Lawson Meguro Nakacho 1-chome - Meguro City

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Lawson Meguro Nakacho 1-chome

住所 :

1 Chome-26-11 Nakacho, Meguro City, Tokyo 153-0065, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 153-0065
Webサイト :

1 Chome-26-11 Nakacho, Meguro City, Tokyo 153-0065, Japan
正田樹典 on Google

I also dropped in the other day (Saturday night), but the clerk's tension was so high that he gave up laughing and responded with high tension ^^; But it was very pleasant and pleasant !! ^ ▽ ^ *)
渡辺和宣 on Google

This shop sells various things. Thank you for picking up the d POINT card. I also want to shop.
大森一生 on Google

いつも利用しています。 商品かとても充実しており、店員さんのゲイっぽい明るい雰囲気が楽しいです。これからも利用したいですね。
I always use it. The products are very fulfilling, and I enjoy the gay atmosphere of the clerk. I want to continue using it.
K M (M K) on Google

Many young employees are always high tension, and even young children are polite to serve customers. A convenience store that is rare and familiar in Tokyo.
有明夢 on Google

すっごく明るくて思わず笑顔になってしまう対応(⌒▽⌒) 車椅子の子を連れてきた時も、手厚いご協力いただきました!感謝です♩
Correspondence that makes you smile unintentionally because it is so bright (⌒ ▽ ⌒) Even when I brought a child in a wheelchair, I received generous cooperation! Thank you ♩
MARK DJ on Google

いつも当ローソンをご利用頂きまして、誠にありがとうございます?。ご来店頂いているお客様には感謝しても、しきれない気持ちでいっぱいで御座います?。これからもより一層の日々の努力に務め、お客様との会話の絶えない店、お年寄りに優しい店、変なテンションでお客様が引いてしまう馬鹿馬鹿しい店を目指して参る所存で御座います?。体の動く限り頑張ります!! お客様のコメントで『バイクを停めるな』とご指摘を頂きましたが、遠くから通っているスタッフも居りますので、その件に関してはご容赦下さいませ?。 これからも宜しくお願い致します?。 ローソン目黒中町一丁目店 オーナー【弟の方】でした?。
Thank you very much for using Lawson. Even if you thank the customers who come to the store, I will be full of feelings that can not be met. Going forward, I will continue to strive for daily efforts, aiming to be a store with constant conversations with customers, a store that is kind to the elderly, and a stupid store that customers will be attracted to by strange tensions. I will do my best as long as the body moves! ! In the customer's comment, you pointed out, “Don't stop the bike”, but there are some staff members who travel from a distance, so please forgive me about that matter. Thank you for your continued support. I was the owner [Law brother] of Lawson Meguro Nakamachi 1-chome store.
MARK DJ on Google

I have been working as a member of this team since the Nakameguro era. ?. There were FamilyMart and 7-Eleven nearby, but Lawson here was very energetic, the cashier and other jobs were quick, and the store's products were more than anything else, so I decided to work part-time ?. It was difficult to learn the work at first because it is a shop where many customers come, but the guidance of my seniors is kind, polite and there are individual differences, but I got used to it relatively quickly. I also recommend it to students who are looking for a part-time job. ❗ The hourly wage is not high, but I can work happily anyway ... I think that is the best ... ⁉️. By the way, this area is famous for its high-tension shops ?. That's how other stores aren't doing well ... By the way ... I was in Nakameguro (Kamimeguro 3-chome store) before here. It was a famous shop at that time as well. There was a DJ booth in the store and it became a famous meeting place ? It was a crazy Lawson ? ...
Achako Gomenne on Google

コンビニはいつも、ここを利用してます。店員さん達が笑っちゃうほど威勢が良くて元気です。お買い得コーナーが有ったりして何か、他のコンビニより安い気がします。外国人のお客さんも多く、店員さんで、英語がペラペラの人が居たり、フランス語も話せるバイリンガルのスタッフさんが居たりで、ある意味…最先端のコンビニです。近場の人は行ってみて下さい! スタッフさんは他のコンビニと違って外国人の方は居らず、100%日本人なので安心して買物が出来ます! 好きかどうかは個人差が有りますけどね...このエリアでは有名なお店です。お店のスタッフさんのノリは、八百屋か、元気の有る酒場みたいです?。店員さんが素直で正直な方たちばかりで、何か気楽で自由に働いてますよ?
Convenience stores always use this place. The clerk is so dashing and energetic that he laughs. There is a bargain corner and I feel that it is cheaper than other convenience stores. There are many foreign customers, there are clerk who are fluent in English, and there are bilingual staff who can speak French, so in a sense ... it is a state-of-the-art convenience store. If you are in the vicinity, please go! Unlike other convenience stores, the staff does not have foreigners and is 100% Japanese, so you can shop with confidence! There are individual differences in whether you like it or not ... It's a famous shop in this area. The staff of the shop is like a greengrocer or a lively bar ?. The clerk is all honest and honest, and I am comfortable and free to work ?

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