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Contact 整体 LARK

住所 :

Minamitsunobecho, Daito, 〒574-0016 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89898
Webサイト : https://www.instagram.com/seitai_lark/
街 : Osaka

Minamitsunobecho, Daito, 〒574-0016 Osaka,Japan
宮城千代子 on Google

I went to several osteopathic clinics after I was diagnosed with cervical spondylosis 6 or 7 years ago, but it didn't improve, but my teacher's treatment made it easier like a lie. ? In my 60s, driving long distances is no longer a pain. I am grateful to the teacher and thank you for your continued support.
吉田みわ on Google

月に2回ほど通っています。 柔道整復師の方が施術をされているので、安心出来ます。私の身体の特徴を捉えて施術されるので、疲れた身体も癒されます。 個室なので、リラックス出来ますよ!
I go there twice a month. You can rest assured that a Judo rehabilitation person is performing the procedure. I will treat the tired body as it is treated by grasping the characteristics of my body. It's a private room, so you can relax!
2MKL hope on Google

I had a ache around my scapula and woke up every day in the middle of the night, but since I started going there, my pain has been alleviated and my body has gradually become lighter. My neck also has a lot of pain, so I will continue to go. The manipulative teacher is also a healing type, and there is a sense of security (^ ^)
ちはる on Google

月に一度程度、骨盤矯正、頭蓋骨矯正、頸椎矯正で通っています。 これまで数多くの整体へ行ったことがありますが、こちらは技術力が高く満足しています。 先生はまだ若いですが、柔道整復師の資格を持っているだけあり、施術が上手です。 決して料金は安くはないですが、あまり時間をかけずとも辛い身体が確実に楽になるのでオススメです。
I go through pelvic correction, skull correction and cervical spine correction once a month. I've been to a lot of manipulative techniques so far, but I'm satisfied with their high technical capabilities. Although the teacher is still young, he has a qualification as a judo reduction teacher, so he is good at operation. The price is not cheap, but I recommend it because it will surely ease your spicy body without spending too much time.
ob k on Google

肩周りに怠さを感じていたため緊急事態宣言前に訪れました。 初回は肩甲骨剥がしと頭蓋骨矯正をお願いしました。 丁寧な施術のうえ、料金や好転反応(揉み返し)などについても詳しくご説明いただき、安心してお任せすることができました。 またコロナが落ち着けば行かせていただきます!
I visited before I declared an emergency because I felt lazy around my shoulder. For the first time, I asked for scapula peeling and skull correction. In addition to careful treatment, we were able to explain in detail about the fee and the favorable reaction (rubbing back), and we were able to leave it with confidence. I will go again if the corona calms down!
イゾウ on Google

友人の紹介で行ってきました。 身体の痛む箇所や症状から施術を提案していただけたので、 痛むけどどのメニューを受けるのが良いのかわからなくても、しっかり丁寧に相談、対応していただけました。 また、日々のどういった癖から痛みが出やすくなるのか、 どういったことに気をつけたら良いのか等も教えていただきました。 若い先生ですが、柔道整復師の資格も持っており施術の腕も確かです。 デスクワークで酷使している首周り、肩の痛みがとても楽になりました。長さがずれてしまっていた足も骨盤矯正できれいに整えていただきました。 アルコール消毒液設置などは勿論、 完全予約制で他のお客さんと鉢合うといったこともないので、このご時世でも安心でした。(人見知りでも落ち着いて先生と相談できるんも良い点でした。)
I went with a friend's introduction. Since you suggested the treatment from the painful part and symptoms of the body, Even though it hurts, even if I don't know which menu to take, I was able to consult and respond carefully. Also, what kind of daily habits make pain more likely to occur? He also told me what to be careful about. Although he is a young teacher, he is also qualified as a Judo rehabilitation teacher and has a solid skill in treatment. The pain around my neck and shoulders, which I overwork at my desk work, has become much easier. The legs, which had been out of length, were also neatly trimmed by pelvic correction. Not to mention the installation of alcohol disinfectant It was a complete reservation system, and I didn't have to deal with other customers, so I was relieved even at this time. (It was also a good point to be able to calmly consult with the teacher even if you are shy.)

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