LIFE Oizumigakuen Ekimae - Nerima City

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact LIFE Oizumigakuen Ekimae

住所 :

5 Chome-43-1 Higashioizumi, Nerima City, Tokyo 178-0063, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 178-0063
Webサイト :

5 Chome-43-1 Higashioizumi, Nerima City, Tokyo 178-0063, Japan
セッチ on Google

二階には専門店も入っており使いやすいですが 自転車で向かう私には駐輪スペースが少なく2時間たつと 何か付箋紙を貼られてしまうので ゆっくり食べたり買い物をすることができません。
There is also a specialty store on the second floor, so it's easy to use, but I can't eat or shop slowly because I don't have enough space to park my bicycle and I'll be stuck with sticky notes after 2 hours.
りんごパン on Google

Since some cash registers still need to be handed over and exchanged with the clerk, I would like all cash registers to be automatic cash registers. I want you to do your best to increase the product lineup. Especially the fresh fish corner. Also, I want more domestic vegetables. However, the price of vegetables is set 1.5 to 2 times higher here, so I often go to other supermarkets only for vegetables.
酉のLUCA on Google

There were various delicious side dishes and cakes, and I bought a lot of them with a little discount from the evening.
田村和俊 on Google

大泉学園駅南口からすぐにユメリアフォンテの施設があります。ここの1階と二階にあります。通常のライフよりも高級志向の店造りをしています。 品揃え豊富で他のライフには無い商品もありますので比べてみるのも良いでしょう。 特に精肉や鮮魚に力を入れているように思います。
Immediately from Oizumi Gakuen Station south exit, there is a facility of Yumeria Fonte It is on the first and second floors here. We are creating a more upscale store than normal life. It is a good idea to compare because there are products that are not available in other life. I think that they are especially focusing on meat and fresh fish.
Y Imu on Google

納豆などの豆製品、卵、キムチお酒お惣菜など全てに於いて種類が豊富。選択肢が多いので、食事制限をしていたり食べるのが好きな方には良さそうです。 家から遠いのですが、他のスーパーにあまり売ってない商品が置いてあるので時々行きます。三浦屋や成城石井とはまた違う品揃えです。スーパーで「オイシックス」を扱っているのは初めて見ました。 アニサキスについて書かれている方がいて思い出しましたが、見切り品の棚にあるカット野菜に白カビがついていました。(別のスーパーでもありましたけど) 生鮮食品は買う前によく見た方が良さそうですね。 その2階はスーパーではなくデパ地下的なお惣菜フロアがあり、どれも美味しいのでつい買い過ぎてしまいます。
There is a wide variety of bean products such as natto, eggs, kimchi liquor and side dishes. There are many choices, so it seems to be good for those who have dietary restrictions or like to eat. It's far from my house, but I sometimes go to other supermarkets because there are some items that I don't sell very much. The product lineup is different from Miuraya and Seijo Ishii. This is the first time I've seen Oisix at a supermarket. I remembered that there was a person who wrote about Anisakis, but the cut vegetables on the shelves of the closeouts had mildew. (Although it was another supermarket) It seems better to take a closer look at fresh food before buying it. The second floor is not a supermarket but a depachika side dish floor, and all of them are delicious, so I just buy too much.
Rina Shirai on Google

遅くまでやっていて大変重宝しています。駅からすぐの立地も便利です。 品揃えは最低限揃っているかと思います。 レジの店員は皆親切で好感がありますが、陳列する店員だけがいつも残念に感じています。 自分優先でカートごと平気で突っ込んできたり、商品を選んでいても陳列優先で割り込んできたりする点を改善していただきたい。
I'm doing it late and it's very useful. The location right from the station is also convenient. I think that the product lineup is at least complete. All the clerk at the cash register are kind and like, but only the clerk who displays is always disappointed. I would like you to improve the point that you can rush into the cart with your own priority, or even if you select a product, you can interrupt with display priority.
山田雄一 on Google

Donald Sumlin on Google

I Love shopping here. The prices are good:) A lot of diffrent varieties of foods and drinks. I definitely recommend shopping here.

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