
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 庄司整骨院・整体院

住所 :

Maekawa, Kawaguchi, 〒333-0842 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897
Webサイト : http://www.ensen-ado.com/shouzi-seikotsuin/
街 : Saitama

Maekawa, Kawaguchi, 〒333-0842 Saitama,Japan
葛西昭 on Google

友人の紹介で初めて受診しました。 今の状態をとても詳しく解りやすく説明してもらい、これからどう治療していくのか、普段どう行動すれば良いのかわかりました。 これからよろしくお願いいたします。
I visited for the first time with my friend. I was able to explain the current situation in a very detailed and easy-to-understand manner, and understood how to treat from now on and how to act normally. Thank you in advance.
延嶋幸恵 on Google

In nursing care and child care, I had severe back pain, but it is easy to understand the explanation with the treatment that I can reach there, and I go for relaxation of my body even if I get well.
グミグミ on Google

以前かかってた整骨院では中々良くならなかった膝、腰の痛みが庄司先生との出会いで今では改善されました。 施術は痛ーいと叫んでしまう時も有りますがその後はスゴく楽になります。 開院から5年ずっとお世話になってます。これからもお世話になると思います。
The pain in the knees and hips, which did not improve at the osteopathic clinic that used to be, has now been improved by the encounter with Eiji Sensei. There are times when the treatment is painfully yelling, but after that it becomes extremely easy. I have been indebted for 5 years since the hospital opening. I think that I will be indebted from now on.
まるまる on Google

My back was sore and my numbness in my feet was painful, but the next morning after the treatment, my numbness was about half and I want to go again. The teacher's story was also interesting and wonderful.
とと on Google

昨日、肩の痛みが酷いので治療してもらいました。たった1回の治療でだいぶ楽になりました。 痛みも、あまりありません。 丁寧で詳しい説明もあり、納得できるので安心です。 ありがとうございました。
Yesterday, my shoulder pain was so severe that I was treated. It was a lot easier with just one treatment. There is not much pain. There is also a polite and detailed explanation, so you can be confident that it is safe. Thank you very much.
わかにゃん on Google

交通事故にあい、整形外科でむちうちと診断されました。 ネットで整骨院を調べていたときに、メンタルサポートも行っているとあり、とても惹かれました。 先生がとても優しく気さくで、悩みなど聞いて下さって、心身ともに本当に楽になりました。 いつも丁寧な施術、詳しい説明ありがとうございます。
In a traffic accident, she was diagnosed with whiplash by orthopedic surgery. When I was looking at the osteopath on the net, I was very attracted because I was also providing mental support. The teacher was very kind and kind, listening to his concerns, and it was really easy both mentally and physically. Thank you for always careful treatment and detailed explanation.
やみこ on Google

自律神経が不安定でしたが、お陰様で最近は落ち着いてます。 まだ、不安定な時もあるので時間ができたらまたお伺いします。 宜しくお願いします。
The autonomic nerves were unstable, but thanks to you, I have calmed down recently. There are still times when it is unstable, so I will visit you again when I have time. Thank you.
KAZU. OGN. on Google

I went to the hospital because I believed that my symptoms would improve, but I didn't see much improvement, and I don't think the treatment was suitable for me. I'm sorry.

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