Madoka - Osaka

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Madoka

住所 :

1 Chome-2-8 Hirano Miyamachi, Hirano Ward, Osaka, 547-0046, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8799
Postal code : 547-0046

1 Chome-2-8 Hirano Miyamachi, Hirano Ward, Osaka, 547-0046, Japan
myk myk on Google

There were quite a lot of seats to sit in the back. I did it early in the morning and really wanted to order fruit morning, but I ate bread at home, so I ordered only cocoa. It was good because I could add sugar myself and adjust the sweetness.
太郎八桃 on Google

It's relaxing, 5 kinds of fruits (with one coin) for the price, with boiled eggs, toast and coffee ☕ are delicious ? I often go when I want to charge! ? I usually do it.
satoshi hashimoto on Google

14時迄食べられるセットは フルーツ5種類もついてるのに めちゃくちゃお得です‼️ 個人的にはフルーツカレーが好きです❗
The set that can be eaten until 14 o'clock I have five kinds of fruits too It is superbly profitable! A Personally I like fruit curry ❗
南形浩 on Google

平野に住んでる友人からのお薦めで、八尾に向かう手前で、大和路線を降りて評判のモーニングを食しに寄って来ました。 噂通りで、ボリュームありますが、やはりフルーツ美味しかったです。 エントランス前の花壇は、クリスマスローズの地植えでしょうか?
Recommended by a friend who lives in the plains, just before heading to Yao, I got off the Yamatoji line and ate the famous morning. As rumored, it was voluminous, but it was still delicious. Is the flower bed in front of the entrance a plant for Christmas Rose?
hiroみん on Google

日曜日の朝のウォーキングのとき、モーニングに行きます。 果物5種盛りは魅力的。 マスターも感じのいい方で、何度か通っていると覚えてもらえます。喫茶店だから仕方ないのですが、喫煙者が結構多いので、イヤな人は気を付けて下さい。
I go to the morning when I walk on Sunday morning. Assortment of 5 kinds of fruits is attractive. The master is also a nice person, and you can remember that you have been there several times. It can't be helped because it's a coffee shop, but there are quite a lot of smokers, so please be careful if you don't like it.
藤枝梅安 on Google

ワンコインでフルーツ5種盛りのモーニングセット 名古屋や岐阜にも負けていない大阪のモーニングですね♪ 限定20食のフルーツカレーのセットをいただきました。 Coco壱番屋の1〜2辛ぐらいの辛さで、とてもフルーティで美味しかったです♪ コーヒーは酸味控えめ苦味のあるコーヒーで、少し雑味がありましたが美味しかったです。 フルーツ5種が結構なボリュームで、大満足でした!
Morning set of 5 kinds of fruits with one coin It's a morning in Osaka that is as good as Nagoya and Gifu ♪ I received a limited set of 20 fruit curries. It was about 1-2 spicy at Coco Ichibanya, and it was very fruity and delicious ♪ The coffee was sour and bitter, and although it had a little bitter taste, it was delicious. I was very satisfied with the volume of 5 kinds of fruits!
Kyon N on Google

フルーツカレーが気になって入店。 単品だと650円(税込)、ドリンク付きで850円。。 カレーはどこかで食べたことのある感じの普通な中辛です。 ただ、こちらのお店はフルーツが嬉しい!私の時は梨、みかん、メロン、巨峰らしきもの、スイカでした♪どれも美味しい〜 店内は広く清潔感あります。一人でも入りやすいです。喫煙可ですが。全くタバコの匂いしませんでした。 PayPay使えるみたい。他の決済も増やして欲しいな!
I entered the store because I was interested in fruit curry. 650 yen (tax included) for a single item and 850 yen with a drink. .. Curry is a normal medium spicy taste that I have eaten somewhere. However, this shop is happy with fruits! At my time, it was pear, mandarin orange, melon, Kyoho-like thing, watermelon ♪ All are delicious ~ The inside of the store is spacious and clean. It is easy to enter even by yourself. You can smoke. It didn't smell like tobacco at all. It seems that PayPay can be used. I want you to increase other payments!
Ri- on Google

休日朝に二度利用しました。 イズミヤ西側入口の正面にあります。 子連れでも入れる店舗でした。 しかし喫煙可のお店です。タイミングだと思いますが行った時吸ってる人はいませんでしたが モーニングセットを注文 フルーツは日によって異なりますが数種類付いてきて500円以内なのでかなりお得だと思います。 セットドリンクとは別にミックスジュースも子供用に頼みますがこれも日によって入っているフルーツが違いますね。 一度果物の皮が結構入ってる時がありましたが味は美味しかったです。漉してくれるとなお嬉しいですね。 今度はフルーツカレーを食べてみたいです。
I used it twice in the morning on holidays. It is in front of the western entrance of Izumiya. It was a store that even children can enter. However, it is a smoking-friendly shop. I think it's the timing, but when I went there was no one smoking Order the morning set Fruits vary from day to day, but they come with several types and cost less than 500 yen, so I think it's a great deal. Apart from set drinks, I also order mixed juice for children, but the fruits contained in this also differ depending on the day. There was a time when there was a lot of fruit peel, but the taste was delicious. It would be great if you could strain it. I want to eat fruit curry this time.

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