大きいサイズ 取扱い店 LAX本店 名古屋 大須店 - Nagoya

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 大きいサイズ 取扱い店 LAX本店 名古屋 大須店

住所 :

Osu, Naka Ward, Nagoya, 〒460-0011 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 460-0011
Webサイト : https://www.lax-outfitters.site/
街 : Aichi

Osu, Naka Ward, Nagoya, 〒460-0011 Aichi,Japan
ayaka on Google

先日初めて大須へ行った際に寄らせていただきました。Googleマップで調べて行ったのですが、お店の写真もたくさん投稿されていたのですぐ分かりました♩ 店内に入ると写真付の商品が多数あり、可愛い服がたくさんありました!! 商品のそばに写真があるのでイメージしやすく、いつもネットでしか自分の服を買わない私には試着もでき、ゆっくり店内を見ることができとても買い物がしやすかったです(^^) サイズはLL,3L,4L,5L,6Lがありました✨ 好みの服ばかりで迷いに迷った結果 Tシャツ2点とズボンを1つ購入しました✨ 私はレディースの大きいサイズの売り場を見てたのですが、旦那さんも私の買い物中にメンズの大きいサイズで買い物をしていたようで⭐️ いつも待たせていて申し訳ないなぁと思っていたのですがお互いが買い物を楽しめてとても良かったです? レギュラーサイズもあったようなので次は家族みんなで遊びに行きたいと思ってます。
I stopped by when I went to Osu for the first time the other day. I looked it up on Google Maps, but I found out immediately because many photos of the shop were posted. When I entered the store, there were many products with pictures, and there were many cute clothes! !! It's easy to imagine because there is a picture near the product, and for me who always buy my clothes only online, I could try it on, and I could see the inside of the store slowly and it was very easy to shop (^^) There were LL, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L sizes ✨ The result of getting lost with only your favorite clothes I bought 2 T-shirts and 1 pair of pants ✨ I was looking at the ladies'large size store, but it seems that my husband was also shopping for men's large size during my shopping ⭐️ I'm sorry to have kept you waiting all the time, but it was great that we both enjoyed shopping ? It seems that there was also a regular size, so next time I would like to go play with the whole family.
大竹愛子(いちごくれーぷ) on Google

There are a lot of large size clothes in the back of the shop, and I found the first clothing store I've ever seen that "large size + design is good". Large-sized clothes that you often see in other stores have a plain feel and are not fashionable. Although it is a large size, it is fashionable and not more expensive than Sakae, so I like it quite a lot.
さとうひろむ on Google

大きいサイズの服でいつも困っていました。 自分に似合う服のサイズやデザインが分からず、お洒落にも無頓着でした。 しかし、このお店に来て、背の高いスタッフさん(店長さん?)にコーディネートしてもらい、自分では絶対に選ぶことのないお洒落な服でコーディネートをしてもらえました。 また、他のお店よりも親身になって相談に乗って頂きながら服を選べたので、とても助かりました。 是非また次の季節の服も、このお店で買いたいと思います。
I've always had a problem with large clothes. I didn't know the size and design of the clothes that suits me, so I was casually dressed. However, when I came to this shop, I had a tall staff (manager? In addition, I was able to choose clothes while being more intimate and consulting than other shops, so it was very helpful. I would definitely like to buy clothes for the next season at this store as well.
たかこ on Google

ここ良かったなぁ、、、ガタイの良いダーリンの洋服いつも困るんだよねぇ。 人と被らないデザインが沢山あって、サイズも豊富!! 販売員さんも優しくて、一緒に考えてくれる親身な接客に満足! 洋服も3枚良いのが買えて満足!
It's good here ... I'm always in trouble with the darling clothes that are good. There are lots of designs that don't wear with people, and there are plenty of sizes! ! The salesperson is also kind and satisfied with the friendly customer who thinks together! We are satisfied that we can buy 3 pieces of clothes!
鈴木順平 on Google

ずっと気になっていたお店だったので寄らせて頂きました。 サイズは、2L 3L 4L 5L までありました。 店内の奥に大きいサイズのコーナーがあり ベイシックな服より、デザインがある服が多かったので とても嬉しかったです。 ファッションには詳しくないのでお店の方と一緒に服を選びました。 とても親切に服を選んで頂き ジャケットとパーカー、Tシャツ、カラーパンツを買わせて頂きました。 友達からも服の評判が良かったので もっと早くお世話になっていればと後悔してます(笑) またお店の方と服を選びたいと思います。
It was a shop that I've always been interested in, so I stopped by. The size was up to 2L 3L 4L 5L. There is a large corner in the back of the store Because there were more clothes with designs than basic clothes I was very happy. I'm not familiar with fashion, so I chose clothes with the shop staff. Please choose your clothes very kindly I bought a jacket, a hoodie, a T-shirt, and color pants. The clothes were well received by my friends I regret that I would be taken care of sooner (laughs) I would also like to choose clothes with the shop staff.
ちゅばちゅぱ on Google

とても良かったです まず品揃えがいいです 値段を見ると一見古着屋?と思ったんですけど 古着屋じゃなくて全部新品の服が置いてありました。定員さんも話しかけやすくとても印象が良かったですまた来ようと思いました
It was very good First of all, the assortment is good Looking at the price, it looks like a used clothing store? I thought It wasn't a used clothing store, but all new clothes were placed there. The capacity was easy to talk to and I was very impressed. I thought I would come again.
Bee Bee on Google

よく買ってたんですが、色黒のロン毛の店員が他の店員に口汚く罵る様に怒ってて気分悪かったんで、もう2度と行きません。 LINEからも消します。 何を怒ってたかは知りませんが、余程貴方の方がこの商売向いてません。 客前であんな言葉遣いを使わない事くらい接客業のいろはの「い」です。
I used to buy it a lot, but I was angry and sick of the dark-skinned long-haired clerk as if I was swearing at another clerk, so I will never go again. It will also be erased from LINE. I don't know what made me angry, but you aren't very good at this business. The color of the hospitality business is "I" so that you don't use such words in front of customers.
ぐっちょ on Google

大須に来たら絶対に足を運んでしまうお店!! いつも何を買おうか迷ってしまうほど、好みの大きいサイズの服がお店の奥の方にあります。 店員さんも気軽に話しかけやすい優しい雰囲気の方がいっぱいで、自分でコーディネートをするのが苦手な私は、分からないことがあったらすぐに店員さんを呼んでしまいます。 特に店長さんか副店長さんに声を掛けるのがオススメです!! お気に入りのお店が見つかって本当に良かったなって思います。
A shop that you will definitely visit when you come to Osu! !! There are big clothes in the back of the store that you like so much that you always wonder what to buy. The clerk is full of friendly atmospheres that are easy to talk to, and I am not good at coordinating myself, so if I have any questions, I will immediately call the clerk. It is especially recommended to talk to the store manager or deputy store manager! !! I'm really glad I found my favorite shop.

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