LAKIA不動産 なんば店

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LAKIA不動産なんば店 | 大阪市難波区中央区の不動産情報 -


LAKIA不動産なんば店 | 大阪市難波区中央区の不動産情報 -



Contact LAKIA不動産 なんば店

住所 :

Nanbasennichimae, Chuo Ward, 〒542-0075 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト :
街 : Osaka

Nanbasennichimae, Chuo Ward, 〒542-0075 Osaka,Japan
k on Google

初めて大阪に引っ越すため、治安や住み心地など分からないことが多く不安だったのですが、担当してくださった中山さんが場所ごとの環境やおすすめなどを詳しく教えてくれました。また、初期費用を最低限に抑えられるようにしてくださいました。 引っ越し後も問題等があれば対応してくれるそうなので、今後もよろしくお願いします。
Since I am moving to Osaka for the first time, I was worried because I didn't know much about security and living comfort, but Mr. Nakayama, who was in charge, gave me detailed information about the environment and recommendations for each location. We also tried to keep the initial cost to a minimum. It seems that if there are any problems after moving, they will respond, so I look forward to working with you in the future.
2 2 on Google

担当者に確定申告書を紛失されました。 12月中旬に契約書にサインをする為向かっていると必要書類の給料明細と間違えて確定申告書を持って来てることに気づき「また別日に変更した方がいいか」と確認すると担当者が「確定申告書でも大丈夫」なのと、なぜか「別のスタッフが対応する」ことをその電話で言われました。帰宅後、確定申告書を返してもらってない事を思い出し、担当者に連絡すると郵送するとのことだったのでお願いしました。 仕事が忙しく鍵渡しの日から3週間ほど経ってからの入居でした。 すると1月中旬になってもまだ確定申告書を返してもらえず担当者に連絡すると「送りました」と言われ「どこにも届いてない」と言うと「確認します」。後日電話が来て「僕送りましたよね?」と言ってきました。「郵便局に確認してみます、もし紛失した場合弁償します」と。そこから3日、音沙汰なくこちらから連絡すると「まだ郵便局に確認中です」。さらに音沙汰なく1週間後、こちらから催促すると電話がかかってきて「まだ確認できていません」と。 そのあと連絡で確定申告書を送ったのか捨てたのか、なんにも記憶がないとのことでした。こんな事があったのに責任者からの連絡はおそらく担当者が紛失させてから1ヶ月半後です。 個人情報を適当に扱われて今の家は気に入っていますが少しでもこの不動産と関わってることが恐怖です。
The person in charge lost the tax return. When I was heading to sign the contract in mid-December, I noticed that I brought the final tax return by mistake for the salary statement of the required documents, and I was in charge of confirming "Should I change it on another day?" The person said on the phone that "the final tax return is okay" and that "another staff member will handle it" for some reason. After returning home, I remembered that I had not returned the final tax return, and when I contacted the person in charge, I was told that I would mail it. I was busy with work and moved in about three weeks after the day I handed over the keys. Then, even in mid-January, I couldn't get the final tax return back, and when I contacted the person in charge, I was told "I sent it" and when I said "I haven't received it anywhere", I "confirm". Later, a phone call came and said, "You sent me, right?" "I'll check with the post office, and if I lose it, I'll reimburse you." On the 3rd, when I contacted him without any notice, he said, "We are still checking with the post office." One week later, when I urged him from here, he received a phone call saying, "I haven't confirmed it yet." After that, he said that he had no memory of whether he sent the final tax return or abandoned it. Even though this happened, the person in charge probably contacted me one and a half months after the person in charge lost it. I like my house now because my personal information is handled properly, but I'm afraid to be involved in this real estate even a little.
みみ on Google

宮下さんに丁寧で優しく対応をして頂きました。色々わがままを聞いて頂き 納得の行く物件が見つかり本当に助かりました。他の従業員さんも優しく絶対物件探しならLAKIA不動産にした方がいいと思います。 ありがとうございました。
Mr. Miyashita responded politely and kindly. Please listen to various selfishness It was really helpful to find a property that I was satisfied with. If other employees are kind and absolutely looking for a property, I think LAKIA Real Estate should be used. Thank you very much.
わたんこ(わたんこ) on Google

Mr. Oyama responded to me by introducing my senior at my part-time job. There were many things I didn't understand during the procedure for moving for the first time, but I was grateful for the detailed explanations one by one. It took me a long time to find the essential house, and I was able to find it with confidence. I was glad that you could introduce more properties than I expected in the end.
ひろこ on Google

中山さんに担当していただきました。 予約なしで来店しましたが、お忙しい中親切に対応してくださいました。 優柔不断で悩みに悩み決めかねていたのですが、アドバイスをもらいながら、無事に決めることが出来ました。 職場までも近く徒歩で通勤出来、この物件にして本当によかったと思ってます? 口コミを書くのが遅くなりすみませんでした?‍♀️ また引っ越すことがあれば中山さんにお願いしたいです! 難波付近で不動産屋を探してる方はぜひ行ってみてください!対応も親切で本当にオススメです(^^)
Mr. Nakayama was in charge. I came to the store without a reservation, but he kindly responded to me while I was busy. I was indecisive and couldn't decide because of my worries, but I was able to decide safely while receiving advice. I was able to commute to work on foot near my workplace, and I'm really glad I made this property ? Sorry for the late writing of reviews ?‍♀️ I would like to ask Mr. Nakayama if I have to move again! If you are looking for a real estate agent near Namba, please go! Correspondence is kind and is really recommended (^^)
m on Google

I was worried whether it would work for my first move, but Mr. Yamashiro, who was in charge, suggested a lot of things that met the conditions! The speed of my work was really fast, and I was so grateful that I found a wonderful property ? I was able to talk from accurate explanations to Osaka stories during the preview, and it was so quick! thank you very much! I'm really looking forward to living from next month ?
梅崎かえで on Google

友人のご紹介で中山さんにご対応頂きました。 部屋の内装にこだわりがありお部屋探しに時間が大変かかるかと不安に思っておりましたが、とても丁寧で安心してお部屋を決めることができました。 また、後半月で引っ越ししたいという要望にも応えて頂き本当にありがとうございました!! また引っ越しや紹介する際はラキア不動産なんば店の中山さんにお願いしようと思います。 本当にありがとうございました。
Mr. Nakayama responded with the introduction of a friend. I was worried that it would take a long time to find a room because I was particular about the interior of the room, but I was very polite and able to decide on a room with peace of mind. Also, thank you very much for responding to the request to move in the second half of the month! !! Also, when moving or introducing, I would like to ask Mr. Nakayama of Rakia Real Estate Namba store. I'm really thankful to you.
中山. on Google

急な引っ越しの為、LAKIA不動産なんば店に飛び込みでご対応して頂いたのですが、お店に入った瞬間から皆さんで出迎え」頂いたりとすごくお店の雰囲気が良かったです! 担当していただいた中山さんは、丁寧で気配りもよく、住む場所がどんな所かなども詳しく安心して任せることが出来ました! 知らないことでもわかりやすく教えて頂けるのでおすすめの不動産屋さんになりました!! 次引っ越す際や友人には紹介させて頂きたいなと思います。 ありがとうございました!
Because of the sudden move, I jumped into the LAKIA Real Estate Namba store and responded, but the atmosphere of the store was very good, as everyone welcomed me from the moment I entered the store! Mr. Nakayama, who was in charge, was polite and attentive, and I was able to leave it to him in detail and with peace of mind about where he lived! I have become a recommended real estate agent because you can tell me in an easy-to-understand manner even if you do not know it! !! I would like to introduce it to my friends when I move next time. thank you!

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