Lawson - Chiyoda City

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Lawson

住所 :

3 Chome-7-16 Iwamotochō, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 101-0032, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 101-0032
Webサイト :

3 Chome-7-16 Iwamotochō, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 101-0032, Japan
星空秋(あっきー) on Google

駐車場・駐輪場なし トイレあり(男女共用1) イートインなし マチカフェあり ゴミ箱あり(店外)
No parking / bicycle parking Toilet available (unisex 1) No eat-in There is a machi cafe There is a trash can (outside the store)
コンビニマニア on Google

近くにまいばすけっとが2件。 商圏環境は厳しいと想像するが実直な運営をしている印象。
There are two Maiskets nearby. I imagine that the business area environment is harsh, but the impression is that the operation is straightforward.
Y M on Google

おでんの買い方が特殊で便利です。 (おでんの具のカードをレジに持って行くシステム) あとは至ってふつうのローソンです。
How to buy oden is special and convenient. (A system that brings oden ingredients cards to the cash register) The rest is a normal Lawson.
freya long on Google

It is small and the assortment of frozen foods is not good. However, many of the staff are kind, so it feels good.
Hiroaki Kaneko on Google

店内はそれほど広くなく、高い棚に商品が陳列され、それによって通路が狭まっているため、狭い店内が一層狭く感じる。店員が商品陳列していると、レジに並んでいる人の確認が出来ない可能性があるのが難点に思われる。 しかしここの店員の対応は、近隣のコンビニと比較すると素晴らしい。上記の通り陳列作業中はレジに並んでいる人が見えず、客の動向が把握できないと思っていたが、レジには少なくとも1人以上がおり、しかも列が出来ていることが察知されると、他のレジにもスタッフを配置するため、効率よく且つ素早く会計を済ませることが出来る。声もハキハキとしており、(心中までは分からないが)嫌そうに対応しているところも見られない。得てして昼間は対応がよくても夜間の対応が壊滅的にダメな場合があるが、少なくとも利用したことのある夜間時に、そのような不愉快な目にあったことはない。 店内のレイアウトに難がいくつかあるものの、スタッフの対応や会計の効率性の側面では非常に利用しやすいコンビニと言える。
The inside of the store is not so large, and the products are displayed on high shelves, which narrows the aisles, which makes the narrow store feel even smaller. When the clerk is displaying the products, it seems that it may not be possible to confirm the people in line at the cash register. However, the response of the clerk here is excellent compared to the convenience stores in the neighborhood. As mentioned above, I thought that I could not see the people lined up at the cash register during the display work and could not grasp the movement of customers, but it is detected that there is at least one person at the cash register and there is a line. Since staff are also assigned to other cash registers, it is possible to complete the checkout efficiently and quickly. The voice is also fluttering, and there is no place to respond unpleasantly (although I do not know to the heart). Even if the response is good in the daytime, the response at night may be catastrophic, but at least at night when I have used it, I have never had such an unpleasant eye. Although there are some difficulties in the layout of the store, it can be said that it is a very easy-to-use convenience store in terms of staff support and accounting efficiency.
にゃんこゴールド on Google

There is no toilet, but there are cigarettes and alcohol. In addition, assortment is good as it is. The entrance is barrier-free, so it's easy for wheelchairs and strollers
Akira Takahama on Google

レジが3つあり、向かって右(入り口からでは一番奥)のレジは、有人レジとセルフレジの兼用になっている。混雑しやすい昼食時間帯であれば全てを有人レジにするならまだしも、空いている時間帯にセルフレジに切り替えないのが理解に苦しむ。おかげで1~3品程度の簡単な会計で終わるはずなのに10品以上購入する前の客の会計が終わるまで会計が出来ず、無駄な待ちを強いられることとなった。 ささっと買い物したいのであれば、まずレジの表示を確認した方がいい。もし該当レジがセルフレジに切り替えられていないのであれば、他のコンビニを利用した方がいいだろう。
There are three cash registers, and the cash register on the right (the farthest from the entrance) is used as both a manned cash register and a self-service cash register. It's hard to understand if you don't switch to self-checkout during vacant hours, even if you want to use manned checkouts during lunch hours when it's easy to get crowded. Thanks to this, although it should have been a simple checkout of about 1 to 3 items, it was not possible to make a checkout until the checkout of the customer before purchasing 10 or more items was completed, and he was forced to wait in vain. If you want to shop quickly, you should first check the display on the cash register. If the cash register has not been switched to self-checkout, you should use another convenience store.
Johan Nienkemper on Google

Friendly and always happy to help with our coffee.

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