Link 伊川谷店 - Kobe

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Link 伊川谷店

住所 :

Ikegami, Nishi Ward, Kobe, 〒651-2111 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87897
Postal code : 651-2111
街 : Hyogo

Ikegami, Nishi Ward, Kobe, 〒651-2111 Hyogo,Japan

guchi yama on Google

on Google

井上真弓 on Google

色々一緒に考えてくれてとても満足のいく仕上がりにしてもらいました。 やっとお気に入りの美容院が見つかった気がします
They thought about it together and made it a very satisfying finish. I feel like I finally found my favorite hairdresser
harachi- official on Google

It is a salon in the middle of the slope of Kobe Gakuin University. It is conveniently located at the intersection. It seems that it has moved from the previous location. The inside of the store is covered with glass, and you can see the outside atmosphere and feel a sense of liberation. You can also calm down the fashionable feeling. Basic cuts and perms can be roughly adjusted if you wish. The price is the same as a normal store, and it is not expensive, so you can rest assured. There aren't many stylists, so I think it's a good idea to make a reservation before you go. There are many beauty salons around Ikawadani, so please do your best ...
色黒のっぽ on Google

以前行きました。 客の要望に応えず自分のスタイルを貫くとこに引きました。出来ない美容師ほどその傾向あると思います。そしてよくいますよね、やり過ぎた失敗をセットで隠し「これで良いですか?」と言ってくる人。誰もそんな感じ頼んでないですよw リピートはないです。
I went before. I did not respond to the needs of the customers and I was attracted to my own style. I think that there is a tendency that can not be a hairdresser. And there are people who often say, "Is this OK?" No one is asking for such a feeling w There is no repeat.
マラカスブンバボン on Google

カラーをやって貰って、その後すぐにウキウキで友達と遊ぼうとしたらまさか友達に後ろで染めれてない部分があることが発覚!! 明るい髪色から暗い髪色にしただけにとても目立ってしまいとても困りました。 友達が見つけれるぐらいなのに定員さんはその場で見つけられなかったのかと思いとても残念でした
Immediately after getting the color done, when I tried to play with my friends with excitement, it was discovered that there was a part that was not dyed in the back by my friends! !! I was in trouble because it was very noticeable just because I changed from light hair color to dark hair color. I was so disappointed that I couldn't find the capacity on the spot even though I could find my friends.
m k on Google

2年ほど通いましたが、やめました。技術や接客は悪くなかったのですが、ある日、スタイリストさんがパートの美容師さんに偉そうな口調で指摘していたので、それまで気持ち良く接客して頂いてたパートさんも急に笑顔がなくなってしまい、その場の空気が重くなり、こちらも気まずくなってしまいました。 今まで良い人ばかりだったのに、ちょっとこちらもショックになり、通うのをやめました。 業務には必要な指摘だと思いますが、 お客様の前でもありますし、丁重に指導するべきだと思います。
I went for about two years, but I stopped. Although I technology and customer service was not bad, one day, because the stylist who had been pointed out in the Wei likely tone to the hairdresser's part, the part's also suddenly smile if I have pleasant customer service until it passed away, the air of the place becomes heavy, here also has become awkward. Though it was just a good person until now, a little also here becomes a shock, it ceased to attend. I think it is a necessary point in the business, I may even before the customers, I think that we should be teaching respectfully.

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