LEGO click brick

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact LEGO click brick

住所 :

Nakano, Miyagino Ward, Sendai, 〒983-0013 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM
街 : Miyagi

Nakano, Miyagino Ward, Sendai, 〒983-0013 Miyagi,Japan
鈴木正一 on Google

It is a store specializing in Lego blocks. There are many children. Sometimes a block falls on the floor.
高橋正美 on Google

The LEGO assortment here is amazing! Recommended for boys. Adults can also enjoy it.
のへちまさこ on Google

There are too few outlet prices ❗ It is nice that children can play happily in the sample even if the big toy store or net shop is cheaper and surprised
佐藤光代 on Google

沢山の種類があり、分からない事をお聞きしたら丁寧に教えて頂きました。 一般的なレゴを購入した所、とても喜んで遊んでくれていました。今度は、小さなレゴを買いに行きたいと思っています。パーツも多種あり、楽しみです。
There are many types, and if you ask me what you do not understand, I was taught carefully. When I purchased a general Lego, she was very happy to play. Now I want to go buy a little Lego. There are many kinds of parts and I am looking forward to it.
S K on Google

店舗が小さいので種類がメジャーなものが多いと思います。 マニアックなものはなさそうです。 子供が好きそうなコラボが多いと感じました。
Since the stores are small, I think there are many major types. There seems to be no maniac. I felt that there are many collaborations that children seem to like.
ぺりぺり on Google

レゴ専門店! 新発売のマリオ、ルイージを店員さんが説明してくれました。終わりにマリオのシールいただきました? パーク内での数少ない玩具取り扱ってるので寄ってみては?
Lego specialty store! The clerk explained the newly released Mario and Luigi. Mario's seal at the end ? We have a few toys in the park so please stop by ?
山田喜行 on Google

息子と必ず来るお店。アウトレットにきたら、最初に行く。夢があるし、童心にかえることができる。 アウトレットなので、価格も手頃。普段、時間がないお父さんも満足できるお店。ぜひ、どうぞ。
A shop that always comes with my son. When you come to the outlet, go first. I have a dream and can turn into a childhood. As it is an outlet, the price is reasonable. A shop that can satisfy even fathers who usually do not have time. By all means, please.
Johnny lee on Google

Small one . Lego is more expensive in Japan mostly

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