
4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (株)エル・アップ

住所 :

Machiya, Arakawa City, 〒116-0001 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://www.l-up.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Machiya, Arakawa City, 〒116-0001 Tokyo,Japan
F M on Google

先月に自宅のリフォームをしていただきました。 見積り段階から懇切丁寧に対応していただきました。 リフォーム中に予期せぬ事態が発生しましたが、状況と対応方法を丁寧に説明していただき、安心いたしました。 リフォームの仕上がりにも満足しております。 また機会があれば、リフォームをお願いしたいです。
I had you remodel your home last month. We received a polite response from the estimation stage. An unexpected situation occurred during the remodeling, but I was relieved to have you explain the situation and how to deal with it carefully. We are also satisfied with the finish of the remodeling. If I have another chance, I would like to ask for a remodeling.
西原翼 on Google

とても丁寧で親身になって相談に乗ってくれます。 職人さんもコーキングやクロス張りの施行技術はもちろん掃除までとても丁寧で信頼できました。 職人さんも営業さんも人気者なのでご相談はお早めにされることをおすすめします。
They are very polite and kind and willing to consult with you. The craftsmen were also very polite and reliable, not only in caulking and cloth tensioning techniques, but also in cleaning. Both craftsmen and sales people are popular, so we recommend that you consult with us as soon as possible.
Masaaki Azuma on Google

I run an old condominium, so I always remodel it once or twice a year. El Up requested the second remodeling. We are satisfied with the quotation details, the response of the person in charge, the price, and the construction quality. I would like to ask again next time.
Yoko K- on Google

数年前に水回りのリフォームをお願いしました。主にメールのやり取りが中心でしたが、お返事もすぐにいただけてとても丁寧に対応して下さいました。 その後も、水回りや電気故障など連絡するといつも必ず見に来てくれます。優しく丁寧に対応していただけるので、家のことで困ったらまず担当の方へ相談しています。幅広く対応してくださるので、とても助かっています。これからもぜひお願いしたいと思いました。
A few years ago, I asked for a remodeling of the water area. I mainly exchanged e-mails, but I received a reply immediately and responded very politely. Even after that, he always comes to see me when I contact him about water problems or electrical troubles. Since you can respond kindly and politely, if you have any problems with your house, first consult with the person in charge. It is very helpful because it supports a wide range of people. I would like to continue to ask for it.
masami tsuji on Google

This is the first repeater in 10 years. In addition to painting the exterior walls and making them barrier-free, we asked for the cloth and floor to be replaced. Since it is a local company, it was very helpful to have us deal with the details even during construction.
Y S on Google

I received a remodeling of a used condominium. I am grateful to you for all your support despite all the unreasonableness. The finish is also satisfactory. In other words, I wish I could get in touch with you in a slightly more timely manner. If you need to remodel again, please do it again.
yuko s on Google

I asked you to remodel the washbasin. This time, I asked for it without much budget, but I received a very conscientious response. This was my second request for remodeling, but I was very satisfied with the content that was refused by other contractors at the previous time, so I decided to request this remodeling. From now on, the first consultation for remodeling will be Mr. El Up.
a k on Google

今回キッチンとトイレのリフォームをお願いしました。 当初リフォームにあたり、他社でも相見積もりをとっていたのですが、エル・アップさんはとても迅速で丁寧な説明と共に、価格においても考慮してくださったためすぐに依頼をお願いしました。 できあがったキッチン、トイレの仕上がりが完璧だったのはもちろんのこと、 施行中、施工後も細かい点までしっかりと確認してくださりアフターフォローも本当に素晴らしかったです。 またリフォームする際はぜひこちらにお願いしたいと考えております。
I asked you to remodel the kitchen and toilet this time. Initially, when remodeling, other companies also made a phase estimate, but Mr. El Up gave a very quick and polite explanation and also considered the price, so I asked for a request immediately. Not to mention the perfect finish of the finished kitchen and toilet, The after-sales follow-up was really wonderful because he checked the details during and after the construction. In addition, I would like to ask here when reforming.

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