アルカード 茂原

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact アルカード 茂原

住所 :

Machibo, Mobara, 〒297-0022 Chiba,Japan

Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–9PM
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
Wednesday 10AM–9PM
Thursday 10AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–9PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Machibo, Mobara, 〒297-0022 Chiba,Japan
マクダック on Google

ロッテリアもあるし便利でいい場所。でも大型バイクで行くと駐車場が無い、、、 車だと駐車場代が高い。だから電車で行った時にしか寄れない。。茂原駅って本当に残念…
There is Lotteria, too and is convenient and a nice place. But there is no parking lot when going by a large motorbike ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, That's why I can only make it by train. . Mobara station is truly regrettable ...
fwhg4444 on Google

It is lonely that you can only eat hamburgers and ramen. DAISO and Matsukiyo are helpful. Bread can be eaten in, but if it's lunch, is it less attractive?
りり“コッペパン” on Google

The bookstore is large, there is Matsukiyo, and there is also a lunch box shop. ❗ Daiso is rather wide for its small size, so it's good. Is expensive ?
佐竹三代子 on Google

駅改札前のため、手頃に利用できます。 以前よりキレイになり、百均、マツキヨ、書店、美容院、ジュエリー、マッサージ、お土産屋、お弁当、ケーキ、軽食…などなどありますので、とても便利です。
Because it is in front of the station ticket gate, it can be used reasonably. It's more beautiful than before, and it's very convenient because there are 100-yen shops, Matsukiyo, bookstores, beauty salons, jewelry, massages, souvenir shops, lunch boxes, cakes, light meals, etc.
平出秀子 on Google

5月末まで 又北海道市が 有ります 久しぶりに いかめし ホタテ貝塩辛 ホタテのヒモ モロコシチョコを ゲット出来ました\(^^)/
Until the end of May, Hokkaido City There is after a long time Ikameshi scallop salted fish scallop string sorghum chocolate I was able to get \ (^^) /
私の足跡 on Google

There are restaurants, bookstores, pharmacies, etc., which are convenient.
大矢まゆみ on Google

駅ナカでダイソーや マツキヨもあり、ロッテリアにラーメン屋 書店もあります。パン屋や洋菓子店も。100均があるのは便利です❗ 2022年2月1日現在、書店は閉店になって同じ場所に千葉興業銀行が入っています。
There are Daiso and Matsukiyoshi at the station Naka, and there is also a ramen shop bookstore in Lotteria. There are also bakeries and pastry shops. It is convenient to have 100 averages ❗ As of February 1, 2022, the bookstore is closed and the Chiba Kogyo Bank is in the same place.
奥野暁嗣 on Google

アルガード茂原 ダイソーとマツキヨあり❣️ とても便利‼️
Algard Mobara There are Daiso and Matsukiyoshi ❣️ Very convenient! ️

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