(株)LYRIC. Flower Design&Arts

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (株)LYRIC. Flower Design&Arts

住所 :

Nishifurumatsu, Kita Ward, 〒700-0927 Okayama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : http://lyric0214.com/
街 : Okayama

Nishifurumatsu, Kita Ward, 〒700-0927 Okayama,Japan
Mayumi Yamamoto on Google

The shop is not big, but there are unusual flowers and it looks fashionable ☺
小林真紀子 on Google

It is a nice arrangement with a sense.
Ke M, on Google

He carefully taught me how to grow the purchased foliage plants. There is also a bouquet.
一貴 on Google

If you always ask for a bouquet, it will be beautifully finished, so I will ask for a gift for a loved one here ?
No Cat No Life on Google

店は小さいですがセンスの光るフラワーショップです。店内の観葉植物やその花器もおしゃれなものが多く、プレゼントにぴったりです。ブーケもいわゆる町の花屋さんだとやたらと大きく派手に作りますが、こちらは小さめにセンス良く作ってくれます。シックな雰囲気が好きな人にはかなりおススメです。個人的には岡山市でNo.1だと思っています。 It's small, but a store is the flower shop with the light sense. Much, something fashionable also fits a present a plant with beautiful leaves in the store and the vase. If I'm a florist in the so-called town, a bouquet is also made showily excessively big, but you have the good sense of style small here and make me. The chic atmosphere is SUSUME fairly for a favorite person. I think it's No.1 personally in Okayama-shi.
The shop is a small but brilliant flower shop. Many foliage plants and their vases in the store are also fashionable and are perfect for gifts. The bouquet is also large and flashy if it is a so-called flower shop in the town, but it is small and makes a good sense. It is quite recommended for those who like a chic atmosphere. Personally, I think it is No. 1 in Okayama City. It's small, but a store is the flower shop with the light sense.Much, something fashionable also fits a present a plant with beautiful leaves in the store and the vase.If I'm a florist in the so-called town, a bouquet is also made showily excessively big, but you have the good sense of style small here and make me.The chic atmosphere is SUSUME fairly for a favorite person.I think it's No.1 personally in Okayama-shi.
殊都 on Google

花自体は、とても可愛い しかし値段表示されていないのは如何なのものかと…… 最後に合計の金額言われてそんなにするの?と思うのが多々ある それなら他の値段表示してくれてる花屋で買おうと思う
The flowers themselves are very cute However, what is the price not displayed? At the end, the total amount is said and do you do that? I often think Then I think I'll buy it at another flower shop that displays the price.
黒﨑裕之 on Google

I bought it for Valentine's Day this time, but I am very satisfied with it with a good taste.
22 on Google

いつも花を買う時はお世話になってます。 素敵な花ばかりで、店員さんも親切な方ばかりで、立地もよく、価格も比較的安いです。 とても利用しやすいです。 これからも沢山利用させて頂きたいです!
I am always indebted when I buy flowers. All the flowers are wonderful, the staff are all kind, the location is good, and the price is relatively cheap. It's very easy to use. I would like to continue using it a lot!

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