Lawson - Kawasaki

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Lawson

住所 :

5 Chome-3-1 Kamikodanaka, Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 211-0053, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8787
Postal code : 211-0053
Webサイト :

5 Chome-3-1 Kamikodanaka, Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 211-0053, Japan
相澤龍也 on Google

最近の夜勤のお兄さんの態度が良く、笑顔で接客し てくれて毎日寄って買いに行ってます!
The attitude of the older brother of the night shift is good recently, and he serves customers with a smile. He stopped by every day to buy it!
小田切悦子 on Google

Next to Lawson, there was a specialty store for cigarettes in a private room store. They were very good managers and employees, with a wide variety of products, where they became familiar customers, and received free samples and extra items. It's been a tough time for smokers. The general convenience store and making are the same. The brand and price of cigarettes are hard to see, and I don't have what I want. All the complaints are, the sweets are delicious! ️
ポンゆうこ on Google

最近50代ぐらいの愛想の悪い女店員がいる。(大体夕方~夜にかけて) いらっしゃいませもありがとうございましたも言わない。 無言で会計し、箸もこっちが言わないとつけてくれない。 しゃべればため口。 こいつがいるせいでローソンに行く気が失せるし、別の人にレジをやってもらいたいのだが、結構な確率でいる。 オーナーの妻かもしれないが、態度がふてぶてしいので辞めて欲しい。 若いバイトの子のほうがずっとマシ。
Recently, there is an unfriendly female clerk in her 50s. (Approximately evening to night) I don't say thank you for coming. I pay silently, and I can't put on chopsticks unless I tell them. If you talk I'm discouraged from going to Lawson because of this guy, and I'd like another person to check out, but there's a good chance. It may be the owner's wife, but I want her to quit because she has a strange attitude. The younger part-time job is much better.
服部半蔵 on Google

感染対策が出来てない店員が居る。1人の店員は見かけるといつもマスクをアゴに引っ掻けている。その上で、いらっしゃいませなどの挨拶はそこそこの声量を出している。飛沫感染の対策マニュアルが存在しないのですか? 商品のラインナップは好きで来てたけど、その店員いる時は入店しない方がいい。 他の店員も注意しないとか異常。 次見かけたら、カスタマーに連絡します。
There is a clerk who has not been able to take measures against infection. One clerk always scratches his mask on his chin when he sees it. On top of that, greetings such as welcome are giving a decent amount of voice. Is there a manual for measures against droplet infection? I liked the product lineup, but it's better not to enter the store when the clerk is there. It is abnormal that other clerk does not pay attention. The next time you see it, contact the customer.
伊勢宗瑞 on Google

I've been using it since I was a kid, so I've always been attached to it, but I was surprised that the attitude of an old man in his late 50s who was in the middle of the night was too bad. Even if you bring the product to the cash register, you will not stop the product from being put out right behind you, and you will not be ignored and called. When I thought I had called him about three times, I had a bad attitude, and the door made a noise and intimidated me, and it was so harmful that I thought I should quit if I didn't like my job. I'm sad because I've been using it for a long time.
fuelmaster on Google

ゆうパックを取り扱っているローソンさんにお邪魔しました。 時間をとってしまうので、他のお客様に迷惑をかけてしまうのですが貴重なコンビニなのでご勘弁
I visited Lawson, who handles Yu-Pack. It takes time, so it causes trouble for other customers, but it is a valuable convenience store, so please forgive me
eisin saito on Google

面積狭めなお店。 見切り品がレジ前に多く並んでいました。 私が訪問したときの接客は、ごく普通! 2021/09
A shop with a small area. Many closeout items were lined up in front of the cash register. The customer service when I visit is very normal! 2021/09
k Y on Google

日中に行くことが多いですが、かなりな頻度でいる若い男性スタッフ2人が特に対応がいいです。 元気でハキハキしているけどうるさくない感じで、気遣いができる接客 商品のラインナップもよく、お値下げ品もあるのでありがたい
I often go there during the day, but the two young male staff, who are quite frequent, are particularly good at dealing with it. Customer service that is energetic and cheerful but not noisy and can be caring The product lineup is good, and I am grateful that there are also discounted products.

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