Lawson - Kofu

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Lawson

住所 :

2154-6 Osatomachi, Kofu, Yamanashi 400-0053, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 400-0053
Webサイト :

2154-6 Osatomachi, Kofu, Yamanashi 400-0053, Japan
Ma Mi on Google

ほいじゃっ on Google

Ordinary Lawson
山中洋一 on Google

Ordinary Lawson
Littleケンヂ on Google

角地からすぐ横に移転 リニュアルopen
Immediately moved from the corner Renewal open
白ト黒 on Google

There are few notations on things that warm up the self-range, and the attitude of the clerk is inexperienced even if you ask questions, so the headquarters should give a little more guidance.
門正仁 on Google

It's a convenience store that is easy to enter along the highway, but I hope you can clean the toilet a little more.
ゴメ山ゴメ男 on Google

朝晩もの凄く混雑する?交差点の角に位置している為、反対車線からの?️駐車場への進入は困難です⁉️ (入りたくても入れない?) 令和元年12月6日、西隣にリニューアルオープンしました‼️ オーナーが読売ジャイアンツの選手と交流があるらしく、原監督や水野、川口らの開店祝いのお花が飾ってありました⁉️ 新しい店舗は山梨県内では初めて見る店内奥にレジがあるタイプです! また、セブンみたいにコーヒーマシンがあり、もう店員さんは作ってくれません⁉️唐揚げくんも自分でケースから取り出すタイプでした⁉️ 一番ビックリしたのは「イートインスペース」で、窓際のテーブルには各席にコンセントとUSB端子があり、スマホなど充電し放題です? 今からのコンビニはこうなるんだなぁと感心させられました⁉️
It is very crowded in the morning and evening ? It is located at the corner of the intersection, so it is difficult to enter the parking lot from the opposite lane ?️ (You can't enter it even if you want to) Renewal opening on the west side on December 6 ️ The owner seemed to have interaction with the Yomiuri Giants players, and the opening celebration flowers of Director Hara, Mizuno, Kawaguchi et al. The new store has a cash register at the back of the store for the first time in Yamanashi Prefecture! Also, there is a coffee machine like Seven, and the clerk will no longer make it ⁉️Karage-kun was also the type to take out from the case yourself ⁉️ The most surprised thing was “Eat-in-space”, and there is an outlet and a USB terminal on each table on the table by the window. I was impressed that the convenience store from now on will be like this ⁉️
加藤忠宏 on Google

I bought a sandwich and used the eat-in space. However, the route leading to the entrance was blocked by a clerk with a black board during utilization. I didn't say that I shouldn't use it (the toilet was banned). Moreover, it is silent. Although it was said that the use of the toilet was prohibited, quite a few people were using it. The parking lot is large. It is a large convenience store.

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