that the teacher gave me an injection instead of leaving it to the nurse. When I had just made a Caesarean section and declared that my body hurts, I laid it down on the bed and gave an injection, and when I woke up, I used electric reclining to get up and it was very helpful. I visited on Saturday because my husband had to see my child, but it's so crowded that that's the only bottleneck. I hope I can make a reservation considering that I will bring my baby with me in the future.

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