Maekawa Orthopedic Clinic - Takasago

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Maekawa Orthopedic Clinic

住所 :

エクレール 102 Yoneda-92-2 Yonedacho, Takasago, Hyogo 676-0805, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 676-0805
Webサイト :

エクレール 102 Yoneda-92-2 Yonedacho, Takasago, Hyogo 676-0805, Japan
溝口雄大 on Google

昔事故でむち打ちになってしまい、そこから首が慢性的に痛くて悩んでいました。 先生の話によると関節の動きが悪いから今の痛みが出ていると言っていました。 先生に言われた期間頑張って治療していくと、今までの痛みが回を重ねる度になくなっていきビックリしました。 これからは今の状態を維持できるように定期的に治療を受けていきたいと思うんで、先生これからも宜しくお願いします。
I had a whiplash in an accident a long time ago, and from that point on, I had a chronic pain in my neck. According to the teacher, he was suffering from the current pain because his joints were not working properly. As I worked hard for the period that the teacher told me, I was surprised that the pain I had suffered disappeared every time. From now on, I would like to receive regular treatment so that I can maintain my current condition, so I would appreciate your continued support.
川崎一枝 on Google

Mr. Maekawa has been indebted to me since I was working at Akashi before. Anyway, the treatment is good and polite. In addition, he / she becomes a patient and thinks about various things. Thanks to you, my back pain, which I couldn't walk for hundreds of meters, has improved. Even now, I have been treated regularly and I am doing well. I am really grateful to Professor Maekawa.
Elle on Google

骨盤矯正でお世話になりました。 初めての整骨院で少し不安でしたが とても丁寧な問診と痛くない矯正で安心して続けられました! 骨盤の状態だけでなく首や背骨の歪みも同時に診ていただき、姿勢が良くなり長年の肩こりも解消されて楽になりました♬ 毎回自分の体の状態を分かりやすく説明してくださり、それに合った自宅で出来る効果的なストレッチ法も教えてもらいました! アットホームな雰囲気で通いやすいです。 これからも体のメンテナンスでお世話になります(^^)
Thank you for your help in pelvic correction. I was a little worried at the first osteopathic clinic I was able to continue with peace of mind with a very careful interview and painless correction! Not only the condition of the pelvis but also the distortion of the neck and spine were examined at the same time, and the posture improved and the stiff shoulders for many years were eliminated and it became easier ♬ Every time, he explained his physical condition in an easy-to-understand manner, and he also taught me an effective stretching method that can be done at home! It is easy to go in a homely atmosphere. I will continue to take care of my body maintenance (^^)
平屋ゲイツ on Google

前の職場の末期に、作業で腰や背中、右手親指の付け根等を痛めた際にお世話になりました。 何故痛むのか、の原因究明の部分から、痛む箇所と連動する筋肉・関節のストレッチ、痛みにくい身体の形成に至るまでの理論的な部分をわかりやすく解説してもらえます。 多忙でなかなか通えなくなりましたけど、また診てもらいたいですね。 先生自体が多忙で大変かと感じました。どうかお身体に気をつけて、これからも皆さんの希望の光であって下さい。
At the end of the previous workplace, I was taken care of when I hurt my waist, back, and the base of my right thumb at work. From the part of investigating the cause of why it hurts, to the stretching of muscles and joints linked to the part that hurts, and the formation of a painless body, you can explain it in an easy-to-understand manner. I'm so busy that I can't go there easily, but I want to see you again. I felt that the teacher was too busy to work. Please take care of yourself and continue to be the light of your hope.
あうちゃん on Google

Mr. Maekawa has been indebted to Professor Maekawa for a long time since childbirth pelvic correction and now I go regularly with maintenance. The teacher politely listens to the story and understands the painful place at once. Once you have the treatment done, the body will be much lighter, painful, very good. The teacher is very kind, gentle, technical and sure, I trust very much. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
mar mar on Google

You will be able to explain exactly where the cause of the pain is. Not only the pain at that time, but also the basic treatment to prevent the pain from repeating in the future. I was taught stretching and gymnastics, and realized that daily maintenance is important!
mai mai on Google

先日交通事故に遭ってしまい、近くで事故治療ができるところを探していた時にこちらの整骨院を見つけてお世話になりました。 初めての事故治療ということで不安でしたが先生がとても親切で丁寧な説明と施術で安心して受けることができました。 また何かあれば、こちらに来たいと思います。
I had a traffic accident the other day, and when I was looking for a place where I could treat the accident nearby, I found this osteopathic clinic and was taken care of. I was worried that it was my first accident treatment, but the teacher was very kind and polite, and I was able to receive it with confidence. If there is anything else, I would like to come here.
りんころん on Google

昨日初めて行きましたが、丁寧かつわかりやすい説明でした! そして妊娠中でも行って頂ける施術があるときいて、とても嬉しかったです! 悪阻が続いてて座椅子でしかかれこれ2カ月以上寝れて居なかったのですが少し痛みが緩和されたのかぐったり眠れました。 また先生方も親しみやすく、とても良い印象でした!
I went there for the first time yesterday and it was a polite and easy-to-understand explanation! And I was very happy that there was a treatment that I could do even during pregnancy! I had been sleeping in a sitting chair for more than two months because of morning sickness, but I could sleep comfortably because my pain was alleviated. Also, the teachers were very friendly and I had a very good impression!

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