Lexus Hiroshima West - Hiroshima

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Lexus Hiroshima West

住所 :

2 Chome-1-1 Kanonshinmachi, Nishi Ward, Hiroshima, 733-0036, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 733-0036
Webサイト :

2 Chome-1-1 Kanonshinmachi, Nishi Ward, Hiroshima, 733-0036, Japan
810将軍 on Google

The service is good, but the owner's lounge is small and inferior to other stores
胡桃沢くるみ on Google

The response is excellent and the needs are heard appropriately. However, the customer base is the worst. Ossan who is calling out the awesomeness of the business with a big voice, and you can get a quote in 3 minutes after entering the store, and the store manager will come out! I honestly think that the president, who is misunderstood, and the stereotyped useless human beings have appeared and made me feel uncomfortable ... I don't want to think that the car is the same as that race, even though the car is getting better. .. ..
スコール汁 on Google

休憩目的での利用。 至れり尽くせりの「おもてなし」でした。 追記。 この飲み物サイコーに美味しい!
Use for the purpose of a break. It was the "hospitality" of the best. Postscript. This drink is delicious for Psycho!
ヤマモトキヨアキ on Google

We received a very kind and polite response.
yk 555 on Google

店内リニューアルして物凄く落ち着く雰囲気になり、ドリンクの種類が毎回悩まされるくらい豊富。 他のディーラーには行けなくなると思います。 次回もここで購入します。
The shop has been renewed to create a very calm atmosphere, and the variety of drinks is plentiful every time. I don't think I can go to other dealers. I will buy here again next time.
橋本正規 on Google

????途中立ち寄りました? おもてなしは最高?⤴️⤴️ 隣の中華料理で食事の間、停めさせていただきました?
???? Stopped on the way ? Hospitality is the best ?⤴️⤴️ I stopped during the meal at the Chinese food next door ?
T S on Google

You will be very kind and polite. informative. If there is a discount, it will sell well.
S.S on Google

1ヶ月に1度は行きます。一流の教育を受けたであろう方達が 一流のおもてなしをしてくれます。店内はとても綺麗で落ち着いた雰囲気です。 ただ落ち着き過ぎていて 話す事も遠慮してしまう様な雰囲気が少し物足りなさを感じます。 あと 店舗によってサービスが多少違うので ご自分に合ったサービスをしてくれる店舗を予めリサーチしておくと良いかもしれません。 私は西広島のスタッフの方も場所もサービスも大満足しています☺️ 他にはないサービスに大満足です。
I go once a month. Those who would have received first-class education will provide first-class hospitality. The inside of the store is very beautiful and has a calm atmosphere. However, I feel a little unsatisfactory in the atmosphere that makes me feel too calm and refrain from talking. Also, the service is slightly different depending on the store, so it may be good to research the store that offers the service that suits you in advance. I am very satisfied with the staff, location and service of Nishi Hiroshima ☺️ I am very satisfied with the unique service.

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