Little Delirium Cafe - Toshima City

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Little Delirium Cafe

住所 :

ハレザ池袋 1階 1 Chome-19-1 Higashiikebukuro, Toshima City, Tokyo 171-0013, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 171-0013
Webサイト :

ハレザ池袋 1階 1 Chome-19-1 Higashiikebukuro, Toshima City, Tokyo 171-0013, Japan
kuro hagi on Google

Isn't corona the reason for the small variety of beer? The Chicago pizza course was delicious. It takes time to digest. I want more Belgian cuisine.
masa8 on Google

ディナー2名で利用しました。 映画館や劇場に隣接した建物にあるお洒落な雰囲気のお店で、テラス席もありました。 食事はシカゴピザ、ローストビーフ、アヒージョなどを頼んだのですがボリュームがありとても満足できました。 ただ緊急事態宣言下に訪れたため、お店のウリであるベルギービールがやっていなかったことは残念です。 笑顔の素敵な店員さんにベルギービールの魅力や飲み放題のコースについて教えていただいたので、お酒の提供が始まったらまた行ってみたいと思います!
We used it for dinner for 2 people. The shop has a stylish atmosphere in a building adjacent to a movie theater and theater, and there are also terrace seats. I ordered Chicago pizza, roast beef, ajillo, etc. for the meal, but I was very satisfied with the volume. However, it is a pity that Belgian beer, which is the store's melon, was not served because I visited under the state of emergency. A lovely smiling clerk told me about the charm of Belgian beer and the all-you-can-drink course, so I would like to go there again when the liquor service starts!
Y Kawachi on Google

とても遅いランチに1人で行きました。もうランチタイムは終わってたので頼める選択肢はピザしかないのでピザとドリンクのみ頼みました。 ここのオーダー方法はQRコード→LINE→オーダーです。メニューにピザは25分かかりますと書かれてますが、ピザの専門店なのでベジタブルピザSサイズをオーダーしました。 味は美味しかったです。サクサクの生地とチーズと野菜の絡みが最高でした。 星のマイナス1は(ランチ過ぎてのオーダーだったからかもしれませんが)メニューの選択肢がほぼピザのみで3種からで、ピザ+ドリンクのみのランチで2000円オーバーで少しお高めなので、お得感はないかなと。あと、1人でSピザ1つ食べるのはちょっと多い。お一人客向けではないのかもしれないです。 でも味は美味しかったです。
I went to a very late lunch alone. Since lunch time is over, the only option I can ask is pizza, so I ordered only pizza and drinks. The ordering method here is QR code → LINE → order. The menu says that pizza takes 25 minutes, but I ordered vegetable pizza S size because it is a pizza specialty store. The taste was delicious. The crispy dough and the entanglement of cheese and vegetables were the best. The star minus 1 (maybe because it was an order after lunch) has almost 3 menu options, and the pizza + drink only lunch is a little over 2000 yen, so it's a good deal. I wonder if there is a feeling. Also, it's a little common for one person to eat one S pizza. It may not be for single customers. But the taste was delicious.
R C on Google

Two people ordered Japanese Black Yamagata beef grill for 1980 yen and Chicago pizza (vegetable S) for 1650 yen. When it arrives, I wonder if it's not enough to feel that the amount is small. I thought, but the pizza is full of ingredients (I think the seasonal vegetables that were in this time were sweet potatoes, pumpkins, potatoes, paprika, carrots, and asparagus), so when I finished eating, I was full. I did. It was delicious! The sauce on the meat was also delicious. The presentation and the inside of the store were fashionable. However, I felt that the table was a little small when it was a large plate with a stylish presentation at a table with two seats.
Somsak Nonkai on Google

It’s a Belgian beer bar near TOHO cinemas. Good to go after watching a movie.
Yona Clement on Google

The food is amazing The stuff could be more welcoming but also the place was super busy so I can't blame them lol
Caitlin C. on Google

It’s mysterious to find a Chicago pizza place in Tokyo. Otherwise, the menu is Belgian/German inspired (sausages, fries, waffles, and beer, of course) so it’s a rare mix of food. Beer list is good. Very cute inside with a nice terrace. I had a coffee but it had a slight aftertaste I didn’t like. The waiters are good looking! I’d come back for cute waiters. I’ve had delivery from the Crispy Chicken place that seems to be the same restaurant (?) and it’s my favorite fried chicken take-out in the area, especially the black aglio.
Cameron Switzer on Google

We had some good food here. The alcohol is expensive but the deep dish cheese pizza is definitely worth ordering. The meat is good too.

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