Makkusubaryu Sugouten - Himeji

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Makkusubaryu Sugouten

住所 :

Yumesakicho Sugoudani, Himeji, 〒671-2134 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 671-2134
Webサイト :
街 : Hyogo

Yumesakicho Sugoudani, Himeji, 〒671-2134 Hyogo,Japan
松本忠司 on Google

There is an eat-in corner, but there is no hot water, so noodles are useless, but there is Lawson in front of you. Yakitori, deliciously delicious
大西廣 on Google

ドラッグ、クリーニング、コメつき、段ボール捨てと買い物が出来るので便利なのでよく利用しています。 妻は、火曜市で買い物し、息子は夜遅く割り引き商品を買っています。
I use it because it is convenient because I can do shopping with dragging, cleaning, with rice, discarding cardboard. My wife is shopping on Tuesday, and my son is buying discounts late at night.
バカボンママ on Google

There are people who ask the clerk for amiability ~~ Cleanliness is enough for merchandise ⭕
はいからうどん on Google

旧夢前町菅野中学校区唯一のスーパーマーケットということもあり、同地域はもちろん、南隣の刀出、六角、打越などからの利用も多い。 品揃えはマックスバリュとしては多い方だろう。 ベーカリーやイートインコーナーもある。 ドラッグストアとクリーニング店も併設されているためか、駐車場も広く出入りしやすい。
Since it is the only supermarket in the former Sugano Junior High School in Yumezen-cho, it is often used not only in the area but also from the southern side of Tode, Hexagon, and Uchikoshi. Assortment is probably the one as Maxvalu. There are also bakery and eat-in corners. Perhaps because a drug store and a laundry are also provided, the parking lot is easy to access.
on Google

ちょっと小さめのマックスバリュ。 品揃えもそれなり。 特に不足はないんですけどね。
A little smaller Max Valu. The assortment is also reasonable. There is no particular shortage, though.
白壁の街に住むオオツキ on Google

品揃えは普通。 駐車場は広め。
The assortment is normal. The parking lot is wide.
Good Beach on Google

朝開店時によく弁当を買いに利用しています 。客も少ないこともあり、女性パート同士で他の従業員への悪態批判を大きな声で楽しんでいます。そのため、お客である私が朝から気分が悪くなります。
I often buy lunch boxes when the store opens in the morning .. Since there are few customers, the female part-timers are enjoying the criticism of other employees in a loud voice. Therefore, as a customer, I feel sick from the morning.
happy on Google

レジ担当には指導が必要と思う たまたま通りすがりに初来店した時間帯が半額での購入だけど、だからといって お金を貰っているからにはバイトか社員かは関係なくプロでは? 夜のレジ打ちをさせるなら責任感をもう少し持たせないとクレームが来て店長、責任者は疲れますよ。 何も指導して貰ってないのか?親にも教えて貰わなかったのか? 野菜は押し込み、その上にはパンと和菓子、その上に惣菜類が雪崩を起こし ナイロン袋は一切入れないスタイルだからレジバッグの中で縦になってた鯵の南蛮漬けから液漏れ状態 レジバッグの中は全部べとべと…で大変 南蛮漬けは汁気が全部なし状態 おまけに車の中は載せた場所が液体でベタベタ、手もベタベタ 駐車場では子供もいたので諦めて帰宅してからレジバッグも中身も洗う事になり疲れました
I think the cashier needs guidance I happened to buy at half price when I first visited the store, but that doesn't mean that Is it a professional regardless of whether it is a part-time job or an employee because you are getting money? If you want to make a checkout at night, you will get a complaint if you do not have a sense of responsibility, and the store manager and the person in charge will get tired. Didn't you give me any guidance? Didn't you tell your parents? Vegetables are pushed in, bread and Japanese sweets are on top, and side dishes cause an avalanche on top. Since it is a style that can not put a nylon bag at all, it is in a state of liquid leakage from the nanban pickled horse mackerel that was vertically in the cash register bag Everything in the cash register bag is sticky ... Nanban pickles are completely free of juice In addition, the place where you put it in the car is liquid and sticky, and your hands are also sticky I had children in the parking lot, so I was tired because I had to wash the bag and contents after giving up and going home.

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