Lopia Odasakae - Kawasaki

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Lopia Odasakae

住所 :

2 Chome-3-1 Odasakae, Kawasaki Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 210-0843, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 210-0843
Webサイト : http://lopia.jp/

2 Chome-3-1 Odasakae, Kawasaki Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 210-0843, Japan
tyutyumiuchi hideki (Sky) on Google

街道沿いのコーナン二階にある店舗。 港南台店と比べて店内は広く、近くにヨーカドーがあるためか、土曜日でも空いている。 港南台店は狭いのでカートでの買い物がしにくいけど、ここは楽々で良い。
A store on the second floor of Kohnan along the highway. The store is larger than the Konandai store, and it is vacant even on Saturdays, probably because there is a Yokado nearby. The Konandai store is small, so it's difficult to shop in a cart, but it's easy here.
小鷹隆治 on Google

生鮮食品、惣菜は新鮮でいい商品が揃っていて大量購入にはお得だと思います。 米を購入する場合は近隣のスーパーと比べ格安なので、米が必要な時は必ずロピアと決めて何時も利用しています
Fresh foods and prepared foods are fresh and good, so I think it's a great deal for bulk purchases. When you buy rice, it's cheaper than the neighboring supermarkets, so whenever you need rice, you always decide to use Lopia and use it.
Pekoe N (ぺこ) on Google

Meat and fish are very cheap. Is the price of vegetables normal? The highlights are delicatessen and lunch boxes, but since I visited in the evening, there were only a few left this time. As an aside, Lopia is doing a commercial on TBS Radio's Sunday Heaven (Nichiten). I think there are many people who think that this radio commercial is what they are doing.
taka o on Google

店を見ていると安いと感じました。少なくても高い物はあまり目に付きません。鮮度も良く・お惣菜もいろいろなお惣菜が有り目移りしてしまいました。鮮魚は丁寧なおろし方をしていました。また 買いに行きます。
Looking at the store, I felt it was cheap. At least expensive things are not so noticeable. The freshness is good, and there are various side dishes, so I've changed my mind. The fresh fish was carefully grated. I will go buy it again.
ようかん on Google

お菓子コーナーの天井にレールが引いてあり汽車が走っていました、子供たちが喜んでいて素敵な工夫だと思いました。 焼き肉店のような沢山のお肉の部位が売っていて他店との違いがありました。手の消毒薬のコーナーが少しわかりにくかったので目立つようにしてくださると嬉しいです。
There was a rail on the ceiling of the candy corner and the train was running, which made the children happy and thought it was a wonderful device. There were many meat parts sold like a yakiniku restaurant, which was different from other restaurants. The hand disinfectant corner was a little confusing, so I'd be happy if you could make it stand out.
marimo on Google

肉をウリにしているわりにはそれほどでもない(普通) この前買ったバラ肉は筋だらけで食べられたものではなかった コーナンのテナントゆえに駐車場からのアクセスが悪い 今頃現金決済のみという点はマイナス 最近店舗数も増えているようだが 店舗数が少なかった頃の方が品質良かったかも? 近隣にはスーパーも多いので 商品によってどこで何を買うか 考えながら日々買い物をすると良い
Not so much for the meat being made into sardines (normal) The ribs I bought the other day weren't eaten full of streaks Poor access from the parking lot due to the tenant of Kohnan The point that only cash settlement is done nowadays is a minus It seems that the number of stores is increasing recently Maybe the quality was better when the number of stores was small? There are many supermarkets in the neighborhood Where and what to buy depending on the product It is good to shop every day while thinking
Aguila Carolina on Google

Good price. Find every thing you need!
Amalia Nose on Google

I always buying food at lopia super market it's cheaper and good .

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