Makuhari Kids Clinic - Chiba

2.4/5 に基づく 7 レビュー

Contact Makuhari Kids Clinic

住所 :

幕張グリーンハイツ 5 Chome-417-222 Makuharicho, Hanamigawa Ward, Chiba, 262-0032, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 262-0032
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–1PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–1PM
Tuesday 9AM–1PM
Wednesday 9AM–1PM
Thursday 9AM–1PM
Friday 9AM–1PM

幕張グリーンハイツ 5 Chome-417-222 Makuharicho, Hanamigawa Ward, Chiba, 262-0032, Japan
yu fu on Google

ネットからも予約できますが、予約なしで行っても他の小児科と比較すると、待ち時間が少なめなので、助かっています。 2人の女医さんで診察されていますが、どちらの先生も話しやすいです。 病院の前にキッズスペースがあったり、隣の薬局も子どもにガチャガチャをやらせてくれたりと、子どもとっては楽しみな要素が多いようで、病院に行くのをあまり嫌がらないです。
You can make a reservation online, but even if you do not make a reservation, the waiting time is shorter than other pediatrics, which is helpful. I have been examined by two female doctors, and both teachers are easy to talk to. There seems to be a lot of fun for children, such as the kids' space in front of the hospital and the pharmacy next door letting the children do the gacha, so I don't really hate going to the hospital.
Midori M.G. on Google

院内はとても清潔です、受付も普通です、医師の対応も普通ですが、誤診されました。 子供はの口、顔周りに発疹があり、以前ヘルペスになったのでそうではないかと受診。女性の医師にも伝えました。しかし、これはヘルペスではなく、乾燥によるものだと診断され、保湿をするプロペトを処方されました。 1週間経っても治らず、むしろ増えていて、絶対におかしいと他の院に行ったら、ヘルペスですね、乾燥させないとダメなので保湿は逆効果との事で、とても悲しいです。
The hospital is very clean, the reception is normal, and the doctor's response is normal, but I was misdiagnosed. The child had a rash around his mouth and face, and he had herpes before, so he consulted with him. I also told a female doctor. However, he was diagnosed with dryness, not herpes, and was prescribed a moisturizing propet. It doesn't heal even after a week, but it's increasing, and if I go to another hospital, it's herpes. It's necessary to dry it, so moisturizing is counterproductive, so I'm very sad.
田中恵美子 on Google

この病院の受付の態度が、小児科とは思えないほど酷い。 子供が注射を嫌がり泣きだしたら睨まれました。 また、2人の女医さんが担当していますが。メインで診ている先生は六に診もせず、適当な判断ばかり。 急性角結膜炎になった時も、眼科へ行くよう指示されず、単なる結膜炎といわれ、保育園や小学校で大流行しました。 場所のせいか、利用している方は多いようですが、何人も別の病院に変えているくらいです。
The attitude of the receptionist at this hospital is so terrible that I can't think of it as a pediatrician. I was glared when my child hated the injection and started crying. Also, two female doctors are in charge. The teacher who is in the main examination does not even see Roku, but only makes appropriate decisions. Even when I had acute keratoconjunctivitis, I was not instructed to go to an ophthalmologist, and it was said to be just conjunctivitis, and it became a pandemic in nursery schools and elementary schools. It seems that many people are using it because of the location, but many people have changed to another hospital.
sanae F on Google

通っていた他の医院がしばらくお休みする関係でこちらで何度か受診しました。土曜日にやっているのはありがたいです。 ■施設…地下に病院があるので、ベビーカーは1階の階段前に預ける形です。(自転車のように自分でわっか状の鍵を手すりに取り付ける)階段の乗り降りはエスカレーターがないため、抱っこする方は気をつけてください。 院内は待合室も広く、大型テレビでアニメを映してくれています。感染症の疑いがあった時は、呼ばれるまで別室待機となりました。 ■受付…女性の対応が少し機械的な感じでした。電話で受けた時と印象が違うので人によるのかもしれません。 ■診察…風邪で受診しました。他の医院では着替えさせパンツ一枚での診察(一歳時)でしたが、こちらでは服をめくっての診察でした。見ていただいたときは先生は女性でした。(2名はいます) 怖い印象はないので、聞きたいことがあればどんどん聞ける雰囲気です。 ■薬局…右隣にあります。待ち時間に飲み物の試飲で青汁をいただきました。子供を抱っこしたままだったので、座ったまま会計まで出来たのが助かりました。
I visited the clinic several times because the other clinic I was attending was absent for a while. I'm grateful to be doing it on Saturday. ■ Facilities: Since there is a hospital in the basement, strollers can be left in front of the stairs on the first floor. (Like a bicycle, you attach the key to the railing by yourself.) There is no escalator when getting on and off the stairs, so please be careful if you hold it. The hospital has a large waiting room, and the animation is shown on a large TV. When I was suspected of having an infectious disease, I had to wait in a separate room until I was called. ■ Reception ... The response of women was a little mechanical. It may depend on the person because the impression is different from when I received it on the phone. ■ Medical examination ... I had a medical examination because of a cold. At other clinics, I had to change my clothes and have a medical examination with one pair of pants (at the age of one), but here I had a medical examination with my clothes turned over. The teacher was a woman when I saw her. (There are two people) I don't have a scary impression, so if you have something you want to hear, you can listen to it more and more. ■ Pharmacy… It is on the right side. During the waiting time, I had aojiru for a drink tasting. I was still holding my child, so it was helpful to be able to check out while sitting.
Macooo. M on Google

I have two children and I made an appointment for vaccination for my younger child, but my older child became ill on the day and had to cancel on the day. When I called to that effect, the receptionist was angry that I should refrain from slapstick in the future. I will go if I go here. I also adjusted breastfeeding according to the reserved time. I think that this canceled on the day is also bad. However, there are various reasons for cancellation, such as sudden illness. I'm surprised that such a person is accepting pediatrics. It's the worst, to say the least.
nOb oO on Google

My child had a sore throat, so I went to see him, but I decided to have a pcr test without knowing it. I will be waiting at home until the result comes out, and I think that it is an extreme response even if it is a corona disaster. There are doubts about the management system, such as the result report being called twice on different days.
Brittney in Japan on Google

The clinic was clean and the staff was very helpful and friendly. I just moved here with my 3yr old son and husband from the US and had no idea what todo when my son got his fever. The doctors were so nice and they even spoke english and were able to give me all the information I needed to help my son. They explained what i needed to bring (paperwork) and they had all forms in english for me to fill out. I will always come here from now on.

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