ボードゲームカフェ Laplace

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ボードゲームカフェ Laplace

住所 :

Maison Nakakasai, 5 Chome−13−1, Nakakasai, Edogawa City, 〒134-0083 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://sites.google.com/view/cafelaplace
Opening hours :
Saturday 1–11PM
Sunday 1–11PM
Monday 1–11PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 1–11PM
Thursday 1–11PM
Friday 1–11PM
街 : Tokyo

Maison Nakakasai, 5 Chome−13−1, Nakakasai, Edogawa City, 〒134-0083 Tokyo,Japan
Rittu on Google

なつしゅん on Google

店員さんが優しくボードゲームを優しく教えてくださいました!内装もとても綺麗でお飲み物も美味しかったです! また、来店したいです!楽しかった!
The clerk kindly taught me the board game! The interior was very beautiful and the drinks were delicious! I want to come to the store again! was fun!
ゆ〜〜ん on Google

学生証あれば平日500円引き、ワンドリンク制ですがポイント貯めれば100円〜500円安くなるので行けば行くほどお得ですね。 やったことの無いボドゲで困っていたら、親切に教えていただけたので楽しかったです!種類豊富なので、やったことあるボドゲもありました。また行きます。
If you have a student ID card, you can get a 500 yen discount on weekdays, and you can have a drink, but if you save points, it will be 100 to 500 yen cheaper, so the more you go, the better. If you were having trouble with a board game that you had never done before, it was fun because you kindly taught me! There are many types of board games, so I've done some board games. I will go again.
黒みつきなこ on Google

I used it several times. Even beginners can enjoy it because the capacity will kindly teach you the rules of the game! It's a little far from the station, but it's easy to understand because it's along the railroad tracks!
杉山統 on Google

昔からゲームや楽しいことが好きで開店初日から夫婦で来店しました。 初めてのゲームしかないので不安ばかりでしたが店長さんの説明がとても分かりやすくすぐにのめり込めました! 難しいゲームから分かりやすいゲームまで有名なボードゲームも教えて頂きやって見てその理由が分かりました! 値段もフリータイムがあり一日中遊んでいられます! その後ですが一人で遊びに行っても遊べるので心地がいいです! 葛西にオープンして頂きありがとう御座います!!!\(^o^)/
I've always loved games and fun, so I came to the store as a couple from the first day of opening. I was worried because it was my first game, but the manager's explanation was very easy to understand and I was immediately absorbed in it! I learned about famous board games, from difficult games to easy-to-understand games, and found out why! There is free time for the price and you can play all day long! After that, it's comfortable because you can play even if you go to play alone! Thank you for opening in Kasai! !! !! \ (^ O ^) /
典前 on Google

店内明るくお一人でも入りやすい環境です。 お昼は子供中心、夕方以降から大人ってイメージがあります。 夜はTwitter等の周知なしに閉まっていることが在るのでご注意ください
The store is bright and easy to enter by yourself. There is an image of children as the center for lunch and adults as adults from the evening onwards. Please note that it may be closed at night without notice such as Twitter.
もえ on Google

初めて伺いましたが、スタッフの方とても親切にしていただき、楽しく過ごすことができました! また寒い時期だったので、店内とても暖かく、快適でした。また遊びに伺います!
I visited for the first time, but the staff were very kind and I had a good time! It was cold again, so the inside of the store was very warm and comfortable. I will come back to play!
doray am on Google

ボードゲームは初めて体験しましたが、3時間で店員さんおすすめのゲームを4つほどやりました。 頭を使うゲーム、何も考えず楽しめるゲーム、ジャンルも多彩でみっちり楽しめました。 設備もきれいで、店員さんも親切でした。また行きたいです。
I experienced a board game for the first time, but in 3 hours I played about 4 games recommended by the clerk. I enjoyed a variety of games that use my head, games that I can enjoy without thinking about anything, and genres. The facilities were clean and the clerk was kind. I want to go again.

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