
1.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 町屋整形外科

住所 :

Machiya, Arakawa City, 〒116-0001 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Webサイト : http://machiya-seikei.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–1PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–12:30PM
Thursday 9AM–12:30PM
Friday 9AM–12:30PM
街 : Tokyo

Machiya, Arakawa City, 〒116-0001 Tokyo,Japan
本橋裕翔 on Google

ka mi on Google

My husband died because of a rough medical treatment. At that time, I hope that I will not only be able to prescribe painkillers, but also examine them properly...
tomkletta on Google

I went to the hospital because it hurt in a traffic accident, but I didn't say that I felt sorry for the other person because of such an injury. It will be cured if you leave it alone. It's the worst as a doctor and as a human being.
燕陣内 on Google

診察・治療自体は問題ないのだと思いますが、淡々と必要最小限の診察。患者は不安になっているので、もう少し話を聞いてほしいと感じました。ホームページでは「患者様ご自身の気持ちに立つ」とのことですが、気持ちを伝える隙もありません。そういうドライな対応を好む人なら良いかと。 <追記> 他院で診ていただいたら全く違う診断でした。症状の出始めでは診断が難しいそうなのでやむを得ない部分はあるかと思いますが、そういう可能性も含めて説明すべきでしょう。星減らします。
I think that there is no problem with the medical examination and treatment itself, but the minimum necessary medical examination. The patient was anxious and wanted to hear a little more. The website says, "Stand in the patient's own feelings," but there is no chance to convey his feelings. I wonder if anyone who likes such a dry response would be good. It was a completely different diagnosis when I was seen at another hospital. It seems that diagnosis is difficult at the beginning of symptoms, so I think there are unavoidable parts, but I should explain including such possibilities. Reduce the number of stars.
poco on Google

☆マイナス付けたい。稀に見るハズレ病院。 行っても無駄なので絶対に行かない方がいいです。 院長の池田龍ニに診察されましたが まず問診がほぼ無いに等しい。 喋ってもすぐ終わらせられます。 そんななので、湿布もぜんぜん的外れな場所に貼ってありました。 説明もたぶん神経痛ですねーだけ。 自分のした何が原因かもしれないのか、 これからどのように治していったらいいのか、 なんの薬をどのような意図でどれくらいの期間出すのか、 なーーーんにも説明されなかった。 もちろん話をほとんど聞いてくれてないのだから、分かるわけも無いのだろうけどね。 顔がひきつるほどの痛みだと訴えているのに、無視でした。 そしてただ処方箋を出され帰宅。 患者ををなめくさっている非常に悪質な医者もどきだなと思います。 まだ足がとても痛みます。。 明日、結局違う病院へ行く予定です。 稀に見る悪質な病院なのでさっさと潰れるべきです。
☆ I want to add a minus. Rarely seen lost hospital. It is useless to go, so you should never go. I was examined by the director, Ryuni Ikeda. First of all, there are almost no interviews. Even if you speak, you can finish it immediately. That's why the compress was also stuck in a place that was completely off the mark. The explanation is probably neuralgia, isn't it? What might be the cause How should I cure it from now on? What kind of medicine is given for what purpose and for how long It wasn't explained to me. Of course, he didn't listen to me so much, so I don't know. I was ignoring it, even though I complained that my face was sore. And I just got a prescription and went home. I think it's like a very vicious doctor licking a patient. My legs still hurt very much. .. I plan to go to a different hospital tomorrow. It's a rare and malicious hospital, so it should be destroyed quickly.
のりこ on Google

I don't want to add a single star. An acquaintance came to the hospital with a gout attack. There are almost no interviews ... It is difficult to find blood vessels when performing a blood test, and NS makes a fuss. At the end of the phrase, I was told that I had been diagnosed with gout at another hospital before, so I was told, "If you have a blood vessel test at the previous hospital and prescribe a drug ...". When I had a seizure, I couldn't walk because of severe pain, but I went to a hospital in my neighborhood and went to see my doctor in anticipation of my future doctor. How is it as a doctor? It seems that it was a big difference from the singing phrase on the homepage. When I heard it, I decided that I would never go!
村岡篤 on Google

インフルエンザワクチンの接種で伺いました。 低評価のレビューが多いですが、実際に先生と会って低評価の意味を理解しました。 過去にインフルエンザワクチンを打って気持ち悪くなったことがないか問診がありましたが、面倒くさそうに聞かれたので、あれでは印象が悪くなるのも仕方ありません。 ナースさんがワクチンを打ってくださった後に先生から「気分は大丈夫ですか?」といったような確認があると想定してましたが、特に何もなくそのまま診察室を出ていくよう言われました。 以前ワクチン接種した地元の整形外科では、副反応が起きないか確認のため、30分程度待合室で待機するよう言われましたが、こちらではすぐに帰されました。 万が一、副反応が起きたときに心配なので今後はこちらでワクチン接種しないと決めました。 朝からお年寄りの方が入口前に行列を成しているので、流行っているようではあります。 その方達は行列で立って待ってられるくらいですから、そこまで重い症状ではなく、コミュニケーションがてらといった感じだと思いますが笑
I asked about the influenza vaccination. There are many reviews with low ratings, but I actually met the teacher and understood the meaning of low ratings. I was asked if I had been sick with the flu vaccine in the past, but I was asked that it would be a hassle, so I can't help but feel bad about it. After the nurse gave me the vaccine, I assumed that the teacher would ask me, "Are you feeling okay?", But I was told to leave the examination room without any problems. .. A previously vaccinated local orthopedic surgeon told me to wait in the waiting room for about 30 minutes to see if there were any side reactions, but I was immediately returned here. In the unlikely event that a side reaction occurs, I am worried, so I decided not to vaccinate here in the future. Elderly people are lining up in front of the entrance from the morning, so it seems to be popular. Those people can stand in a line and wait, so I think it's not a serious symptom, but a feeling of communication, but lol
hare asita on Google

it will be better to stop! !! !! For the roentgen, the collarbone and ribs were broken, and he wrote a letter of introduction to the university hospital, but he said that it would be okay to go tomorrow because it was evening. Didn't you come? It's said that you didn't come. He seemed to have a bone stuck in his lungs and was bleeding, so he was forced to undergo emergency surgery and long hospitalization at the ICU. It was a life-threatening place.

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